richlind33: Clearly you nothing at all re social psychology.
Reaper9988: Well I'm a scientific person, supply evidence and I will check it out.
If you can't I'll just stick to the evidence I know.
I get the feeling this is very personal to you, in which case I'm sorry, but your judgement does seem very clouded.
Noone thinks rape should just be ignored, this is really only about fiction.
Take a look at what you think "reality" is, and try to prove it conclusively. You won't be able to. The best you can do is claim that reality is determined by popularity, but the masses are notoriously susceptible to the art of persuasion, so what the hell is that worth? Nothing, in my book. So what exactly is "reality"?
TheGrimLord: Alright, looks like I'm gonna have to explain this stuff.
This is the USA. Imagine it divided into three parts:
Communists / Independents /Absolutists
On the far left we have the extreme degenerates. This includes pedos, furries, the shitty diaper people, exc. They follow a code of society based morality though, which means you have to go by all their terminologies and let them identify as a bug or a Demon or whatever (yes, that's real).
In the middle we have the independents. These include people who like to live and let live. Don't bother me and I won't bother you. These people like to gatekeep because they don't want people fucking with their hobbies and interests. Some lean more to the right, some to the left. But never all the way. Freedom and independence is valued above all.
On the right we have the Absolutists. These are a vast majority white. It is what it is. They believe in religious morality, tradition, raising a family and no porn, masturbation, exc. Not surprisingly, a lot of white soup creamers are in this group.
I'm in the middle. I don't want the Absolutists or the shitty diaper people telling me what to do or what society should be.
Those are extremely offensive terms you're throwing out there. Weren't you just crying about me using "offensive" terminology? What the hell is wrong with you?
I have to admit that it's funny as hell watching a rape-porn lover throw shade at furries while claiming they're not an absolutist. lol