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Join Sophie, a private investigator, as she uncovers the mysteries of Steam City.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 40% off until 11th February 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated
Reaper9988: First I agree, please add a Filter.
Second, and I really can't speak for that as I don't use steam anymore since like ever.
Would the adult content filter catch this game or only the unrated patch ?

It's what's happening with the German store, the game without patch can easily be seem for the unrated I needed a VPN.
I'll agree it's silly but that's how the law goes.
As said before I would add the "normal" version to the filter too, because someone will always be offended by knowing there is possible AO parts in the game.
That's fine, I might not understand it, but I can accept it, it's sadly still a touchy subject.
bombardier: Of course it needs to include the "normal" version.
If we are not ok with uncensored rape, why would we be ok with rape behind large pixel blocks?
These games were created uncensored, then they are created into censored versions so that they can pretend that this is actually about the game, and not about the rape. Just as TheGrimLord so aptly slipped out. It is all about the perception, not the truth.
Censoring the game is done only so that GoG managers can claim that they are not in the porn game business.
One correction. Censored does not mean pixelation. It means removing the sex scenes entirely from the game. Some games are pixelated even uncensored as per Japanese law.
low rated
richlind33: If they weren't real, they wouldn't exist. Try stuffing a 1000 page book of fiction in your bum and tell me that it isn't real.

PS, the blood you'll see should give you a clue, snowflake. ;p
TheGrimLord: That was funny. I mean, you tried. Also, a really dumb answer. We said that the content of fiction is not real. And once again, here you go threatening me, dumbass. You can stop with all the threats and trying to act edgy.
But it's fictional, so how can it be violence? lol

Go ahead and try to rationally explain how a book of fiction has no effect whatsoever on those who read it.

I know of no research that supports that sort of nonsense, and as toma85 correctly noted, law certainly doesn't recognize that sort of sophistry. No, I don't want government to be a moral arbiter, but neither do I want misogyny and pedophilia being normalized.
low rated
TheGrimLord: So stop it, because you don't understand the games, the context or the community.
The problem is you are here in the wrong community.
This is general public community. This community will NEVER understand these games.
low rated
TheGrimLord: YES. Have you been that brainwashed by commiefornia schooling that you can't tell the difference?
richlind33: If they weren't real, they wouldn't exist. Try stuffing a 1000 page book of fiction in your bum and tell me that it isn't real.

PS, the blood you'll see should give you a clue, snowflake. ;p
Oh boy, and I thought you were somewhat sane.
Fish ?
bombardier: Of course it needs to include the "normal" version.
If we are not ok with uncensored rape, why would we be ok with rape behind large pixel blocks?
These games were created uncensored, then they are created into censored versions so that they can pretend that this is actually about the game, and not about the rape. Just as TheGrimLord so aptly slipped out. It is all about the perception, not the truth.
Censoring the game is done only so that GoG managers can claim that they are not in the porn game business.
TheGrimLord: One correction. Censored does not mean pixelation. It means removing the sex scenes entirely from the game. Some games are pixelated even uncensored as per Japanese law.
TheGrimLord: So stop it, because you don't understand the games, the context or the community.
bombardier: The problem is you are here in the wrong community.
This is general public community. This community will NEVER understand these games.
Hmmm are we ? Seems the same 5 or 6 people are arguing.
Most people rightly don't give a shit.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
TheGrimLord: That was funny. I mean, you tried. Also, a really dumb answer. We said that the content of fiction is not real. And once again, here you go threatening me, dumbass. You can stop with all the threats and trying to act edgy.
richlind33: But it's fictional, so how can it be violence? lol

Go ahead and try to rationally explain how a book of fiction has no effect whatsoever on those who read it.

I know of no research that supports that sort of nonsense, and as toma85 correctly noted, law certainly doesn't recognize that sort of sophistry. No, I don't want government to be a moral arbiter, but neither do I want misogyny and pedophilia being normalized.
Ah, book burning now. Spoken like a true commie. No, a true fascist. Even using the term "normalized" huh? Sir, you have already told me everything you needed to with this statement, you are an enemy of freedom.
TheGrimLord: So stop it, because you don't understand the games, the context or the community.
bombardier: The problem is you are here in the wrong community.
This is general public community. This community will NEVER understand these games.
That's fair. But yet they still watch violent porn and rape porn. Do I need to get out the pornhub statistics? Hentai itself was actually very popular last year, one of the top overall genres.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
toma85: ...
Gersen: In your extract there is no mention at all of fiction at all. Again if you look in the article for homicide there will be no mention of fiction either, it doesn't means that the law doesn't make a difference between fictional murder and real one.
Well... you seem not to understand your laws then. See, for example here:

English short translation:

A 31-old person in Zurich was sentenced because of "vile manga pornos". Two days in prison and a 18000 Swiss francs fine.
low rated
richlind33: Go ahead and try to rationally explain how a book of fiction has no effect whatsoever on those who read it.
You mean like all the various scientific research that proved that it wasn't the case, that no, for example playing violent video games does not makes you more violent. Where is your scientific research proving that an adult watching a movie featuring "misogyny" magically transform into a misogynist ?

You keep repeating the broken arguments of all those dum dum who tried, and still try today, to censor all possible sort of media they find "problematic" throughout the years, be it books, role playing ,movies, music, and now video games.
low rated
richlind33: But it's fictional, so how can it be violence? lol

Go ahead and try to rationally explain how a book of fiction has no effect whatsoever on those who read it.

I know of no research that supports that sort of nonsense, and as toma85 correctly noted, law certainly doesn't recognize that sort of sophistry. No, I don't want government to be a moral arbiter, but neither do I want misogyny and pedophilia being normalized.
TheGrimLord: Ah, book burning now. Spoken like a true commie. No, a true fascist. Even using the term "normalized" huh? Sir, you have already told me everything you needed to with this statement, you are an enemy of freedom.
bombardier: The problem is you are here in the wrong community.
This is general public community. This community will NEVER understand these games.
TheGrimLord: That's fair. But yet they still watch violent porn and rape porn. Do I need to get out the pornhub statistics? Hentai itself was actually very popular last year, one of the top overall genres.
Ohhh he is one of those, if you read about it you will become it.
We didn't have that before.
I'm still waiting for the mass murder of cops and vehicular manslaughter going into unseen heights after GTA3 or 4 sadly..

Also the Asari scene in ME3 didn't turn me into a lesbian Alien :(
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
This has not been stated, but it needs to be. The censored versions of these games feature no sexual content. Not pixelated, but removed entirely. There are no sex scenes at all. This is how GOG can get by as these are all ages versions, however they use their 18+ page on the content and maybe that should be what the filter is based off of. However, the problem with that is that any 18+ game, anime or not, will be removed by the filter. This could cause even more problems. But damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Let me explain. Treasure Hunter Claire might be around 456mb installed. The unrated patch is 200mb.

What the unrated patch does, is add all of the sexual content and voice files back into the game. Without those, you have a steam censored version with innuendo and no actual nudity. In the uncensored, damage to her clothes results in nudity. In the censored, damage to her clothes results in what she wears underneath and is lewd, but not nude. It doesn't even show her in the bra and panties.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
TheGrimLord: richlind33 or whoever you are, you're a phony. I call you out for your left-wing social justice politics and then you immediately as if on command retort with common "alt-right" phrases. What next, calling me a cuck, soyboy or something similar?

Additionally, you've threatened violence three times already and that will get you kicked out of the discussion. You are definitely acting and behaving like a militant communist. First you tried to appeal to my emotions. "What about the women and the misogyny, Grim? Don't you care about the women's fee fees?" and then when I say I don't, you turn the switch into threatening violence and that is a very good assumption of your character and that yes, maybe you do need some professional help.

After all, I can view this content and get the same out of it as any other shock horror movie. I don't consider it right to go do the things in these games and people in the community often make fun of them. We don't take it seriously, because we know it is not real. But you 9j the other hand freak the fuck out, cry wahmen and then start threats of violence.

That is what I might consider a product of communist brainwash. It is uncalled for. Some of the people in this community are actually left leaning and do identify as LGBT, which there are games for as well. In fact the yaoi game Dramatical Murder is the #1 seller on Jast USA right now and yes, that is for gay men and women also enjoy it. Yes it may also contain scenes of rape. Jast's second bestseller is Evenicle 2 which definitely has rape scenes. People just know and expect this content. They don't make a big deal of it. So stop it, because you don't understand the games, the context or the community.
richlind33: The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Thanks, toma85.

I voted for Ron Paul, so try again.

BTW, were you a friend of Jeffrey Epstein? o.O
TheGrimLord: I don't care who you voted for.
Then why did you bring it up, because you think your "values" are somehow consistent with conservative values? Are you kidding me???

The difference between you and I is, I don't defend something just because I indulge in it. Pron, for the most part, is destructive. I'm not convinced that it has to be that way, but I do think that it is. But so is almost everything in this shithole of a world, which is sad. If all these things you're claiming have zero effect on people, why are we sitting on our arses while the world goes to hell in a handbasket?

Obviously you don't give a shite, so I'll let you get back to your rape porn.
low rated
Gersen: In your extract there is no mention at all of fiction at all. Again if you look in the article for homicide there will be no mention of fiction either, it doesn't means that the law doesn't make a difference between fictional murder and real one.
toma85: Well... you seem not to understand your laws then. See, for example here:

English short translation:

A 31-old person in Zurich was sentenced because of "vile manga pornos". Two days in prison and a 18000 Swiss francs fine.
Ahh the article mentions that the criminally relevancy of comics in that regards is new, I assume there was a law change in 2021 ?
Kinda sad I thought Switzerland was fairly liberal when it comes to fiction.
That being said, definitely a different ruling than if it was the actual thing, I mean 2 days and a fine.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
TheGrimLord: One correction. Censored does not mean pixelation. It means removing the sex scenes entirely from the game. Some games are pixelated even uncensored as per Japanese law.
That is even worse. If you look at video of this game, it is completely different story if you take the sex scenes out. I bet that it was never intended to be played with scenes just removed. That clearly means that scenes are removed for the benefits of some pencil pushing manager, and it is pointless to play it censored.

Anyway, If there would be filter for these type of games, there would not even be a need for censored version at all. Better than pushing half baked product just to pretend it is not a porn game. I doubt anybody would be happy with that type of arrangement?

But that would also mean for GoG to actually officially say that they sell porn games, and not trying to be in this market and refusing to acknowledge it at the same time like they are doing now.
low rated
Gersen: In your extract there is no mention at all of fiction at all. Again if you look in the article for homicide there will be no mention of fiction either, it doesn't means that the law doesn't make a difference between fictional murder and real one.
toma85: Well... you seem not to understand your laws then. See, for example here:

English short translation:

A 31-old person in Zurich was sentenced because of "vile manga pornos". Two days in prison and a 18000 Swiss francs fine.

thx for informing us!

imho these laws are just
low rated
TheGrimLord: One correction. Censored does not mean pixelation. It means removing the sex scenes entirely from the game. Some games are pixelated even uncensored as per Japanese law.
bombardier: That is even worse. If you look at video of this game, it is completely different story if you take the sex scenes out. I bet that it was never intended to be played with scenes just removed. That clearly means that scenes are removed for the benefits of some pencil pushing manager, and it is pointless to play it censored.

Anyway, If there would be filter for these type of games, there would not even be a need for censored version at all. Better than pushing half baked product just to pretend it is not a porn game. I doubt anybody would be happy with that type of arrangement?

But that would also mean for GoG to actually officially say that they sell porn games, and not trying to be in this market and refusing to acknowledge it at the same time like they are doing now.
Well I don't mind really if they acknowledge that, I mean game stores have been peddling murder simulators for ages.
I'm ok with naming things as they are.
But it's probably gonna come down to Action and Adult games really.

And I do love me my murder simulators. <3
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
TheGrimLord: One correction. Censored does not mean pixelation. It means removing the sex scenes entirely from the game. Some games are pixelated even uncensored as per Japanese law.
bombardier: That is even worse. If you look at video of this game, it is completely different story if you take the sex scenes out. I bet that it was never intended to be played with scenes just removed. That clearly means that scenes are removed for the benefits of some pencil pushing manager, and it is pointless to play it censored.

Anyway, If there would be filter for these type of games, there would not even be a need for censored version at all. Better than pushing half baked product just to pretend it is not a porn game. I doubt anybody would be happy with that type of arrangement?

But that would also mean for GoG to actually officially say that they sell porn games, and not trying to be in this market and refusing to acknowledge it at the same time like they are doing now.
it is like selling guns labeled as toyguns cause they cant fire bullets as they have no fireing pins ,but you can just order it with one click and install it yourself