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low rated
Gersen: What is the use of your endless whining and "outrage" if not a call for censorship.
It is not censorship if not performed by government.

If GoG decides to stop selling porn games, it would be just another business decision based on the perceived profit/loss this action makes them.

Porn games can still be sold on different stores no matter on GoG decision, so no censorship is happening.
low rated
Gersen: Trying to censor fiction is definitely puritanical and unhealthy, that's the same kind of moronic reasoning than trying to censor "violent" video games.
richlind33: If you support censorship with respect to political discussion, or "misinformation", how is it that you have a pot to piss in re fiction?

And where did I imply that censorship is in order here? I'm expressing outrage, because at this point you might as well be saying that "fictitious" graphical presentations of pedophilia are acceptable content on GOG. Pedophilia is about the breadth of a pubic hair from rape porn, if we're honest, and why shouldn't we be?
You sir, need to stop getting triggered over this content. Calling people incels, talking about how vile this stuff is, then going on about toxic masculinity - please take all of your SJW bullshit and get off this forum. This content is not for you and you demonstrate that you are not mature enough to handle it. Do we know the difference between fictional rape and non-consensual sex play and real rape? We don't? We're seeing pixelated characters in fictional rape situations as real? We need to go see a therapist and talk about our issues.

This is not the game's problem, it's yours. When I talk about Starless, it is women that are in control there "not the incel wet dream" and it is more vile assuredly than anything this novel could possibly offer. And it is femdom. There is no gameplay, just torture and sexual torture. And I love it. Why? For the same people like shock in horror movies.

Would I ever consider it appropriate to act out in a real life scenario? No. Because I know the difference between rape, molestation and other forums of sexual and mental abuse. I am an adult that can distinguish fiction from fantasy. If you can't do that, then you need to go have a talk with someone in mental health. If these images and scenes are triggering you, that is your problem and once again, you need to get help with it. Don't blame the game, the developers or the publishers for content you cannot handle.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
Breja: I am way past the point of caring about any of this crap, the only thing I'm goin to comment on is this - the fact that you can get a warning from a mod for simply linking to a video of the game in the release thread for that game is just Lovecraftian level insanity. Absolutely pathetic.
You mean getting a warning from a mod for doing something against the forum rules.... what kind of crazy dystopia the Gog forum has become!!!
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Gersen
low rated
richlind33: And where did I imply that censorship is in order here? I'm expressing outrage, because at this point you might as well be saying that "fictitious" graphical presentations of pedophilia are acceptable content on GOG. Pedophilia is about the breadth of a pubic hair from rape porn, if we're honest, and why shouldn't we be?
Gersen: When there is some fiction that I don't like, that shock me, disgust me, or doesn't interest me, I just ignore it, that's what normal well-adjusted adults do, as long as it is fiction I don't care how "extreme" it might be, at the end of the day fiction is just that : fiction.

What is the use of your endless whining and "outrage" if not a call for censorship.
That the release announcement should acknowledge that this product includes rape porn.

Now kindly bugger off.
low rated
bombardier: It is not censorship if not performed by government.
No, not at all. What you are probably mixing up is the US first amendment that protects you from censorship from the government, but that's something US specific and censorship has nothing to do with whenever it is enacted by the government or not.
richlind33: That the release announcement should acknowledge that this product includes rape porn.
You mean something like that:

"This game contains mature content recommended only for ages 18+ "
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Gersen
low rated
To publicly clarify things a bit. Warning was mainly for posting offensive remarks against other nationalities. We also don't allow to post links to porn websites no matter what the particular video presents. The video was on a porn website and this fact matters. Anyway I won't discuss this case publicly further. If there are questions or suggestions you can always send a private message to me or any other moderator.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Sarafan
low rated
richlind33: I think it's crap because the amount of effort that goes into most of what gets churned out is pretty negligible. I'm not bothered by sex and nudity at all, it's the fact that it's done because sex, real or implied, sells more product, and selling product is all that matters. Saying it's art is akin to saying a urinal is art. Yeah, it's subjective, but I'm definitely not one of those people that subscribes to the idiotic notion that everything is equal, if for no other reason than it is completely antithetical to diversity. Without diversity there wouldn't be any art. None at all. All we'd have is sameness.
TheGrimLord: Everyone has their own idea of what art is and yes, some find sexuality akin to art. I bring up Sei Shoujo's work in that respect, he's known for his scenes. He also does his pieces from odd angles, which give them a level of uniqueness that you don't find anywhere else in the genre. Yes, this is art. If you think of it as a urinal, that is your opinion. Also, we need to in general stop using the words, "rapist", "pedophile" and "incel" in here as those are all deeply offensive terms that should not be in a gaming forum. Let's keep politics out of this.
Would you like to guess what I'll do if I catch you raping someone, "friend"?

GOG is going to henceforth refer to this sort of product as rape porn, because that is precisely what it is. And then we'll see how that works out for them.
low rated
Gersen: When there is some fiction that I don't like, that shock me, disgust me, or doesn't interest me, I just ignore it, that's what normal well-adjusted adults do, as long as it is fiction I don't care how "extreme" it might be, at the end of the day fiction is just that : fiction.

What is the use of your endless whining and "outrage" if not a call for censorship.
richlind33: That the release announcement should acknowledge that this product includes rape porn.

Now kindly bugger off.
90% of the genre involves rape. It's pretty normal, have you been living under a rock? It's called consensual non-consensual sex play and women love it. Do I need to bring up the fact that a novel with explicit rape and murder of women was written by a woman? Kara No Shoujo. And guess what? It is a favorite among women. There are women in the eroge community. They know there's rape in these games and they don't have a problem with it. None of it is real and all of the games have a disclaimer that is is a work of fiction and that none of the stuff is condoned by the publisher. Just like a murder simulator. It says it pretty blatantly, even in untranslated Japanese Kanji. Don't blame GOG for not knowing the material.

TheGrimLord: Everyone has their own idea of what art is and yes, some find sexuality akin to art. I bring up Sei Shoujo's work in that respect, he's known for his scenes. He also does his pieces from odd angles, which give them a level of uniqueness that you don't find anywhere else in the genre. Yes, this is art. If you think of it as a urinal, that is your opinion. Also, we need to in general stop using the words, "rapist", "pedophile" and "incel" in here as those are all deeply offensive terms that should not be in a gaming forum. Let's keep politics out of this.
richlind33: Would you like to guess what I'll do if I catch you raping someone, "friend"?

GOG is going to henceforth refer to this sort of product as rape porn, because that is precisely what it is. And then we'll see how that works out for them.
Is that a threat? Are you now threatening people here? Have you gone that fucking low to start making threats?
Post edited February 07, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
Breja: I am way past the point of caring about any of this crap, the only thing I'm goin to comment on is this - the fact that you can get a warning from a mod for simply linking to a video of the game in the release thread for that game is just Lovecraftian level insanity. Absolutely pathetic.
Gersen: You mean getting a warning from a mod for doing something against the forum rules.... what kind of crazy dystopia the Gog forum have become!!!
You really don't see how backwards it is they are selling a game that violates they're own rules for discussion? You don't think that rules of the forum and rules of the store shouldn't be in conflict? The link bombardier provided shows a completely different side of the game than anything shown on the game's store page. And that's despite that store page being "18+". Whatever else you may think of his posts (I'm staying away from that, having a sensible discussion on the topic is clearly impossible), with that link he provided valuable info about the game for anyone considering a purchase. And he got a warning for that. It's no different than if during the recent Hitman release mods gave out warnings for listing features locked behing online DRM that weren't mentioned on the game's page.

It's really just sheer hypocrisy, just like selling obviously political games and banning political discussion. GOG is now selling stuff they seem to be so ashamed of they don't show a complete, true look of those games, and when someone does it for them they get punished. I think regardless of where anyone stands on these porn games, this is pathetic and nonsensical. Rules of the forum and rules of the store shouldn't be in conflict.

Sarafan: We also don't allow to post links to porn websites no matter what the particular video presents. The video was on a porn website and this fact matters.
So, porn on this website good, porn on other websites bad. Makes perfect sense :D
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Breja
low rated
Sarafan: To publicly clarify things a bit. Warning was mainly for posting offensive remarks against other nationalities. We also don't allow to post links to porn websites no matter what the particular video presents. The video was on a porn website and this fact matters. Anyway I won't discuss this case publicly further. If there are questions or suggestions you can always send a private message to me or any other moderator.
what makes it a porn website? it hosts porn just like gog , is gog a porn site too?
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Orkhepaj
low rated
Breja: I am way past the point of caring about any of this crap, the only thing I'm goin to comment on is this - the fact that you can get a warning from a mod for simply linking to a video of the game in the release thread for that game is just Lovecraftian level insanity. Absolutely pathetic.
Gersen: You mean getting a warning from a mod for doing something against the forum rules.... what kind of crazy dystopia the Gog forum has become!!!
I would have thought that you're intelligent enough to appreciate the irony that a smut site is the only place he *could* link to to show what GOG is now peddling. Alas, I was wrong.
low rated
Sarafan: To publicly clarify things a bit. Warning was mainly for posting offensive remarks against other nationalities. We also don't allow to post links to porn websites no matter what the particular video presents. The video was on a porn website and this fact matters. Anyway I won't discuss this case publicly further. If there are questions or suggestions you can always send a private message to me or any other moderator.
I would like to protest this finding as it was introduced as if performed by me.

In only instance where nationality was mentioned I actually defended Japanese games as being more than rape porn, while others were claiming that this is a standard for Japanese indie game companies, and we should have no high expectations when looking at Japanese indie game market.

TheGrimLord: In fact, this is the Japanese indie market in a nutshell.
low rated
Gersen: What is the use of your endless whining and "outrage" if not a call for censorship.
bombardier: It is not censorship if not performed by government.

If GoG decides to stop selling porn games, it would be just another business decision based on the perceived profit/loss this action makes them.

Porn games can still be sold on different stores no matter on GoG decision, so no censorship is happening.
I'd be OK with it if it wasn't rape porn, but that's exactly what it is, and thanks for making that unquestionably clear.
low rated
Sarafan: To publicly clarify things a bit. Warning was mainly for posting offensive remarks against other nationalities. We also don't allow to post links to porn websites no matter what the particular video presents. The video was on a porn website and this fact matters. Anyway I won't discuss this case publicly further. If there are questions or suggestions you can always send a private message to me or any other moderator.
bombardier: I would like to protest this finding as it was introduced as if performed by me.

In only instance where nationality was mentioned I actually defended Japanese games as being more than rape porn, while others were claiming that this is a standard for Japanese indie game companies, and we should have no high expectations when looking at Japanese indie game market.

TheGrimLord: In fact, this is the Japanese indie market in a nutshell.
Well, it is. The Japanese indie market is full of these. Doujin circles do other things, but most doujin works are of an adult nature. It's a massive industry over there and it's all starting to hit the mobile market.
Sarafan: To publicly clarify things a bit. Warning was mainly for posting offensive remarks against other nationalities. We also don't allow to post links to porn websites no matter what the particular video presents. The video was on a porn website and this fact matters. Anyway I won't discuss this case publicly further. If there are questions or suggestions you can always send a private message to me or any other moderator.
bombardier: I would like to protest this finding as it was introduced as if performed by me.

In only instance where nationality was mentioned I actually defended Japanese games as being more than rape porn, while others were claiming that this is a standard for Japanese indie game companies, and we should have no high expectations when looking at Japanese indie game market.

TheGrimLord: In fact, this is the Japanese indie market in a nutshell.
Also, we weren't talking about Japanese games in general, but Japanese doujin. Completely different market.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
Breja: You really don't see how backwards it is they are selling a game that violates they're own rules for discussion? You don't think that rules of the forum and rules of the store shouldn't be in conflict?
No, why should they ? That's two different things, the rules of the forum say you cannot post explicit or in general non-safe-for-work images and it's not a new rule. That Gog sells games that contains images that fall in the NSFW category, be it because of sexual content or violence, doesn't change that.

If you start posting graphic screenshots of Soldier of fortune or other games showing peoples mutilated I suspect you would get the same king of warning very fast.

Breja: So, porn on this website good, porn on other websites bad. Makes perfect sense :D
You are just being dishonest here, please post the link, found on Gog, of any explicit images related to those games.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Gersen