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Join Sophie, a private investigator, as she uncovers the mysteries of Steam City.
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Discount: 40% off until 11th February 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated
bombardier: So you claim that there is no difference between this and Witcher:

Must be some director's cut version of Witcher I haven't played yet. :)
richlind33: Sophie valiantly withholds orgasms as she's repeatedly raped by "powerful" men. And the "moral" of this twisted tale is, Sophie comes to realize that she wanted to be raped all along, but was too inhibited to admit it.

Kind of looks like an incel's wet dream. Wow.
is this the story ?rly ?:O
low rated
bombardier: After claiming that Witcher is a porn game, I doubt you even know what irony is.

GoG doesn't adhere to any opinion. It is here to make money, not make a world a better place. It doesn't make sense to expect a company to have any opinions except maximizing profits.

And, you playing a porn game doesn't make you a bad guy, but not admitting you play a porn game makes you a disillusioned one.

Arguing with you is like arguing with a poorly written NPC.
You constantly move goalposts, you build strawmans and you lie.

If we consider that you created account this month just agitate the forum members and push porn agenda, I wouldn't be so surprised that you are ignored.
Reaper9988: Aww you saw that. I wasn't gonna argue anymore
I love porn, why not ? As I said before the Sex negativity was moslty introduced by abrahamic Religions I don't adhere to any of those.

The argument wasn't about the porn though but simply if this should be on GoG or not and if you can play it without the porn part.
If you want to distinguish between porn and erotica/sexualization fine, but there is people that find that "sexualization" as bad as porn.
I think having adult sex games and full free thought in fiction here is a good thing and it makes for a more open place, you seem to do not.
I'll leave it at that, there is no point in arguing further that would just go in more circles.
Except we're talking about straight up rape here, so what you're saying is rape-negativity is puritanical and unhealthy.

"Do as thou wilt" seems to be what you adhere to, which is animalism if we're perfectly honest.
low rated
bombardier: ...
Sarafan: Please refrain from posting things that are insulting to people of other people and nationalities. This is against our CoC: Also keep in mind that posting links to porn websites is also forbidden. Forum doesn't have any age restriction information, so everyone has the possibility to read content that is posted here. I'm giving you an official warning. If you have any questions please send them through direct message.
could you warn all those who call us names too?
low rated
bombardier: ...
Sarafan: Please refrain from posting things that are insulting to people of other people and nationalities. This is against our CoC: Also keep in mind that posting links to porn websites is also forbidden. Forum doesn't have any age restriction information, so everyone has the possibility to read content that is posted here. I'm giving you an official warning. If you have any questions please send them through direct message.
What he linked is the product GOG's announcing in this thread -- nothing more, nothing less.

You seriously ought to be ashamed of yourself!
low rated
richlind33: I wonder how many GOG employees know what this product really is, given how much outrage there is about "toxic masculinity". If this isn't toxic, nothing is.
That is why I think that GoG financial situation is way worse than advertised.
Steam can hide this in the pile of games they are releasing every day, but for GoG to pivot to this crap without first introducing a filter or a separate web site is pure madness.
They must be very desperate.
low rated
richlind33: What he linked is the product GOG's announcing in this thread -- nothing more, nothing less.

You seriously ought to be ashamed of yourself!
We don't discuss moderation publicly. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact me through private message.
low rated
bombardier: ...
Sarafan: Please refrain from posting things that are insulting to people of other people and nationalities. This is against our CoC: Also keep in mind that posting links to porn websites is also forbidden. Forum doesn't have any age restriction information, so everyone has the possibility to read content that is posted here. I'm giving you an official warning. If you have any questions please send them through direct message.
I was wondering how long before a mod enters here to remove a link to porn site of a game that is not a porn. :)
low rated
richlind33: Sophie valiantly withholds orgasms as she's repeatedly raped by "powerful" men. And the "moral" of this twisted tale is, Sophie comes to realize that she wanted to be raped all along, but was too inhibited to admit it.

Kind of looks like an incel's wet dream. Wow.
Orkhepaj: is this the story ?rly ?:O
Really. It's sickening. How the hell do you reconcile this sort of thing with egalitarianism?!?!

richlind33: What he linked is the product GOG's announcing in this thread -- nothing more, nothing less.

You seriously ought to be ashamed of yourself!
Sarafan: We don't discuss moderation publicly. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact me through private message.
You're disgusting and offensive. Watch that video and then get back to me. It's nothing short of vile.
avatar Join Sophie, a private investigator, as she uncovers her secret desire to be raped in Steam City.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 40% off until 11th February 2022, 2 PM UTC
Way to go, GOG, ya filthy degenerates.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
richlind33: Except we're talking about straight up rape here, so what you're saying is rape-negativity is puritanical and unhealthy.
Trying to censor fiction is definitely puritanical and unhealthy, that's the same kind of moronic reasoning than trying to censor "violent" video games.
low rated
TheGrimLord: You just seem to be someone complaining because you want flashy AAA games on this site and that rarely ever happens. Just go to steam for that stuff, it isn't gonna really happen here that much anymore. If you want AAA experiences, you will just have to put up with Steam and deal with it. That's the sacrifice you make for that kind of content.
bombardier: Actually no. I am someone who thinks porn games should have their own store. That is all. It doesn't matter if they are A, AA or AAA level.

I actually already put up with a different stores. Last year around 80% of my game budget was spent here on GoG. This year I already spent 100 EUR on games, and none of it went to GoG.
They do. There's a bunch of stores for these games, but they do well on Steam and the publishers also want to bring them to GOG and other platforms. Deal with it, it's business.
low rated
richlind33: Except we're talking about straight up rape here, so what you're saying is rape-negativity is puritanical and unhealthy.
Gersen: Trying to censor fiction is definitely puritanical and unhealthy, that's the same kind of moronic reasoning than trying to censor "violent" video games.
If you support censorship with respect to political discussion, or "misinformation", how is it that you have a pot to piss in re fiction?

And where did I imply that censorship is in order here? I'm expressing outrage, because at this point you might as well be saying that "fictitious" graphical presentations of pedophilia are acceptable content on GOG. Pedophilia is about the breadth of a pubic hair from rape porn, if we're honest, and why shouldn't we be?
low rated
TheGrimLord: Have you seen shows lately? There's a lot of sexual content in regular shows that people watch and movies too. I really want to know your age, because you should like an old out of touch man who had no idea what in the hell he is talking about. Yes, we have had for a while now, traditional shows with sex scenes. Have you been under a rock? And some of those shows happened to do pretty damn well, I may add. The sex did not sell the inferior product. This is a bunch of nonsense from a goddamned puritan. You aren't making any sense for the modern era. Anime itself is heavily popular and full of sex and sexual innuendo. Same with manga and it is outselling American comics. All of them - DC, Marvel - All outsold by this "inferior product." You need to get some more experience on all of these subjects before you choose to challenge me.

That's what goes on in the college experience. It's quite accurate and fun. It isn't supposed to be uplifting. Where do you people come from? It's a drama and themes of suicide, depression and such are part of it. That's what I mean by deep. Character interactions are much more than you expect as well. Very well written, but also has that American sex charm, I guess.

That's also your opinion. I mean, it is a waste of time convincing two or three people that would never play these games anyway. I also don't know how old you are, your backgrounds and a lot of other things that are necessary to understanding why you hate adult games so much. This is background information I need to understand why you would come to that conclusion. Usually I can tell right by looking at someone if they're going to be into this type of thing. Some people have sticks up their asses and get really prickly over things like this. It could be religion, social status or a myriad of other reasons.
richlind33: I think it's crap because the amount of effort that goes into most of what gets churned out is pretty negligible. I'm not bothered by sex and nudity at all, it's the fact that it's done because sex, real or implied, sells more product, and selling product is all that matters. Saying it's art is akin to saying a urinal is art. Yeah, it's subjective, but I'm definitely not one of those people that subscribes to the idiotic notion that everything is equal, if for no other reason than it is completely antithetical to diversity. Without diversity there wouldn't be any art. None at all. All we'd have is sameness.
Everyone has their own idea of what art is and yes, some find sexuality akin to art. I bring up Sei Shoujo's work in that respect, he's known for his scenes. He also does his pieces from odd angles, which give them a level of uniqueness that you don't find anywhere else in the genre. Yes, this is art. If you think of it as a urinal, that is your opinion. Also, we need to in general stop using the words, "rapist", "pedophile" and "incel" in here as those are all deeply offensive terms that should not be in a gaming forum. Let's keep politics out of this.
low rated
TheGrimLord: They do. There's a bunch of stores for these games, but they do well on Steam and the publishers also want to bring them to GOG and other platforms. Deal with it, it's business.
I know it's business. That's why I am choosing to not do any more business with them.

Since it is much cheaper to keep a customer than get a new one, you better start buying my share of the games so that GoG could end up the financial year in net zero.
low rated
richlind33: And where did I imply that censorship is in order here? I'm expressing outrage, because at this point you might as well be saying that "fictitious" graphical presentations of pedophilia are acceptable content on GOG. Pedophilia is about the breadth of a pubic hair from rape porn, if we're honest, and why shouldn't we be?
When there is some fiction that I don't like, that shock me, disgust me, or doesn't interest me, I just ignore it, that's what normal well-adjusted adults do, as long as it is fiction I don't care how "extreme" it might be, at the end of the day fiction is just that : fiction.

What is the use of your endless whining and "outrage" if not a call for censorship.
low rated
I am way past the point of caring about any of this crap, the only thing I'm going to comment on is this - the fact that you can get a warning from a mod for simply linking to a video of the game in the release thread for that game is just Lovecraftian level insanity. Absolutely pathetic.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Breja