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War. War sometimes changes. For the better.

<span class="bold">Darksiders: Warmastered Edition</span>, the ultimate version of War's apocalyptic adventure against the forces of Heaven and Hell, is now available, DRM-free on, with a 80% launch discount.

Can the Apocalypse look beautiful? Well, in Darksiders: Warmastered Edition it does! All the texture resolutions have been doubled, the shadows are now rendered in higher quality, post-processing effects have been added, and the game runs smoother than ever.

Unfortunately, War doesn't have time to stop and admire the sights: Earth is a bloody mess, with Angels and Demons still battling each other, locked in an eternal struggle for power. The first rider of the Apocalypse is wrongfully accused for letting this happen, but he's not about to sit idly and see the world burn. Armed with an impressive arsenal, his trusty steed Ruin, his incredible platforming skills, and his penchant for combat, he is determined to find those responsible and bring them to justice. And this time, his epic adventure will look better than ever!

Join War's apocalyptic fight to clear your name in the spectacular-looking <span class="bold">Darksiders: Warmastered Edition</span>, DRM-free on
The 80% discount also applies to <span class="bold">Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition</span> and will last until December 2, 5:59 PM UTC.

Note: This edition is free for anyone who already owns Darksiders. Buying Warmastered Edition will also give you the original version as a free bonus.
Post edited November 29, 2016 by maladr0Id
Great game. If you don't have it, buy it.
Good game gets and update it deserves. At first i didn't like it, but on my second try I felt to like and love it by the end. Will run through it for the 5th time already and the warmastered edition.
Thank you very much, this was a pleasant surprise and one that did not know about - that they were working on a remastered edition of the first game.
Mallarckey: Thanks so much for the update, but I have a problem. I bought Darksiders (vanilla) long time ago but I've never installed it. And with the update, that version has dissapeared from my Library and I only have the Warmastered Edition. How can I get back the original Darksiders to my Library?

PS: Sorry for my bad English. I'm not a native speaker.
I think Legacy version is the old vanilla Darksiders. You can get it either in your account, or trough Galaxy as explained few posts earlier.
Oh nice! \o/
Thank you, THQNordic!
Love you THQ Nordic , ThomNG and GOG <3

Thankyou very much :)
In case you are wondering what the notification is all about, a 4k wallpaper has just been added to the game's extras.
Mallarckey: Thanks so much for the update, but I have a problem. I bought Darksiders (vanilla) long time ago but I've never installed it. And with the update, that version has dissapeared from my Library and I only have the Warmastered Edition. How can I get back the original Darksiders to my Library?

PS: Sorry for my bad English. I'm not a native speaker.
Mafwek: I think Legacy version is the old vanilla Darksiders. You can get it either in your account, or trough Galaxy as explained few posts earlier.
Oh, you're right. Thanks so much.

I was looking on GOG Galaxy, where the Legacy Edition doesn't apear. However, both versions apears on my Library in I didn't read the way described earlier by MIK0 (with which I'm agree in all that he has said) to download Vanilla / Legacy Version when I wrote my first post.

Thanks so much both you.
Awesome! Thanks THQ Nordic and GOG for the free upgrade!
Thank you THQNordic and GOG. I love the fact that we can keep the legacy version as well as a bonus. It would be absolutely amazing if you could do the same with Darksiders 2. At the moment unfortunately only the deathinitive edition is available.
Always cool to get the enhanced edition at no cost. GOG's been on a roll with that (Divinity: Original Sin, Darksiders II, Van Helsing, etc). Big thanks to the developers, publishers, and GOG!
Thank you very much TQPR and GOG for the upgrade! Even though I don't have it on GOG, I have it on steam and got upgraded. Please consider making a Darksiders 3, so we can find out what happened with the Horsemen!
Falkentyne: Thank you very much TQPR and GOG for the upgrade! Even though I don't have it on GOG, I have it on steam and got upgraded. Please consider making a Darksiders 3, so we can find out what happened with the Horsemen!
Afaik DS3 is already in the making.
Thanks for the free upgrade.

I loaded it up just thinking to try it for a few minutes and ended up playing about 2 hours, still such a great game.

It seems perfect other than some odd sound issues only during cutscenes, certain sound effects get all muffled and low while the voices are normal sounding.
Post edited November 30, 2016 by MikeMaximus
Are there any mods that fixed Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition button issues. Many people complained that the button layout is blank I believe.