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What will you do, when the ground starts shaking and something rather unusual is happening right behind the walls of your very room? Creaks game is now available DRM-free on GOG.COM. In this casual adventure title from the creators of Machinarium, you slowly descend into a world inhabited by avian folk and seemingly deadly furniture monsters.
Post edited July 23, 2020 by ponczo_
Looks awesome!
Insta-wishlisted ;)
Finally, though I already played it on Apple Arcade, so I'll wait for a sale on this... great game, but probably not what people may be looking for in an Amanita game, but still fun and beautiful to look at
The guys over at Amanita are genuine artists; sublime visuals and intriguing worldbuilding.
low rated
Of course, no achievements for GOG. I'm tired of this situation. I'll wait to humble bundle edition to get DRM-FREE edition + steam key (with achievements). At least there companies do not treat us as second-class buyers.
Xabyer_B: Of course, no achievements for GOG. I'm tired of this situation. I'll wait to humble bundle edition to get DRM-FREE edition + steam key (with achievements). At least there companies do not treat us as second-class buyers.
I'm sure you can easily think up your own achievements.
Besides, you don't need extra fluff to enjoy the game. ( :
Post edited July 22, 2020 by FrodoBaggins
FrodoBaggins: I'm sure you can easily think up your own achievements.
You've just unlocked the playing the game without achievements achievement.
Is nobody going to address the broken link?
Am I the only one seeing things?
Been watching this, looks good.
I think everyone is just so used to GOG screwing up links that we hardly even notice anymore.
Why Creaks is without achievements since Pilgrims had them? Why this involution of Amanita?
Instabuy, I was waiting for this one, thank you :)
I will just trust this studio with everything. Amanita, no need to say more. It's gorgeous. I like that it's "casual". I am thankful for them always bringing their games/art on GOG.
About the achievements, maybe it has an inner system of achievements like in Pilgrims, that doesn't need Galaxy support, or they forgot to mention? A lack of achievents could be disappointing as I bet they could come up with creative ones, but I'd rather support GOG in any case.
Alexim: Why Creaks is without achievements since Pilgrims had them? Why this involution of Amanita?
Pilgrims as I was saying has achievements in game and not in the integration with the launcher. Maybe this is the case again. Let's wait or ask.
Post edited July 23, 2020 by Dogmaus
Xabyer_B: Of course, no achievements for GOG. I'm tired of this situation. I'll wait to humble bundle edition to get DRM-FREE edition + steam key (with achievements). At least there companies do not treat us as second-class buyers.
Would you kindly to write such posts of yours, too, in Steam or Humble?
It will be more pleasant for everyone: these shops, us, you.
The ONLY achievement I crave for is to play a good game.