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UPDATE (22/03/16): Episode 5: Terminus brings the long-awaited closure to Hope's story.

Terminating issues.

<span class="bold">Republique: Episode 5</span> of the story-based stealth/adventure, is available now for Windows and Mac, DRM-free on

Episode 5 concludes the series with a bang, bringing along numerous performance fixes and improvements. It also introduces new gameplay elements and some surprising narrative-branching that might even prompt you to replay the story from its very beginning.

<span class="bold">Republique</span> is a story of Hope - the girl who reaches out for your help. You'll view the world through scattered cameras and mobile devices observing, and assisting, Hope in any way that you can. With plenty of secrets and lore (and even easter eggs) to soak in, you'll slowly pick up on bits and pieces of the story of a fugitive heroine in a mysteriously oppressed dystopian future.

<span class="bold">Republique Deluxe Edition</span> includes the original Soundtrack, a six-part series The Making of Republique, and two game prototypes that eventually came to be Republique. If you're not ready to commit just yet, you can always get the upgrade later.

The package includes all 5 episodes of the game.

Discover the complete story of <span class="bold">Republique</span>, available now DRM-free on
Aaaand bought!

Been looking forward to this for quite some time. Really glad that the developer decided to release on gog.

Just finished the first episode and the switch to Unity 5 is looking very nice. Would have been nice to have a tint colour option as the blue tends to wash out the richness of the colours in the world. Maybe I'm just spoilt with the warmth that the gold filter gave in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

The constant Kickstarter references get cringeworthy as well. It's great that it was funded via Kickstarter but please... less humping its leg *in game*. Whenever referencing Double Fine or Super Hexagon is brought up it just takes me out of the world and the experience. I want to learn more about the world and its characters as I play it, not what Kickstarter projects the dev team like.

Now for episode two!
How extensive are the prototypes? Just tech demos to show off mechanics, or is there some sort of playable objective?
Intrigued me instantly.
IAmSinistar: What's the ETA on the remaining episodes? I'm still waiting for Kentucky Route Zero to finish.
Me too, these guys are definitely taking their time.
Post edited February 26, 2015 by Tarhiel
It is great to see the game on GOG. I playtested 1st episode when it was offered to backers and I liked so far what I was seeing.
There was that feeling "It looks very solid for iPhone port", so I am quite pleased they decided to improve the game for PC :)
BlackMageJ: How extensive are the prototypes? Just tech demos to show off mechanics, or is there some sort of playable objective?
Tech demos and early versions before the game was called "Republique" :)
Ooh. My kind of game!
Linux version seems to be in development:

Post edited February 27, 2015 by shmerl
I came across this game some time ago when made a preview for it -- back then, it was still to be released as a "AAA quality" game on Android and iOS. To be honest, I didn't make much of the game based on that preview, and completely forgot about it.

Though the only thing in this game that would have me remotely interested in it is Dwight Schultz voicing a character, I can't help but congratulate GOG on this release; goes to show they're supporting more indies and tending to the cravings of some of the stealth fans in the community.

Nicely done, even though this isn't my cup of tea.
catpower1980: Wow, that's maybe the earliest release I've ever seen on GOG! I'm still finishing my breakfast, good morning Poland! :o)

PS: any particular reason for that morning launch?
JudasIscariot: The actual launch time is 9 PM Pacific Standard Time, which is quite early in Poland :D
Oh dear... I first read: "actual lunch time"... o___O
IAmSinistar: I'm still waiting for Kentucky Route Zero to finish.
I thought they had finished that now. Probably best to hold off downloading it until they do finish it then...
GOG needs headline filters. Filter for "not show preorders", filter for "not show movies" filter for "not show unfinished games" and so on
Post edited February 28, 2015 by AlienMind
AlienMind: GOG needs headline filters. Filter for "not show preorders", filter for "not show movies" filter for "not show unfinished games" and so on
You can make your own filter with gognix userscript and with Barefoot Essentials and there's an in-built feature to hide the Movie section.

I doubt GOG would provide a feature that may reduce amount of revenue via pre-orders so don't hold your breath.
You should know that République is an incomplete project. They partitioned it in episodes, and there are only 3 of 5 episodes completed.

I bought a season pass for the mobile version, and still can't play the full game after 3 years of waiting.

They already have my money and instead of fulfilling their part of the bargain first, Camouflaj go looking for new suckers by porting the incomplete game to new platforms.

This kind of behaviour doesn't inspire my confidence. I wonder what they will come up with next. Don't buy this if you want your money's worth.
tempodox: You should know that République is an incomplete project. They partitioned it in episodes, and there are only 3 of 5 episodes completed.

I bought a season pass for the mobile version, and still can't play the full game after 3 years of waiting.

They already have my money and instead of fulfilling their part of the bargain first, Camouflaj go looking for new suckers by porting the incomplete game to new platforms.

This kind of behaviour doesn't inspire my confidence. I wonder what they will come up with next. Don't buy this if you want your money's worth.
Thanks for the heads up, I freaking hate episodic content.
tempodox: You should know that République is an incomplete project. They partitioned it in episodes, and there are only 3 of 5 episodes completed.

I bought a season pass for the mobile version, and still can't play the full game after 3 years of waiting.

They already have my money and instead of fulfilling their part of the bargain first, Camouflaj go looking for new suckers by porting the incomplete game to new platforms.

This kind of behaviour doesn't inspire my confidence. I wonder what they will come up with next. Don't buy this if you want your money's worth.
If I recall correctly, Republique was shipped to iOS on 19 Dec 2013 which is roughly 1 year and 2 months. Saying you have been waiting 3 years is ridiculous statement. I backed Kickstarter in Jan 2013 and that gives me 2 years and month.

You really took an extra mile to write a review for PC version after you were displeased with its iOS version. I understand your frustration but this practice is ridiculous. It is like writing a review on App Store about Android port.