mqstout: Devs,
I played a couple hours last night and love it (despite how impossible it is to chase down and corner those bandits, even with nobles...). I keep running into an issue though where a unit (general+bodyguards only) refuses to move. Multiple turns in a row I've given it orders to move, all sorts of directions, explore, toward bandits, away from bandits, anything... And it just sits there. IT only moved again, after about 6 turns, when my leader died and it became the leader. Even a save, exit, load didn't make him move.
Is this a bug or a mechanic I haven't learned yet?
EDIT: Had similar happen again in a new game. A unit standing outside of a city refusing to enter it.
NeutronAtHome: There is a limit of 8 units per tile. If you try to order a stack onto a hex such that there will be more than 8 units, it won't move.
kongxinga: The steam trailer mentioned multiplayer and youtube vids seem to include multiplayer Is multiplayer possible on GOG? I don't mind using galaxy at all.
NeutronAtHome: Yes the GOG version supports multiplayer, but currently only with other Galaxy users. Crossplay with Steam users might be added in future if the game does well on GOG.
Wait are you the Bob Smith of Ntronium games and former wargame designer, Total war designer fame, aka the dev himself? Your user name Neutron at home suddenly rang a bell.
In any case I bought this game (been waiting to do so since I was a huge fan of 2526 and its asymetric victory condition nature) and had heard of it profiled in Explorminate the game site. I make it a rule to only buy DRM free, so I had almost written this off until I saw it here on GOG.
This game has exceeded even my inflated expectations.
1. The game does a fantastic job of presenting ancient China and its philosophies through the ages. It is chock full of flavour. The Chinese translation is excellent (but I dont read small font well, so I eventually switched to english, and also wished we could select traditional script). Frankly, some of the concepts presented in the tech screen is not well known by the younger Chinese today, but the coverage and grasp is great.
2. I love, love that you don't have direct control of the troops, but instead lay down ROE and some general strategic positioning. The resolve on strategic map is brilliant, and the map itself is a landscape painting eye candy. As a wargamer, I HATED games which gave you unrealistic control over too much. As a head of state or commander, you should not get to say where this squad goes and stands. The interplay between troop types is very rich.
3. Armada's trading system and interface is back, and working very well.
4. Anti blobbing with authority, very crusader kings desmene size limitation, very well liked. This is in line with the anti fustration design decisions in Armada 2526 in that you did not and should not have to blob all over to win.
5. This has inspired me to reread a lot of history again. For example, never really knew about the Han 韓 kingdom, I did read my Spring Autumn and Warring States before, but they died so soon and without much fanfare that I had forgotten them. The internet Sinosphere are talking about how amazed they are that this game was made by someone who is not chinese (we assume). I'm reading about the Dog Rong and talking to some of the old folk to get references on some of more obscure topics.
In any case, Bravo. I love the theme, the design and the interface. I've been trying to get my IRL friends to get this, especially those disappointed by Civ 6. I hope to get more people exposed to this gem, and with the added benefit of hooking more people on Chinese history. GOG wise, we need the players (I've unlocked several achievements, but several of them are legendary, with 0% having it. That' can't be right).
My distinction between hardcore and casual gamers are that hardcore gamers know what they like, and they follow designers by name, and I finally had to check the full dev name to find out who actually is "Bob" from Ntronium, so I have added Bob RT Smith into my small list of game designers where I insta buy whatever they make.