gameragodzilla: That's a completely different thing. Those are actively hazardous, like how games should not ship with malware. Having something that you don't care about is different, because that, you just ignore. You keep trying to come up with different analogies, but each of them do not apply here.
Not all principles are respectable, if you ask me. Principles need logical reasoning to back them up. That's what separates ones taken seriously and ones that don't. There are a long list of reasons to care about no DRM. There are a long list of reasons to care about having more features too, for those who prefer Steam. Simply stating it's a "principle" does not make it any less nonsensical, it just means the principle itself is ridiculous too.
And as for multiplayer side of things, you can actually easily separate them. A lot of console games ship with multiple disks that separate single player and multiplayer. In the old days with multiple disks to install PC games, that was the same too. If I really wanted to, I can (and have) easily removed the multiplayer files on various games I downloaded to save space. So I should demand a single player only version of the game too, right? That's how this principle works. And I can even dig further into the files and delete individual levels if I want to. So should I demand a game only give me levels 1, 3 and 10 if those are the only ones I like? It's absurd.
The only thing I can possibly understand is the increased money. But like I said, it's $5 difference. Anywhere where $5 difference is a big enough change to warrant changing your mind on, then you clearly should worry about money in other areas.
They apply in a way/to a degree(imo). If you do not see that then either i'm not edplaining myself properly(a possibility) or you don't get what i'm trying to say/point out.
Principles can also be emotionally/culturally/etc based. And whether or not someone takes another's principles seriously or not doesn't make said principles more/less good/valid to those who choose to uphold them or objectively nonsensical.
As such, prove to me(with proof/evidence/figures/studies) that the principle I posited is nonsensical...otherwise you(as am I) are just talking from your own personal feelings and not logic.
In regards to separating game parts to sell, that's up to the devs and would often require some work to pull off. The different game installers are already pre-made to be separate and thus they can/should offer them separately to be fair.
The basic concept/principle is sound(imo): One should not be forced(this is forcing one to do so, in a way) to buy something they don't want to get something they do if the things in question were made to be sold separately in the first place.
Everyone has differing priorities, and the money isn't the issue....but as I said before: It's the principle of buying something you don't want/need to get something you do(when the two products were made originally to be sold separately/were originally offered separately).
In the end, you make a logical "mistake": You seem to assume that something is objectively nonsensical(principles others have) because you don't see the point/disagree with such. In the end, all principles are for the most part subjectively based and thus can be valid to some and not ton others.....this doesn't mean they are automatically disproven/bad because one says so.