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Point your hearts towards the sky.

<span class="bold">Fossil Echo</span>, a challenging, narrative-driven 2D platformer about a boy's dangerous climb, is available now, DRM-free on

A young boy is faced with the greatest challenge of his life: to reach the top of a tall tower, standing in the middle of the ocean. His determination, dexterity, and resourcefulness will be tested against weird creatures, cunning traps, lethal pitfalls, and those who don't want to see him succeed. But why? Why is the boy's desperate ascent so important? What awaits at the top? How many times will he have to die before he succeeds?
<span class="bold">Fossil Echo</span> tells its evocative story only through sound, beautiful imagery, and wordless interactions. The unforgiving gameplay will require you to time your moves perfectly, as each jump has you reaching higher into the tower and deeper into the intriguing mystery of the boy and his enigmatic quest.

Help a willful boy climb to the top of a majestic yet perilous tower in <span class="bold">Fossil Echo</span>, DRM-free on
gamesfreak64: I assume you refer to 2 or 3 dollars ? :D.
Breja: Depends on what else is on sale then, and what's still in my backlog. I mean, it's not only overpriced right now, but nice as it looks it didn't exactly make the top of my wishlist.

By the way- it would be a useful feature if I could actually sort the wishlist by my own priorities.
That would be a very good option, this way we be able to put our favorite game on top, another good idea would be if they add more filter options to the games, if a tag could be added to games like 3D or FPS that would be a great affition this way i would be able to filetr out all games that have 3d like homm 5, and any new versions of old classics like 3d version of fallout, jagged alliance, commandos, and many more this would save a lot of browing through the games.
Steam doesnt have it and in that case it is real bad cause with >12K games i spend hours looking for hidden object games and casual games that dont use 3d engines.

The problem might be the fact that all most of the isometric games that are released nowadays use a 3d engine which means moving like its 3d ,( with the exception that the view is topview) and the screen requires you to rotate the landscape around the player to see if some monsters are attacking you from the rear or behind.

A simple solution might be a hide/show, like we have in our shelves , this way we can hide the games in the catalog to make sure we dont see them , which makes it easier to see what games we do like and would buy.
Breja: Depends on what else is on sale then, and what's still in my backlog. I mean, it's not only overpriced right now, but nice as it looks it didn't exactly make the top of my wishlist.

By the way- it would be a useful feature if I could actually sort the wishlist by my own priorities.
gamesfreak64: That would be a very good option, this way we be able to put our favorite game on top, another good idea would be if they add more filter options to the games, if a tag could be added to games like 3D or FPS that would be a great affition this way i would be able to filetr out all games that have 3d like homm 5, and any new versions of old classics like 3d version of fallout, jagged alliance, commandos, and many more this would save a lot of browing through the games.
Steam doesnt have it and in that case it is real bad cause with >12K games i spend hours looking for hidden object games and casual games that dont use 3d engines.

The problem might be the fact that all most of the isometric games that are released nowadays use a 3d engine which means moving like its 3d ,( with the exception that the view is topview) and the screen requires you to rotate the landscape around the player to see if some monsters are attacking you from the rear or behind.

A simple solution might be a hide/show, like we have in our shelves , this way we can hide the games in the catalog to make sure we dont see them , which makes it easier to see what games we do like and would buy.
As is usual for several features that GOG lacks, your best alternative for the time being is to use MaGog. However, you would have to create and attribute those tags yourself.
For example I created an "undesirable" tag that I attribute to games that I want to ignore, like the new Fallouts and bullet hells.
Give it a try sometime.
rgnrk: The game would only be overprized if it's not good at all. Which I still don't know.
If it's 4-5 hours it's not really that short.
Brothers is a 15€ game that's meant to be played in one sit up and it's worth every bit. So, length shouldn't be the only variable for prize.
But this is GOG. Why should I expect any better that people complaining about prize time and time again?
And this is not a casual game at all, so please do NOT compare this to HOGs.

It's funny how the GOG community works.
If a game is not here, GOG has no idea and it should definitely be here.
If it is here, then GOG only has games that I DON'T WANT and/or it's way overprized.
Over and over and over again.
Well, People are complaining about prices at Steam as well
has been like this for as long as i remember.
You will always find somone that arent happy with the prices
I think its actually worse on steam because people there are used to getting games for pennies.

I find it silly sometimes because games arent something you actually need.
its just a luxury product used as a means to entertain.
Though i sometimes agree with the complaints myself if the price is outrageous
so maybe i shoudnt say to much about it unless i want to be seen as an hypocrite or a person with double standards.
I played a demo of this game at an event a couple months ago. It is gorgeous and a lot of fun. The puzzles and plaforming segments range from easy to difficult (without being frustrating) and there are certain spots where you will have to die a few times before you figure out what to do. The best game I can compare this to is Another World. Both games are on the short side, feature interesting visuals and cutscenes, and are 2D side-scrolling platformers that focus more on puzzles than action. Personally, I think the asking price is fair and, were I in a better financial position right now, I would totally buy it. As it is, I will pick it up as soon as I am able, sale or no sale. Value is subjective. I have purchased Another World at least five times over the years, so I will happily pay for Fossil Echo at least once.
gamesfreak64: That would be a very good option, this way we be able to put our favorite game on top, another good idea would be if they add more filter options to the games, if a tag could be added to games like 3D or FPS that would be a great affition this way i would be able to filetr out all games that have 3d like homm 5, and any new versions of old classics like 3d version of fallout, jagged alliance, commandos, and many more this would save a lot of browing through the games.
Steam doesnt have it and in that case it is real bad cause with >12K games i spend hours looking for hidden object games and casual games that dont use 3d engines.

The problem might be the fact that all most of the isometric games that are released nowadays use a 3d engine which means moving like its 3d ,( with the exception that the view is topview) and the screen requires you to rotate the landscape around the player to see if some monsters are attacking you from the rear or behind.

A simple solution might be a hide/show, like we have in our shelves , this way we can hide the games in the catalog to make sure we dont see them , which makes it easier to see what games we do like and would buy.
joppo: As is usual for several features that GOG lacks, your best alternative for the time being is to use MaGog. However, you would have to create and attribute those tags yourself.
For example I created an "undesirable" tag that I attribute to games that I want to ignore, like the new Fallouts and bullet hells.
Give it a try sometime.
Thanks for the reply, undesired as a tag is a nice way to remember you dont want it, i would use avoid or maybe something stronger like 'crap' or so, to make sure i wont even look at it, if this would be done for Steam, i think i could filter out 89% of it cause most of the steam games are crap imho, the only steam games i like are the casual games, and some point and click games that arent here like chronicles of zerzura (developed by black mirror 2 and 3 devs).
Its weird that game isnt here but i guess the publisher will be the reason why its not here i guess.

The Lost Chronicles of Zerzura Gameplay PC HD
Post edited July 09, 2016 by gamesfreak64
Tekkaman-James: I played a demo of this game at an event a couple months ago. It is gorgeous and a lot of fun. The puzzles and plaforming segments range from easy to difficult (without being frustrating) and there are certain spots where you will have to die a few times before you figure out what to do. The best game I can compare this to is Another World. Both games are on the short side, feature interesting visuals and cutscenes, and are 2D side-scrolling platformers that focus more on puzzles than action. Personally, I think the asking price is fair and, were I in a better financial position right now, I would totally buy it. As it is, I will pick it up as soon as I am able, sale or no sale. Value is subjective. I have purchased Another World at least five times over the years, so I will happily pay for Fossil Echo at least once.
Another world is older and very welknown game, i also played flashback (AMIGA version had better graphcis compared to the pc games back then) and imho Flashback is better then Another world, the AW graphics look 'weird' theflashback character looks more like a human.
They released a remake of Flashback, which is an awfull game imho, i like the orginal better, it's weird to see many remakes of classic games released, while the original isn't for sale.
gamesfreak64: [snip]
Pedigree or no, the games are very similar. I think someone would really enjoy Fossil Echo if they love Another World as much as I do. Flashback is an excellent game, but I wouldn't compare it to these two games. It is much more action-oriented. As for the remake, I enjoyed it immensely. I thought it was a great game that preserved the feel of the original. I will agree that it is a shame the original isn't available here (heck, the remake should be here, too). Glad I still have my Sega Genesis copy. :)
Tekkaman-James: I played a demo of this game at an event a couple months ago.
How easy/fast is it to recover from failure? Are there instareloads or checkpoints?
"Narrative-driven" really appeals to me. Based on the video, the game looks pretty and sounds good. And I don't mind short.

But a game whose description includes the words "challenging" and "unforgiving" in relation to "platformer" is something I should never even attempt to play. ^_^ Recent rage-inducing experiences with Dustforce DX and Ascendant have shown me that my platforming skill level is about on par with Super Mario Galaxy...

rgnrk: It's funny how the GOG community works.
If a game is not here, GOG has no idea and it should definitely be here.
If it is here, then GOG only has games that I DON'T WANT and/or it's way overpriced.
Over and over and over again.
Sadly, too much truth in what you said there. But on the good side - at least no-one has felt compelled to whinge that Fossil Echo is too niche. ^_^
Definitely looks appealing, more than most platformers, but not as much as some others that have my interest from the past few years (Never Alone! Ori! Slain! Salt and Sanctuary!) I like that it is story driven and silent, seems unique and compelling. Short of course is a little - but, not an issue if it delivers of course. I too am a little put off by the words challenging and unforgiving, I already find them challenging enough usually!
Post edited July 10, 2016 by drealmer7
high rated
Tekkaman-James: I played a demo of this game at an event a couple months ago.
Starmaker: How easy/fast is it to recover from failure? Are there instareloads or checkpoints?
Hey Starmaker! I'm one of the developers (the composer to be precise, John Robert Matz), and I'll try to field some of your questions.

The game has a sturdy checkpoint system that saves at the beginning of every "scene" of play, so even if you die, you don't lose more than a minute or so of playtime, and restarts are quick. The best way to describe it is something akin to Super Meat Boy in terms of restarts.

Total game time ranges from 2-4 hours on average (Brothers is a fair comparison, and if you ace it constantly, it gets down to Journey levels), and is tailored towards playing through it in one or two sittings. The toughest platforming bits are optional (but super challenging, and reveal... things), and the game has multiple secrets and unlockable ending bits depending on what you do over the course of the game. In my opinion, which could be biased, though I just wrote the music, It's a game who's length encourages replayability; it's fun to jump back in and play through the challenges you missed, or try to better your time, or revisit parts of the world.
gamesfreak64: Thanks for the reply, undesired as a tag is a nice way to remember you dont want it, i would use avoid or maybe something stronger like 'crap' or so, to make sure i wont even look at it,
Yes, suppose you create a "3D or light effects" tag and attribute it to those games you can't handle. It would be very easy to filter out games that do not raise your slightest interest in a promo huge as was this past Summer Sale. Or any time you simply want to ignore them.

gamesfreak64: chronicles of zerzura (developed by black mirror 2 and 3 devs).
Its weird that game isnt here but i guess the publisher will be the reason why its not here i guess.
Looks like an interesting game. I hope it gets a release here. I would pick it up sooner or later.
Starmaker: How easy/fast is it to recover from failure? Are there instareloads or checkpoints?
Viper50BMG: Hey Starmaker! I'm one of the developers (the composer to be precise, John Robert Matz), and I'll try to field some of your questions.
Thank you!

Bought. Best release in quite a while.
gamesfreak64: [snip]
Tekkaman-James: Pedigree or no, the games are very similar. I think someone would really enjoy Fossil Echo if they love Another World as much as I do. Flashback is an excellent game, but I wouldn't compare it to these two games. It is much more action-oriented. As for the remake, I enjoyed it immensely. I thought it was a great game that preserved the feel of the original. I will agree that it is a shame the original isn't available here (heck, the remake should be here, too). Glad I still have my Sega Genesis copy. :)
I think the issue with the originals is tied to the big L word: licence , and perhaps the big M word aswell: Money.
If and when we get the classics its usally inside the remake, you can switch to it anytime or choose it in the menu, imho the classic should be playable standalone as a base game and not included inside a remake,cause this makes it look like the remakes wont sell (enough) , but when they include the classic the classic one is in fact the reason to buy the expensive remade version of the game.

Another example is remakes of classic movies with todays technology like Total Recall and many more good old classic movies that get a remake because they have new 'toys ' and more modern techniques, usually its an entire new cast aswell cause the originals aren around anymore, to old or dont want to join.
Imho they should keep their hands of classic, don't remake the story because you have new technology, instead build on the classic story and create a new story around it, but that requires to much brainpower for the directors i guess.