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Making stardust

<span class="bold">Battlestation: Harbinger</span>, a challenging mix of strategy, roguelike, and space exploration, is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, DRM-free on, with a 20% launch discount.

Sometimes space feels like an impenetrable frontier and others like an endless playground full of fighting, explosions, hidden secrets, weirdly-shaped ships, and mysterious encounters. At least when you are looking at it through Battlestation: Harbinger. And that's only part of what awaits you out there. As a new commander in charge of your own fleet, you need to take turn-based decisions about your strategic moves, customize the formation, equipment, and upgrades of your ships, then outwit your enemies in real-time combat. The galaxy is a vast, procedurally-generated place and your missions will get you to unknown corners where danger is the most dependable resident. Do you dare venture there?

Make your way through the dangerous highways and back alleys of space in <span class="bold">Battlestation: Harbinger</span>, DRM-free on The 20% launch discount will last until April 28, 12:59 PM UTC.
IronArcturus: Is this game similar to S.P.A.Z.?
A bit, yes, i would say it's a mix of SPAZ with FTL but without the complexity of both, can't speak for the PC version though. People just need to be aware that they will die... a lot.
gabranth99: is there any cheats for this as its currently its not playable ive even gone to the easy setting and i get chased down and blown up by an invincible ship and swarms of fighters after 2 jumps??
Are you jumping out of fights you are about to lose? Stay close to Battlestations when you can and jump back to them and hide behind them :)
Wishlisted until I have some monies.
I got all excited at first, when I saw "Harbinger" :( Probably gonna buy this tho .
AdmiralGeezer: I would argue that our game is definitely less dicey than FTL, at least according the feedback I have been reading from players. It can surprise you, but most of the time there should be a "I could have done that differently" moment tied to that.

Good luck! :)
Maxvorstadt: Thanks for the answer. Sadly, there`s no release stream on GoG`s Twitch channel. I would watch it to find out if this game is for me.
There are a lot of Youtube let's plays. Here is one:
I hope that backers get a GOG key for Battlestation: Harbinger.
This game looks really interesting. I will definitely try it.

Wishlisted for now.
blotunga: permadeath is not my kind of thing. It's an unnecessary gimmick to make games appear longer then they really are because you have to start all over again every time you die.
It also forces you to be good and to utilize defensive strategies, or to be careful with every action you choose to take.

It's sorta why true rogue-likes are really good in my opinion because you are forced to think about the best way to approach a problem, and it's almost always your fault when you die. I've found a number of growing strategies for different classes in rogue-likes but often it comes down to not going into melee, using choke points, or attacking the right guy (biggest threat) first, and knowing when to run the f**k away.

Maxvorstadt: cause FTL is nothing but a dice game. Nothing you can do in it has any effect on the game and nothing you do really helps you to win it. It`s all about throwing dice and in most times the rolls are against you.
How much of FTL did you play? I played enough to be able to beat the game on easy/normal anyways. Having bad rolls can indeed screw you over, but often there was a lot you could do to control what was going on. For example increasing your shields, or turning off one system to boost another. One tactic for when you are in an area you expect to be boarded is to have every single door open except the ones needed to keep your guys alive. When someone transfers to your ship, you close all the doors and leave the life support system off. With reenforced doors they will try to bash down doors only to suffocate to death. Having all the oxygen out of the majority of the ship can make quite a difference in how the game plays out in some instances.

IronArcturus: Is this game similar to S.P.A.Z.?
Cyraxpt: A bit, yes, i would say it's a mix of SPAZ with FTL but without the complexity of both, can't speak for the PC version though. People just need to be aware that they will die... a lot.
From what i saw i wouldn't qualify this game as somehow related to SPAZ. In SPAZ you rarely were in danger since you sent small ships to other sectors do to jobs. Game Over only really happened when your mothership was destroyed. Losing all your ships just meant you were running out of money and you might retreat to spend time at a mining colony while you restocked.

Harbringer (what I've seen) is more akin to... a top down version of Rebel Galaxy, or similar to Gratuitous Space Battles (simpler but with more manual control), while having a system/map setup similar to FTL.
So are all the people who backed you on Kickstarter for a DRM free version going to get a GOG key?
gabranth99: is there any cheats for this as its currently its not playable ive even gone to the easy setting and i get chased down and blown up by an invincible ship and swarms of fighters after 2 jumps??
AdmiralGeezer: Are you jumping out of fights you are about to lose? Stay close to Battlestations when you can and jump back to them and hide behind them :)
not anymore ive already found out they follow you and you get stuck in the system afterwards also just got blown up by another carrier this one repairs all damage
AdmiralGeezer: Isn't FTL something like around 2 hours? At least over 1 hour if I remember correctly.

Battlestation: Harbinger is around 2 hours if you manage to pull through all 4 galaxies. The ships that you unlock and the fact that the 4 enemy races are thrown against you on random also give some variability, in addition to the other elements I mentioned before.
Siegor: That's good, I was afraid it was something like 10-20 hours and if you took a wrong turn you might end up biting more than you can chew...and restart from scratch. 2 hours is actually perfect.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I agree. This was the biggest problem I had with Sunless Sea (though that seems to have been ironed out a little now). I'd have no problem with dying over and over again provided that the game doesn't dick me around too hard (a problem I still continue to have with Darkest Dungeon), or have a reasonable tolerance for errors and mistakes (a problem I still continue to have with Telepath Tactics).

BTW, despite my misgivings with them, I think all three of those games are fantastic in their own right, and are well worth having in anyone's collection here on GOG.
I'm confused about something - the game card categorizes this game as "turn-based"; while in the promo video it shows "fierce real-time space battles" and "make life or death strategic turn-based decision".

So, it's both..

Can the fierce real-time space battles be paused to give commands (for us slower folk), like they can in FTL?
Martek: Can the fierce real-time space battles be paused to give commands (for us slower folk), like they can in FTL?
It's been a while since I saw TB's video (a month) so going off my memory I want to say yes you can pause everything and give every ship an individual order, or select a group and give them orders as a group. It was afterall the number of things he complained about the tablet version when he originally played it.

I really recommend watching TB's video as he covers basically what to expect from the game and main features of the game.
Post edited April 22, 2016 by rtcvb32
AdmiralGeezer: Are you jumping out of fights you are about to lose? Stay close to Battlestations when you can and jump back to them and hide behind them :)
I'm intrigued by this game, and mentions of FTL have left me wondering. BUT, what's the end-game like in this one? Is it like FTL where you face a big boss type? And if so, does it cheat like in FTL? I loved FTL right up until the end when you meet the big boss ship and find out it cheats. Totally turned me off ever playing the game again.
GR00T: I loved FTL right up until the end when you meet the big boss ship and find out it cheats. Totally turned me off ever playing the game again.
There's a lot of cases where the computer cheats in video games. In many Civ games the AI can see a lot more of the world (and on Hard mode, they see the whole world) and thus react to going after things they couldn't possibly know about. In fighting games they can instantly activate special moves that require a precise sequence to activate. In some RTS games they have infinite money, or build 3x faster, or both.