Themken: I am with BeatriceElysia here, not everyone owns a controller or three.
I agree, i had one very basic controller, or joypad or whatever they call it today, it was a simple basic controller, 9.99 bucks ,no fancy stuff.
Anyway that was with my first PC, lateron i dumped the pad when i got a new PC, all i use nowadays are the keyboard and mouse.
gamesfreak64: well i changed the text, go check it..... i really would not want to upset anyone .... so again please please forgive me
Loger13: You don't need to apologize. This is a real problem, it really bothers you, affects your choice of games, and it is clear why you often mention it - this is a normal reaction.
But the posts become monotonous in meaning and I just want the posts to be more about the games themselves.
I understand that.... .
About the " I just want the posts to be more about the games themselves "
i assume you mean the game, how it plays what it looks like, the story the characters .... cause there is a 2nd side: and that is more technically:
1) how many bugs has it ?
2) how well does it run on the min req. system ( this refers to the way the code is build : eg : is it memory hungry? does it strain the CPU?
and there is more ... too much to list them all
.So i assume you mean the good parts you love to talk about, which i can understand, but you see good and bad happy and sad are always paired , you cannot seperate them and talk only about the colourful happy parts of life and happy gaming, you will meet some negative parts of gaming and about life for that matter.
Anyway i hope you agree that we cannot live in a pink bubble , even with games people cant always be positive, and negative reviews about any games will be given, trust me, i can handle any review they give on any movie show, game whatever cause i am the one who buys the product, and magazines and forums are only a very small part and are like advisors, i will always take the final decision to buy a game , video, dvd or whatever products, cause i am the one who has to like that movie or video or game, and what others say are usefull tips.