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Custom-made revenge.

<span class="bold">ArcaniA</span> and the standalone expansion <span class="bold">Fall of Setarrif</span>, the open-world RPGs that continue the Gothic saga, are now available, DRM-free on, with a 75% launch discount.

Your village has been pillaged, razed to the ground by a mysterious army that escaped on battleships adorned with an eagle. As you embark on a journey of revenge, you quickly realise a far greater evil hides behind the attack and your life is now tangled with an alluring woman who holds a powerful artifact.
As you roam the open world of the Southern Islands, slaying terrifying beasts and completing challenging quests, you'll get to pick your character's skills and customize him entirely as you see fit. Tons of shiny loot, quirky NPCs you may or may not remember from your Gothic adventures, and ferocious encounters await you. But just when you thought evil was defeated, the epic tale continues in Fall of Setarrif, the standalone expansion that sends our hero to a remote area where a demon has found refuge, threatening to spread its dark influence anew.

Build your hero any way you like and conquer the challenges of the Southern Islands in the epic adventures of <span class="bold">ArcaniA</span> and <span class="bold">Fall of Setarrif</span>, DRM-free on
The 75% discount will last until November 16, 12:59 PM UTC.
Post edited November 09, 2016 by maladr0Id
ThomNG: Should be a topic soon - we just acquired those titles and now need some time to have a look on everything we have got (Steam keys would be easy but we need to look at DRM Free options for GOG :) ). Also new releases need to have priority one of course.
Great, thx for clarification.
op2play: Yes, it is hated by Gothic-fanatics.

But don't listen to them, this is a quite solid hack and slash action RPG...
Smannesman: Well being a completionista I kind of have to get them at some point anyway, I was just curious.
I vaguely remember people being very upset with this one.
The Gothic 3 expansion (Forgotten Gods) was the one with the really bad reputation- buggy, incomplete, etc. Arcania had a lot of the remaining backlash from that and JoWood's acrimonious break up with Piranha Bytes to deal with so people were predisposed to dislike it. Ignore the baggage and it's OK, as a game, and to be fair PB themselves strayed about as far from the 'Gothic formula' with their later games as Arcania did.
Crosmando: Arcania Gothic 4 is pretty terrible from what I've heard, it's a bit of a joke on RPGCodex, like a byword for a terrible game.
RPGCodex is gospel now eh?
aluinie: Bought both thanks. Nice discount.

Can i ask can we get Imperium Galactica 2 soon please and if possible the soundtrack as it is still one of the best soundtracks i have heard in any game.
Good luck to that. The original devs are really uncontactable (do not seem to responde to inquiries) :(. Seems they are pushing the mobile boat....
Post edited November 09, 2016 by Niggles
Niggles: Good luck to that. The original devs are really uncontactable (do not seem to responde to inquiries) :(. Seems they are pushing the mobile boat....
The original developers shut down three years ago. Nordic have purchased the series from them.
Post edited November 09, 2016 by Grargar
Well, I couldn't stop myself. I bought it again.
Niggles: Good luck to that. The original devs are really uncontactable (do not seem to responde to inquiries) :(. Seems they are pushing the mobile boat....
Grargar: The original developers shut down three years ago. Nordic have purchased the series from them.
Strange question. Who released IG 2 on mobile?.
Never realised Nordic bought it. Hooray!!!! :D :D
Post edited November 10, 2016 by Niggles
ThomNG: Enjoy! Finally, it is here on GOG :)
Great release, thank you GOG and Nordic teams! :)

I have a question for Nordic:

I read that there is one unobtainable achievement for this game (at least on the Xbox 360 version). The name is Geek (Obtain all other achievements).

Time ago there were two unobtainable achievements: Geek and Master Chef (Learn all recipes). I read that Master Chef is now obtainable, so I wonder if there is a new update that had fixed that.

And are you planning to launch a new update/patch to fix the last unobtainable achievement? Geek.

Any clarification on this issue would be apreciated.

Thanks in advance :)
ThomNG: Enjoy! Finally, it is here on GOG :)
gogamess: Great release, thank you GOG and Nordic teams! :)

I have a question for Nordic:

I read that there is one unobtainable achievement for this game (at least on the Xbox 360 version). The name is Geek (Obtain all other achievements).

Time ago there were two unobtainable achievements: Geek and Master Chef (Learn all recipes). I read that Master Chef is now obtainable, so I wonder if there is a new update that had fixed that.

And are you planning to launch a new update/patch to fix the last unobtainable achievement? Geek.

Any clarification on this issue would be apreciated.

Thanks in advance :)
I think you already earned the Geek achievement for asking such a question. ;)
PaterAlf: I think you already earned the Geek achievement for asking such a question. ;)

I ask it because although is a great game, it's broken on that achievement. And there are a lot of completionist people out there ^_^

But yes, you can call me RPGeek ^_^
forget about this awful mess of a game , better get the real Gothic 4 ... RISEN
Looks like instabuys for me.

Well... in spirit. I'm too lazy to go through the purchase process right now; but I will be picking both up within the next few days.. :)
Ixamyakxim: I always get these confused (Tachyon, Free / Starlancer) - is Tachyon the Bruce Campbell one? And is it open world with missions and side activities or is it straight mission based? Also, wholly Novalogic or are there others involved in it?
It seems you are right - the voiceover for the main character is featured by BC. As far as I remember it's mission driven game but you also get some missions from neutral parties for cash / equipment. Can't remember if you could just igroner the main plot. According to ThomNG says - it's only Nordic and GOG who decide when it's appears here.
A shortly reminder to all interested buyers from SPAIN, ITALY and FRANCE: The gamecard isn't correct at the moment, you will get no ingame voiceovers for your language. There are only voiceovers in English and Polish by now, all other languages are only subtitles.

Can't tell if that is intentionally or not, since German support was really useless this time and made only standard phrases.

EDIT: Perhaps a BLUE could check this and make a short statement or at least corrections on the gamecard?

EDIT2: Gamecard is fixed now. Doesn't make that crappy release better though. Steam customers get the better experience once again. Unexpected and disappointing for a THQ Nordic release. Cancelled my Elex preorder for now until this problem is settled.
Post edited November 10, 2016 by MBiL_248
Reever: Great! Hoping this one will be in the next GOG Connect round :D

Thanks again GOG & THQ Nordic! =)
MBiL_248: In this case, I would stuck with the Steam version - it's completely German, the one GOG sold has only the bad English voice overs. (And Polish, of course, but there I can't tell about its quality.)
Maybe we'll get the German version here as well.
These two are the worst games i have played in the gothic series, so bland and crappy , the expansion is short and useless. i would prefer gothic 1 + 2 + 3 any day over this release.