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Explore a labyrinth of perplexing puzzles in this quirky game of cat and mouse! Agent A: A puzzle in disguise is now available DRM-free on GOG.COM with a special 80% discount until 14th May, 5 PM UTC. You play as Agent A in a stylish world full of retro-futuristic contraptions, hidden gizmos, gadgets, and clever logic-based puzzles.
high rated
Ugh, I already bought it on the Switch. Why's it so late coming here?
low rated
SirPrimalform: Ugh, I already bought it on the Switch. Why's it so late coming here?
Well it's "totally not" because many big-mid size game devs and publishers and the bigger stores collude to get more money where they can control their products more, and then often toss it to GOG once everyone else is done with it to scrape up a few more sales. *rolleyes*
low rated
Dohi64: good stuff, was one of my favorites from last year, but it was $10/8.19 eur on steam until mid-march, when all of a sudden and without any explanation they doubled the price. dick move. then they put up an 80% discount like here, which is still more than the cheapest price before said dick move, and when asked about the price change, they said they're a small team and new to steam and weren't sure how to communicate, even though there's a forum and an announcement system.
TheRealBoscoe: I dunno, it's common for games to come out at a discounted price and then go up later. I can kind of believe that a small team maybe overlooked the idea that they should have communicated this. But who really knows?

Anyway, the game has a cool style and looks like it might be fun, so for $4, I'll give it a try. :)
it's not common at all, unless it's early access or chapter 1 only or whatever, but this was released on steam with all the chapters for $10, then they did major sales and retail price reduction (you can check isthereanydeal for price history) before settling on this ridiculous amount for a mobile game, then slapped on an 80% discount to make people think it's the deal of the century (which is working perfectly here by looking at the comments). as I said, it's a good game, but developers like this can fuck off.
high rated
Bought it instantly, immediately played for 2,5 hours and I had so much fun already! Awesome puzzles and humour, with 80% discount it's a steal! :)
Post edited May 08, 2020 by zeffyr
high rated
Thank you, GOG!!
Nice release, sweet puzzle game ^_^
high rated
TheRealBoscoe: I dunno, it's common for games to come out at a discounted price and then go up later. I can kind of believe that a small team maybe overlooked the idea that they should have communicated this. But who really knows?

Anyway, the game has a cool style and looks like it might be fun, so for $4, I'll give it a try. :)
Dohi64: it's not common at all, unless it's early access or chapter 1 only or whatever, but this was released on steam with all the chapters for $10, then they did major sales and retail price reduction (you can check isthereanydeal for price history) before settling on this ridiculous amount for a mobile game, then slapped on an 80% discount to make people think it's the deal of the century (which is working perfectly here by looking at the comments). as I said, it's a good game, but developers like this can fuck off.
This idea that they "jacked up the price so they can stick a fake 80% discount on it which seems to be working here" like it's some kind of pavlovian mind-control psy-op is just ludicrous.

I bought it because it looked interesting enough to blow four bucks on, not because I have zero impulse control and will buy ANYTHING as long as I'm told it's "on sale". That's just an arrogant and condescending thing to even suggest. $4 sounds like a good deal to me. $2 would obviously be better, but Dev's gotta eat. ;P

To be fair, I likely wouldn't pay $20 for ANY point and click game, but I'm a cheap bastard. If they'd released it for that price I would've just put it on my wishlist and waited for a sale like I usually do. I've gotten the majority of my games here for under $10 by waiting for sales. It's pretty easy when they have 3-4 of them a week. lol

Anyway, whatever the true story is, it didn't happen HERE because the listing clearly shows what the price will be when it goes up. If people don't like it, they won't pay it and the price will go down again. I see no reason to take it personally.
Awesome art style. And overally looks promising. Wishlisted for now. Though new-release discount is too tempting indeed.
And bought!. Was just too tempting to pass up on such a huge discount, and some of the comments here swayed me too. That, and the fact that I need something to tax the old grey matter, and a break from all the builder and resource management games I've attached myself too...
I liked this game a lot on iOS!

BTW: this came out as a moble game about 4 years ago, then nearly got canned but the devs turned it around and the final 5th chaper was just delivered 8 months ago.

nice to see it coming to PC.
Post edited May 08, 2020 by dyscode
high rated
zeffyr: Bought it instantly, immediately played for 2,5 hours and I had so much fun already! Awesome puzzles and humour, with 80% discount it's a steal! :)
Okay, you sold it. Will buy as well.
musteriuz: the few reviews on Metacritic indicates it to be at least above average.
faroot: It's better than that -- on Steam it's rated Overwhelmingly Positive, 97% of 581 reviews are positive.
Dohi64: it was $10/8.19 eur on steam until mid-march, when all of a sudden and without any explanation they doubled the price. dick move. then they put up an 80% discount like her
faroot: I picked it up on Steam January 26 2020 at 80% off for $3.99, to add another data point about prices. That's all I know.
gamesfreak64: but after watching a few parts of the playthrough the zooming is a little too much, thats the only reason i wo'nt buy it
faroot: I don't think I've heard that complaint about a game before; is that to say that it induces motion sickness for you?
yup, it does, manytimes it's a little burden cause sometimes games are just what i was looking for,
"financially" speaking it's a plus cause it saved me lots of money, i have just too many games already at least 600+ at 3 or 4 online games shops like GOG, Steam, Gamersgate and over 140 retail games ( cd/dvd).
Anyway thats about 2300 games total.... which is just too much :D
Post edited May 08, 2020 by gamesfreak64
I don't give a damn what the "actual" list price is. It looks extremely good, it reviewed very well, and for $4 it's a done deal. ;)
zeffyr: Bought it instantly, immediately played for 2,5 hours and I had so much fun already! Awesome puzzles and humour, with 80% discount it's a steal! :)
MarkoH01: Okay, you sold it. Will buy as well.
I have just (5 mins ago) finished it, in about 5,5 hours. I had a great fun, puzzles' difficulty is appropriate and gameplay was entertaining from start to finish. I had to look up only 1 item's location (pixel hunt, but that was only one such case, at the very end of final chapter), apart from that I solved all puzzles myself :P I strongly recommend it :)
Post edited May 08, 2020 by zeffyr
MarkoH01: Okay, you sold it. Will buy as well.
zeffyr: I have just (5 mins ago) finished it, in about 5,5 hours. I had a great fun, puzzles' difficulty is appropriate and gameplay was entertaining from start to finish. I had to look up only 1 item's location (pixel hunt, but that was only one such case, at the very end of final chapter), apart from that I solved all puzzles myself :P I strongly recommend it :)
Yes, I already noticed that it's more on the shorter side (was really fast through Episode 1 and I am now in Episode 2). I agree - so far some nice ideas, great atmosphere and not too hard puzzles. Simply a fun game to relax and enjoy.
Post edited May 08, 2020 by MarkoH01