RocketBearGames: Hi there, I'm the dev for this game.
This seems to be a touchy issue around here. Not something I expected, to be honest.
I'm curious about why you feel so strongly about this. It seems like you feel that regional pricing is unfair. I'm willing to listen.
Coming from idealistic point of view, the Internet is a place where we like to feel equal, regardless of our location, nationality, gender, or whatever. If you use regional pricing, regardless of the reasons behind it, the net result is that you are charging different people different prices for the very same product in the very same store. I think it's quite natural it might rub some the wrong way :)
Furthermore, technically the Internet is just one whole, and any barriers on it are purely artificial. If you start to divide your customers into better and worse, they will try to cheat on you and avoid the barriers you put to be in the 'better' group. (read: using proxies, or having a Russian friend gift/trade them the game). This can of course can be combated (and is on Steam) by regional locks of different sorts, which, similarly to DRM, tends to negatively affect honest customers, who eg. simply travel around. All around, lots of bad blood back and forth, which can be just avoided.
As for the actual reasons you mentioned:
VAT has already been questioned; GOG as an European company charges VAT one way or another (I think right now they do charge Cyprus VAT for US-based purchases as well?), so regional pricing doesn't change a whole lot. If you really are set back by the VAT surcharge, you could simply increase the base flat price to some sort of weighed average to cover for it - you know, just to be the good guy :)
And Russians paying less because of a lesser mean income? Well, come on. It is said that women have lesser mean income than men. Would it be "fair" for women to pay less for games than men do? The same argument could be made for eg. black people or any low-income group of your choice.