IAmSinistar: Suggestions for the new text? Also, do you have a list of which ones those are? I have a general sense of them, but authoritative is better.
The original text reads "Another game either recently regionally priced, or which wasn't detected as such before." I would suggest to instead change it to something along the lines of "A formerly flat-priced game, which gained regional pricing with the redesign of 27th August."
The games that retroactively changed to regional pricing are:
1954 Alcatraz
Always Sometimes Monsters
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
Blackguards Special Edition + Untold Legends DLC
The Book of Unwritten Tales
The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles
Broken Age
Broken Sword 5
Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
Deponia 3
Gods Will be Watching (also Special Edition and Special Edition DLC)
Gone Home
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
The Night of the Rabbit
The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief
Shadow Warrior (2013)
Space Run: Fast and Safe Delivery
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (Special Edition pre-order only)
The Whispered World: Special Edition