mrkgnao: From Magog's logs:
Confirmed, here's what my script returns:
US_USD -> SALE PRICE : $29.79 ($34.99)
GB_GBP -> SALE PRICE : £22.99 (£26.99)
GB_USD -> SALE PRICE : $36.79 ($43.19)
FR_EUR -> SALE PRICE : €29.79 (€34.99)
FR_USD -> SALE PRICE : $37.49 ($44.09)
DE_EUR -> SALE PRICE : €29.79 (€34.99)
DE_USD -> SALE PRICE : $37.49 ($44.09)
PL_EUR -> SALE PRICE : €29.79 (€34.99)
PL_USD -> SALE PRICE : $37.49 ($44.09)
AU_AUD -> SALE PRICE : A$33.99 (A$39.99)
AU_USD -> SALE PRICE : $29.69 ($34.89)
RU_RUB -> SALE PRICE : ₽509 (₽599)
RU_USD -> SALE PRICE : $12.89 ($15.09)
MX_USD -> SALE PRICE : $23.89 ($27.99)
Onto the list it goes.
EDIT: I've added it to the GOGmix, but there is an interesting glitch. Pre-orders don't have the Up/Down/Remove links in the GOGmix. So I had to shift other titles below it, but couldn't get it any higher than the
Gabriel Knight: Sins Of The Fathers – 20th Anniversary Edition pre-order. So proper sorting will have to wait until one of the two titles comes out.