DyNaer: GOG oppened the pandora's box, i have some serious doubts when some contracts will end .....>.>
Like Sinistar said the temptation will be pretty strong , maybe too strong.
GOG said in the past that more games will make them stronger to be in a better position for negotiation. But I don't have much hope for that. Experience looks different.
I just wonder if they suspected this beforehand and kind of lied to the customers exaggerating their future negotiation potential or if they were misjudging the situation themselves?
On the other hand I give them credit for the partly price compensation. So at least they try to change something.
Urnoev: .... I won't buy anything here, regional pricing or not, with the current situation being as it is.
I have to admit that for me this is an additional negative buying argument. Whenever the price is kind of okay but I see that in other regions people can buy it much cheaper I feel ripped-off and since I hate this feeling I do not buy but it makes me want to pirate or not play at all. It makes it impossible for me to buy games at release for full price without a bad taste. So I don't do it anymore.