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handsfree: What, the penumbra collection is back?! When did that happen?
I thought it was removed because gog wouldn't allow old games to be regionally priced. Now even that isn't true anymore?
On Dec 4, along with the same old bullshit, "they’ll be here to stay, regionally priced - as there was no other choice in this case - and with our Fair Price Package!", or (replying to me on Fb) "otherwise, we'd not be able to bring you all some titles that a lot of people really want to play". Yeah, so how long till applying that to some form of DRM as well, especially with Galaxy coming? And if they won't, why not, I mean it's the exact same argument...

Me, I'm starting to pester ShinyLoot to become better (commitment to DRM free, or at least setting that percentage of the catalog as DRM free exclusively, not "85% DRM free or DRM lite" as it is now, and more payment methods).
- Unliked GOG's Fb page again.
- Definitely won't be promoting anything they do anymore.
- Will enter every darn giveaway or contest (if they'll still make any, those were fun...) to get as much as I can from them without paying.
- Of course no purchasing of any game where either the publisher or the developer have anything regionally-priced (in the higher price somewhere sense, can be fine with the discounts-only pricing, unless of course the discount would end up applying to most of the world and the US price will end up the odd higher one out) on here, whether or not the game itself is regionally-priced.
- If I will purchase something it'll have to either cost me (while using Paysafe, where the actual conversion fee to USD is 8.5% despite the listed 4.04%, and 5-6.smth to EUR, not sure exactly now) at most 10 RON or, if it's something I'd REALLY want, be at least 80% off and at most 35 RON. The conversion thingy says that today that'd mean $2.57 / €2.12 or $8.99 / €7.40.
- That's still quite some "if", as regionally priced titles more than 3 years old were my last line in the sand, so "default" reaction now is to say back to the high seas if I'll really want something, GOG's policies got me completely off them for the past 3 years, changing them would only naturally get me back. But there may be some nice devs worth supporting, so we'll see.
mrkgnao: For next time, is this of interest to anyone?
Yes, it's interesting and your efforts to provide the information is much appreciated. I like to make informed decisions and your lists make that much faster and easier. Thank you. =)

Phc7006: Grin.... I would prefer a system where, when I buy a newly released game at full price, a poor African or South Americanfamer gets some seeds or a goat...
I wish there really were a game store like that. Would support that in a heartbeat.
IAmSinistar: At this rate GOG will be implementing a system like that used by TOMS shoes - buy a game and a poor Russian gets a free copy of the same.
Phc7006: Grin.... I would prefer a system where, when I buy a newly released game at full price, a poor African or South Americanfamer gets some seeds or a goat...
Please not. These are very serious issues, and hijacking them as a marketing feature to make some people feel good about buying videogames would trivialise them. That's morally repugnant – how can people seriously propose such an abomination?

„Mhm, I'd like to buy that game – oh, and a few cent will go to a starving child! Well, it's a no-brainer then! Glad I'm making the world a better place while having fun!“
high rated
ixbt25i: Please not. These are very serious issues, and hijacking them as a marketing feature to make some people feel good about buying videogames would trivialise them. That's morally repugnant – how can people seriously propose such an abomination?

„Mhm, I'd like to buy that game – oh, and a few cent will go to a starving child! Well, it's a no-brainer then! Glad I'm making the world a better place while having fun!“
Hmm... where have I seen this before? Ah yes, HB.
where exacly is shadow warrior (2013) regional priced?
apehater: where exacly is shadow warrior (2013) regional priced?
At least Europe and Russia. In Russia, it's about $10 and in Europe it's about $38, when compared to its $40 American price.
apehater: where exacly is shadow warrior (2013) regional priced?
Grargar: At least Europe and Russia. In Russia, it's about $10 and in Europe it's about $38, when compared to its $40 American price.
i'm from germany and i dont see any store credit on the game page, maybe it was regionally priced
apehater: i'm from germany and i dont see any store credit on the game page, maybe it was regionally priced
You'll only get store credit for a purchase if you pay higher than the American price. Regionally-priced doesn't necessarily mean higher price for Europeans, but also different prices depending on your region.
apehater: i'm from germany and i dont see any store credit on the game page, maybe it was regionally priced
Grargar: You'll only get store credit for a purchase if you pay higher than the American price. Regionally-priced doesn't necessarily mean higher price for Europeans, but also different prices depending on your region.
thats nice to hear, there are games where europeans dont have to pay more. how much more do us citizens have to pay and do they get store credit for this game?
Post edited December 14, 2014 by apehater
apehater: thats nice to hear, there are games where europeans dont have to pay more. how much more do us citizens have to pay and do they get store credit for this game?
US citizens will never get store credit from regionally-priced games, as it only applies to countries that pay higher than the American price. The idea behind the fair price package it is that for a long time GOG only had one standard price (the American) for all its games. With changes made this year, a number of games gained different pricing depending on the region. Some lower (like Russia/Ukraine), some higher (like Europe/Australia). For those that end up paying higher than the previous American price, GOG gives the difference back in store credit.
apehater: thats nice to hear, there are games where europeans dont have to pay more. how much more do us citizens have to pay and do they get store credit for this game?
Grargar: US citizens will never get store credit from regionally-priced games, as it only applies to countries that pay higher than the American price. The idea behind the fair price package it is that for a long time GOG only had one standard price (the American) for all its games. With changes made this year, a number of games gained different pricing depending on the region. Some lower (like Russia/Ukraine), some higher (like Europe/Australia). For those that end up paying higher than the previous American price, GOG gives the difference back in store credit.
ok, but do us citizens pay a different price for shadow warrior (2013) compared to europeans?
apehater: ok, but do us citizens pay a different price for shadow warrior (2013) compared to europeans?
I told you above. The US price for Shadow Warrior (2013) is $40. The European price is roughly $38.
apehater: ok, but do us citizens pay a different price for shadow warrior (2013) compared to europeans?
Grargar: I told you above. The US price for Shadow Warrior (2013) is $40. The European price is roughly $38.
oops, you're right and everything is clear now. i didn't read your post till the end "..., when compared to its $40 American price.", sorry.
apehater: ok, but do us citizens pay a different price for shadow warrior (2013) compared to europeans?
Grargar: I told you above. The US price for Shadow Warrior (2013) is $40. The European price is roughly $38.
I have no idea where you are coming from with that but eu price at the moment is 39.99 USD. At least that's what im getting from gog.
Post edited December 14, 2014 by Matruchus
Matruchus: I have no idea where you are coming from with that but eu price at the moment is 39.99 USD. At least that's what im getting from gog.
Proof attached below.
proof.jpg (233 Kb)