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Reaper9988: Hmm so I was looking at Shadow warrior during the sale. It doesn't offer a fair price package but it's defintely regionally priced (37.79$ full price for me) instead of 29.99.
Yes, it's cheaper for you indeed, because the actual price is $39.99.
Reaper9988: Hmm so I was looking at Shadow warrior during the sale. It doesn't offer a fair price package but it's defintely regionally priced (37.79$ full price for me) instead of 29.99.
Grargar: Yes, it's cheaper for you indeed, because the actual price is $39.99.
Duh, my bad, I should have checked magog, thanks.
Post edited December 05, 2014 by Reaper9988
I noticed, that after all this wave of bullshit-pricing grew to an unstoppable force on GoG, I started buying more not yet regionally priced games on GoG. You may already suspect my dilemma: Do I actually support regional pricing with this?
Klumpen0815: I noticed, that after all this wave of bullshit-pricing grew to an unstoppable force on GoG, I started buying more not yet regionally priced games on GoG. You may already suspect my dilemma: Do I actually support regional pricing with this?
Ultimately and unfortunately, I don't think it matters because as you say, regional pricing is on GOG to stay. They like it, they are bringing back the previously lost games with regional pricing and there's no further ado from their customer base.

I've sort of come to the conclusion that the company is evolving into something I don't like, but I haven't really found any alternative where I can shop, so like you, I'm stuck in this weird limbo, enabling business practices I don't approve of because there's no one else to give my money to if I want DRM-free, client-free games.
Klumpen0815: I noticed, that after all this wave of bullshit-pricing grew to an unstoppable force on GoG, I started buying more not yet regionally priced games on GoG. You may already suspect my dilemma: Do I actually support regional pricing with this?
Well maybe one does but I only really mind if I buy a game that later becomes regionally priced.
By buying region free games while avoiding regionally priced ones you're basically sending the right message customer wise.
Of course if most people don't care it's probably for naught but oh well.
Klumpen0815: I noticed, that after all this wave of bullshit-pricing grew to an unstoppable force on GoG, I started buying more not yet regionally priced games on GoG. You may already suspect my dilemma: Do I actually support regional pricing with this?
In a way, by supporting a shop that supports regional pricing. If you want to buy and can do so, do it straight from the dev as much as you can. And look for what's DRM free on Shiny Loot while those still have flat pricing.
JaqFrost: I've sort of come to the conclusion that the company is evolving into something I don't like, but I haven't really found any alternative where I can shop, so like you, I'm stuck in this weird limbo, enabling business practices I don't approve of because there's no one else to give my money to if I want DRM-free, client-free games.
Back to the high seas I guess, and keep demanding DRM-free region-free options from everyone you can, telling them that's the only way they'll get your money again. And I'm so saddened by it. Really thought there could be something worth supporting in this rotten business all these years. But with a regionally priced older game (as per their former definition, at least 3 years old) re-added now, they just crossed the last line I had drawn in the sand for any sort of support.

... That said, after lashing out like I did last night (and unliking the Fb page again), I actually made a purchase a few hours later. First since May. Definitely not for GOG's sake, nor exactly for the sake of the game, but first time I saw it 80% off unbundled and like the dev, so for that I guess.
Working on the wording of a call for a... somewhat nuanced, not necessarily full, boycott now, to post after the sale. All I can do I guess.
Klumpen0815: I noticed, that after all this wave of bullshit-pricing grew to an unstoppable force on GoG, I started buying more not yet regionally priced games on GoG. You may already suspect my dilemma: Do I actually support regional pricing with this?
Same here. Whenever an interesting game arrives here without regional pricing these days, I tend to buy it right away. But I don't think I support regional pricing by doing so. On the contrary, I guess if everybody would act the same way, GOG would have clear proof that people don't want regional pricing. But that's just wishful thinking. Most people simply don't care and so regional pricing is here to stay and will spread out through the whole catalogue in no time.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Collector's Edition Upgrade, in case you didn't pre-order it and wanted the extras.
Post edited December 05, 2014 by Grargar
I have a serious question for you guys:

Would you feel offended and boycotting my game if I regionally-price it like this:
Equivalent of 5$ for USA/Australia/Canada/EU/UK ("first-world" countries in short)
Equivalent of 3$ for Africa/Asia/South America and poorer EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.)

It's not for debating, just a kind of survey.

EDIT: changed "x$ price" into "equivalent of x$" as the price would fluctuate with the rate change.
Post edited December 05, 2014 by catpower1980
catpower1980: I have a serious question for you guys:

Would you feel offended and boycotting my game if I regionally-price it like this:
5$ base price for USA/Australia/Canada/EU/UK ("first-world" countries in short)
3$ price for Africa/Asia/South America and poorer EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.)

It's not for debating, just a kind of survey.
Offended? Not really.
But I would boycott your game, which means I wouldn't buy it.

Regional pricing cannot be fair. Some countries may be "poorer", but there are poor people in rich countries too. And rich people in poor countries. That's the only reason.
catpower1980: I have a serious question for you guys:

Would you feel offended and boycotting my game if I regionally-price it like this:
5$ base price for USA/Australia/Canada/EU/UK ("first-world" countries in short)
3$ price for Africa/Asia/South America and poorer EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.)

It's not for debating, just a kind of survey.
Urnoev: Offended? Not really.
But I would boycott your game, which means I wouldn't buy it.

Regional pricing cannot be fair. Some countries may be "poorer", but there are poor people in rich countries too. And rich people in poor countries. That's the only reason.
catpower1980: I have a serious question for you guys:

Would you feel offended and boycotting my game if I regionally-price it like this:
5$ base price for USA/Australia/Canada/EU/UK ("first-world" countries in short)
3$ price for Africa/Asia/South America and poorer EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.)

It's not for debating, just a kind of survey.
Urnoev: Offended? Not really.
But I would boycott your game, which means I wouldn't buy it.

Regional pricing cannot be fair. Some countries may be "poorer", but there are poor people in rich countries too. And rich people in poor countries. That's the only reason.
This. Perfectly expressed.
catpower1980: I have a serious question for you guys:

Would you feel offended and boycotting my game if I regionally-price it like this:
5$ base price for USA/Australia/Canada/EU/UK ("first-world" countries in short)
3$ price for Africa/Asia/South America and poorer EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.)

It's not for debating, just a kind of survey.
Like I said in the discussion with amok (who's actually pushing for something like this, full price for wealthier countries and lower prices for all the others, with nobody paying more than the full/standard price), since my stance against regional pricing is based on the view that we're talking about the exact same product sold by the exact same shop, I can't possibly support this. However, I have said, both in that talk and later, that I'm not against it either if it'll be done right, and even now, when it's obviously not done right (usually just with Russia getting a better deal), I have the few games and companies that only do it this way set separately on the list of shame post.
Whether I'll boycott it myself though, as long as nobody, not even Luxembourg or maybe Norway or anyone else who may be seen as even wealthier than US, will need to pay more than the "standard" price, probably not. Just definitely won't be praising the idea in any way.
catpower1980: I have a serious question for you guys:

Would you feel offended and boycotting my game if I regionally-price it like this:
5$ base price for USA/Australia/Canada/EU/UK ("first-world" countries in short)
3$ price for Africa/Asia/South America and poorer EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.)

It's not for debating, just a kind of survey.
I agree with Umoev and Klumpen0815 that there are plenty of poor people in rich countries, but I've lived in enough developing countries to notice that there's a huge difference between poor people in the west and poor or even upper middle class people in the rest of the world. I don't think you can ever be truly fair in pricing, but my issue with the current scheme is that it feels as if most publishers see Europeans as cash cows and that is most definitely not right or fair.
catpower1980: I have a serious question for you guys:

Would you feel offended and boycotting my game if I regionally-price it like this:
Equivalent of 5$ for USA/Australia/Canada/EU/UK ("first-world" countries in short)
Equivalent of 3$ for Africa/Asia/South America and poorer EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.)

It's not for debating, just a kind of survey.

EDIT: changed "x$ price" into "equivalent of x$" as the price would fluctuate with the rate change.
Me personally I wouldn't mind that, I'm not jealous of the lower prices russia(or poorer countries) get I only hate how the regional prices are arbitrary set by the publishers for mostly their own enrichment.
Post edited December 05, 2014 by Reaper9988