sasuke12: I don't see any point to re-buying games on gog which I already have on steam.
Imagine you live in a house alone, then would you buy two television sets when you just watch on one of those ?
No, it's not logical.
anothername: Imagine you want to live alone in a house and have a TV set that comes with the clerk selling it to you, always looking at what you do, sometimes changing settings while you are watching something or turns if off and take it with him for a few days (or forever). And when you say you finally have enough you'll still see him in outside mode, staring at you through the closed window and at one point when you don't expect and at least require it he suddenly is inside again, pulls the plug and ask for an id since after you moved to another house he have to be sure its really you.
Weeks later you see a TV set with all the benefits but without such a clerk in another shop :)
If you are one of those people (which for some unfathomable reason is many) that does not feel they are effected by Steam's DRM solution, then fine. Great for you.
But you're in denial if you think it will always be that way. Unless you plan to spend your life alone.
You think its daft to rebuy something you already own. Well, you're right.
But that is what Steam is trying to force me to do when I let my children or wife play one of my unplayed games.
At least this should be the Last time I have to rebuy a game.