Posted July 28, 2015

The controls themselves have been described as flimsy, awkward and generally just a waste of plastic.
To add a little more understanding why a lot of people think Ouya is a joke, they had a promotion where any dev that raised at least fifty thousand dollars via crowdfunding would have their total crowdfunding amount matched by Ouya.
The first two games that came close to reaching that goal were a little dubious. Elementary, My Dear Holmes reached its goal of fifty thousand but was eventually suspended by Kickstarter. Gridiron Thunder managed to get funded despite some EXTREMELY shady backing, Ouya was going to go ahead and pay the Gridiron Thunder devs anyway until the other Ouya devs got very vocal about leaving, when that happened Ouya and the Gridiron Thunder devs had a meeting and decided that the Gridiron Thunder devs would drop out of the promotion. A third game called Dungeons: The Eye of Draconus also met its goal but was removed from the contest after it was revealed that most of the funding came from the devs father.
In short, the first several games that met the goal of the contest were all very shady at best, Ouya was going to fund the last two anyway until the community got out their torches and pitchforks, and probably would've funded the first had their kickstarter not been shutdown.