Posted January 20, 2015
babark: What is "Islamist"? Do I have to accept the validity of such a word with the meaning you give it?
Seriously now...? I'll answer that question for you in a separate post, since asked for it...
In the meantime, my browser spell check marks Islamist as a wrong word so for now congrats on being on the same mental level as my spell check. (this is not necessarily an insult, depending on how one looks at it)
babark: What does "actively ostracising extremists" mean, and what makes you think it isn't already being done? And who is "We"?
It's not being done nearly enough. I'm not seeing any imams or mosque visitors reporting terrorists among their midst to the police or talking them out of the nonsense, I've seen interviews with people who try to de-radicalize endangered young men but that should be the norm, not just happening here and there. On the contrary, many young people get radicalized by their imams instead of being given peaceful spiritual guidance. A community is in ways responsible for its members. By "we", I was talking rhetorically hence the quotation marks, and I obviously meant the Muslim community. babark: And then you go into a condescending tone about how I am fearful or in denial and that is why I'm on the defensive and a liar?
You're most welcome to prove me wrong, in fact I wish I was wrong. On the whole matter. But so far, you're not doing a very good job. If you mistake honesty for condescendence, that's unfortunate. I was under the impression that you're a grownup, surely you can handle it when some stranger says things in a way you don't like. babark: I'm sorry, I don't see it as a deflection or a "waste" at all. If you are claiming that Islam is the root cause. Since Islam has existed for the last 1400 years, then there should be a constant and consistent comparison between other religions over all other factors, that makes out Islam to be worse, and there isn't.
First off, I'm not concluding that Islam is inherently the root cause. I'm strongly implying that it is a possibility to consider that Islam is the root cause. Or it could be something else. If I already knew the answer, I wouldn't bother to discuss the issue in the first place. The past informs us about the present, it doesn't excuse it - neither positively nor negatively. It seems you were taught some sanitized version of history that whitewashes the history of Islam. Can I undo years of potential brainwashing onto your mind? I doubt it. You seem comparatively educated and speak very good English, most likely a member of of the Middle class, however there is still a possibility that you were being taught history inaccurately. Here's a possible explanation by your countryman Tarek Fatah:
I would cut you some slack if it weren't for the internet where you can get all the info for free so there is no excuse.
babark: Since you belabour this same point with 4 separate quotes from me, I think you missed the initial part of the discussion, although I thought I explained it to you before. I'll repeat the exact words I addressed to you before again, so perhaps you can understand this time:
"Klumpen was attempting to provide a case for the argument that Islam is uniquely violent. That is all I was trying to disprove. I wasn't using it as an excuse for anything."
The more you're posting, the less it looks like that. For one, I found it rather disturbing how you evaded Klumpen's simple questions in the exact same passive aggressive manner that Salafists do whenever they are asked such simple questions. They just can't give a straight answer. "Klumpen was attempting to provide a case for the argument that Islam is uniquely violent. That is all I was trying to disprove. I wasn't using it as an excuse for anything."
The president of the Central Council of Swiss Muslims is such a Salafi convert clown, he appears on TV as if he represents Muslims in Switzerland - which I strongly assume and truly hope he does not.
If I was a Muslim, I would shirk no effort to make it clear that backwards guys like that are unwelcome Islamists and that no sane person thinks like them. If you're holing up in a defensive "I don't have to justify myself for those guys" position then you're only reinforcing stereotypes, congratulations on that. It's your choice to not answer questions and not position yourself in a favorable way to the "infidels" but keep in mind that you can shape the image, or the image shapes you. This is just how things work.
Well, sorry if I'm not the droids you're looking for. Perhaps if you would take some time to dwell on my points, maybe it's not all nonsense?
babark: Perhaps I can also make this clear: If you are attempting to turn this into a "Superiority of cultures" or "Superiority of religions" discussion, I'm sorry, but I have no interest in participating. Nowhere in any of my statements here did I make the claim that Islam is BETTER than anything else (although I may personally believe this). All I said was that the idea that Islam is UNIQUELY WORSE, in and of itself, is misguided.
Thing is, with a basic ability to read between your lines (though it's more a case of evaluating expressions with unknown variables, fairly basic math) it seems that yes, you do seem to believe Islam has superior value. Even if you're only claiming that it has at least equal value than everything else - which is already a very bold statement without sufficiently backing this up with empirical evidence.Post edited January 20, 2015 by awalterj