babark: ...
I obviously don't want to start a Christianity/Judaism/Hinduism/Whateverism vs Islam discussion,
Of course not, you're just here to defend Islam. But wait... in the next part of your sentence you
do in fact make a comparison so it appears you are doing the *insert religion" vs Islam discussion thing after all.
babark: but they can be interpreted as having just as many, if not more
"direct orders for violent acts" as Islam. Any scriptures/text/religion/belief system can (or has) been twisted to suit nefarious ends.
Typical apologist rhetoric. While it is true that you can twist everything into anything in order to find orders for violence, it's a lot harder to do this with e.g. the Bible than than with the Quran because in case you hadn't noticed, the peaceful New Testament takes precedence over the brutal Old Testament, at least for Christians. I know this because I had to attend bible class and wasn't always successful enough with trolling (=being an agnostic) to get kicked out of class so I did learn a few things even if it didn't interest me. I grew up in a Catholic village and not one person interpreted the Old Testament as an instructional book to be followed in the least bit, not even the monks at the local monastery.
I must admit though that I can't comment on the contents of the Quran in exacting detail as I haven't read the whole thing and don't intend to, in part because I keep hearing that unless I read the original version in Arabic, it's not the real Quran and the translations are all wrong etc. Really too unfortunate if the contents of a book aren't strong enough to survive translation in one piece. But if the translated quotes I've seen so far are even halfway accurately translated, then one can definitely see that it's not hard to interpret the Quran as an instructional manual on how to handle things, sometimes more and sometimes less detailed, and it doesn't take much twisting to interpret some of the more unsavory parts as instructions for violence.
In the end, I don't think blaming a book makes much sense though, I mean if you gave me a 7th century book that tells me to do bad things then I wouldn't do them so obviously it depends on each person and how gullible / able to put into context they are. There seems to be no consensus anyway considering all the different branches of Islam, there's no unity within the religion aside from the feeling offended at any kind of criticism part and duty to defend the religion part.
In fact, have you noticed that when you look up the Bible on Wikipedia, there is a section for Criticism: But when you look up the
on Wikipedia, there is no section for criticism on that page. There is a [url=]separate page but it's not linked from the main Wiki article about the Quran. Where are the screams from the politically correct folks about such unfairness, however subtle? And how am I supposed to take anything seriously that is so fragile it can't allow for criticism? I don't have a current need for invisible friends in the sky but If I had to choose between Christianism and Islam I'd choose Christianism any time of the day, as that's a club you can leave anytime without getting death threats from the hardliners. So in the end, all religions are not equal. Some are worse for your health than others. During my travels to 6 Muslim countries I've met many super nice people and found appreciation for cultural aspects like the superior hospitality - an ancient tradition which predates Islam in those regions by centuries - but when they try to invite me to become a Muslim (and this happens often), I always decline the kind offer. Even if there is delicious tea and cake involved.
babark: No, sheer number is a sign for it not being wronger than anything else. Sheer numbers is a sign that considering their behaviour and what you claim they are, I'd defer to them as to what their religion is, rather than you.
Muslims have had a 1400+ year history across the globe, and while I certainly don't claim that every muslim was the greatest guy ever,
even in places where muslims ruled and were in majority, there still exists (and in some cases thrives, and has exceeded) hinduism, local branches of judaism and christianity, zoroastrianis). Do you think in the hundreds of years these groups were in contact with Muslims, if Muslims were as vile as you say, they'd still exist? For a comparison, today we have absolutely no remnants of the original adherents of the original European religions- Vikings, Druids, Wiccan, etc. All that remain are writings by Christians on them.
I don't even know where to start, this has got to be one of the more absurd things I've read on this forum and I look at all the weird threads. This kind of logic is almost comical in a very darkly funny way.
I'm not even going to go into the far reaches of history as you'll bring up the old "but Christians did equally bad stuff and worse". (As if that was an excuse anyway)
Even if you look at just the last 100 years, it should be painfully obvious that religious minorities more often than not didn't survive or "thrive" under Islam because of Islam but despite it and in some cases just barely survived.
A little story from real life:
When I was in Cairo back in 2010 (before the whole uprising), I saw a really cool old building and decided I wanted to paint it. It was a Jewish synagogue and I thought, well I had been painting mosques etc all week and I've never painted a synagogue so let's do that. I had barely stood there looking at the building for 5 seconds - no exaggeration - when a plainsclothes officer came running and said I'm terribly sorry but this is a security problem area. I did notice the army soldiers with machine guns and heavy body armor plus bullet proof shields in front of the synagogue but I hadn't noticed all the plainclothes agents sitting in cars nearby, in total I saw about 8 or more armed guards. Even after I showed my passport, they wouldn't let me paint the synagogue, apologizing to me and saying i would need a special permit from the Egyptian embassy in my country because they had such serious security problems there. So yes, a religious minority can survive in a Muslim country but often only under high security. What does that say?
And I don't think I have to go into all the severe religious discrimination going on in Muslim countries nowadays, it would be an immensely long post. And definitely including Pakistan, a country which was born under painful circumstances with lots of mass genocide going on between the religious groups.
Surely you must know about how mass genocide was taking place in the Punjab region in 1946/47, on one hand hand from Muslims against Hindus and on the other hand from Hindus against Muslims. Pointing that out before you say "both sides did bad things, shit happens" or "but Nehru didn't want to give in to our demands". It's a most tragic chapter in human history and because of religion, millions of people were displaced. Including my dad's family who didn't even belong to any of the main factions. My dad doesn't follow any religion but his family belongs to Jainism. A peaceful minority - so peaceful that they don't even eat animals or even potatoes because they don't want to harm insects on the plant's roots. When was the last time you heard about a terrorist from Jainism? ...exactly.
They lived in the part near Lahore that now belongs to Pakistan so they had to flee. Fortunately they made it out in one piece and settled in parts of India, my dad later emigrated to North America (Canada & USA) where he met my mom who is Swiss. But others weren't so lucky to just be displaced. My father never talked about it, what he saw must have traumatized him too deeply. I remember asking my mom if she knew anything because he didn't talk about it and she told me some stuff that is way too brutal and graphic to be posted here, seriously messed up stuff. But even to my mom he didn't tell too much about the atrocities he saw, and even after many decades he still doesn't talk about that in detail. You could say, well but the non-Muslim religious minorities survived under Islam in Pakistan and the Muslim minority survived under Hinduism in India. But at what loss? Look at the low percentages that remained. All this displacement and death because of religion. Survived? Yes, a few. Thrived? Hell no.