Spartanwarrior117: Can you add wad files like: Sigil, Nerve and the master levels file in these games? is it possible to mod the games to hd for these versions of Doom?
What about for wolf 3d? can you add: spear of destiny & the other two expansions to wolf 3d main file and it will show the episodes on the menu with the 6 main game episodes?
just curious.
RoboPond: Yes. The games have the original .wad files.
So You can add them to GZDoom or, Doomsday or what ever other engine supports them and they will work. Addons that need either Doom 2 or Ultimate Doom will also work with GOG's wad files this way. Just follow the original instructions. Sigil, Nerve works fine with them as I use them.
For Wolf I tend to use a custom launcher. (So when I run Wolf3d.bat in Windows a DosWindow appears asking me to press either 1, 2, 3 etc or q. As for getting them to appear on the New Game for Wolf I don't know a way.
Edit: So I use GZDoom and for Sigil I download GZDoom from , then installed it. Then copied the DOOM.WAD from my GOG Ultimate Doom folder, into my GZDoom install folder. Then downloaded Sigil from and unzipped that to my GZDoom folder.
Then you want to create a shortcut to GZDoom and right click and click properties then add the following after the " (leave a space after the ") in Target
file sigil.wad
Now click Apply then Ok and Sigil should then work. I have mine setup a bit differently but that's how to get it working.
(Sigil should appear under new game under "Thy Flesh Consumed" in the menu list.)
cool, glad to see doom 2 expansions can work on the gog version. same with ultimate doom. i guess as long they are wads it will show up on the gog version? what about the lost episodes of doom?
im assuming when placing the master levels wads i just put them in Doom 2 folder and it will show up as the master levels on the menu for doom 2 of the gog version?
im also curious, on gzdoom. im trying to autoload twice for gzdoom. i have the doom_complete.pk3 autoload on teh first shortcut, what about the second shortcut? am i allowed to do that? im trying to load duke nukem mod for it. there is a addon you can find that has duke nukem elements for it on modb. But, when i try autoloading on teh second shortcut, it won't let me for duke nukem addon thing that replaces enemies and weapons and the hud and etc. im not sure if there maps from the game or not. is there a different version of duke nukem to add on for gzdoom?