Please tell me what should I do. (THX in further.)
I have Steam account and GoG's. I want to gift my Steam account to a brother, but leave a GoG One to myself) If I connect Steam to GoG via GoGConnect I couldn't connect another one, but: what if I already connected some games but want to disconnect Steam acc from GoG's one. Can I do it and how? Will I be possible to connect another Steam one to GoG one if I accept to clear all added games from previous Steam one?
Please answer.
Species8472Hu: Hi all! I have some perception about GOG Connect.
First... It would be very good a GOG Connect button, or any short link in the main menu bar, or in the Account menu. I can't find a normaly way to access to GOG Connect.
I will sing at every word. Add THE
BIG RED BUTTON. Well, it's a joke, not a red one, just add it.
Lavender and nice. ;)
Species8472Hu: Not even, and not now there wasn't any eligible game to connect to my GOG Profile, but in my Steam library there is nearly 400 games. This is okay? If it is, the GOG Connect function currently near to useless. :(
They've said already that you should
MANUALLY add every
MOMENT at GoGConnect game, and if it will be so, you will be able to connect any game you have on Steam's
IF it will be
PARTICULAR MOMENT on ~33 hours PERIOD to add this game to GoG.
ANOTHER bunch of games will come up
P.S.: And there will be no need in waiting for a w
eaks. ;)