GeraltOfRivia_PL: You can always refund the game if it doesn't work well, whether you buy it on Steam or here. Unless it's a retail copy, of course.
The minimum minimum requirements for1080p is GTX 780. I think you are fine. You are below recommended but the game should work well on minimum settings.
Oh sorry i just checked and 780 is actually stronger than 1050 nvm
Yeah. A 1060 and 780 are roughly comparable. The first number (or 2 in the latest generations) is just the generation of the card. The last 2 dictate the model. A xx50 will almost always be out performed by a xx60, regardless of generation. However advances in technology often mean that the next generation's models will out perform the previous generation's cards in the same tier. So a 660 and 750 will be roughly comparable with the exception of a few limitations.
Of course this only applies to NVidia GeForce GPUs. And there are still exceptions there, like the 1660. There isn't a 16 generation. But a higher number doesn't mean a card is better. A 720 is no where near as good as a 560.