Posted July 24, 2015

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia
Posted July 24, 2015
Nah, an empty chair would be more appropriate (with the skeleton having long turned to dust). WoW has fucked up the franchise's universe so completely and thoroughly that a direct sequel would be impossible unless they retconned WoW or it was a prequel during the War of the Ancients (unless they plan on milking the WotA in another time-travel expansion...)
Post edited July 24, 2015 by Crosmando

Lingua Franca
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted July 24, 2015
Neither of those is P2W. There are people who reached legend rank in a couple of days without spending money.

Registered: Sep 2013
From Sri Lanka
Posted July 24, 2015

In contrast Hearthstone doesn't have anything similar(by the way I have been playing Hearthstone since the beta). In Hearthstone the only buyable item are card packs, which you can also get for 100 ingame gold, and you get them free in various ways by playing the game. Each week you get 1 card pack for playing the tavern brawl. There's a daily quest that gets 1 card pack. If you spend 150 in game gold, you can play the arena which guarantees 1 card pack and extra rewards like gold and dust.
You can just activate heroes and master skins (what is only costmetic) faster with gold.
There are 7 free heroes in rotation every week, and it is easy to earn gold with levelup and questes.
But in Hearthstone the card packs has effect on your gameplay, much easier to build a good deck if you are using money. Much easier to get stronger cards... Most of the best cards are rare, and you need to open a lot packs for them. Only with free packs it is eternity.
So in short version, it is not matter which hero are you using in heroes of the storm, but in hearthstone it is matter what cards do you have.

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted July 24, 2015
In Hearthstone, you can build an excellent deck right from the get-go. Paying money will likely get you higher up, but only barely. It's mostly skill-based. The "better cards" often have significant disadvantages, too.
Also, you are in ranked games. So if you don't pay any money, you'll be playing with all kinds of people with all kinds of decks (expensive and cheap) and you'll win some and lose some. It's all quite fun. And you can also play single-player style, too.
In HOTS, there is no pay-to-win at all. You can pay to get heroes or XP to get you to ranked games faster, but that's it.
Both games are really good games. I highly recommend them.
Also, you are in ranked games. So if you don't pay any money, you'll be playing with all kinds of people with all kinds of decks (expensive and cheap) and you'll win some and lose some. It's all quite fun. And you can also play single-player style, too.
In HOTS, there is no pay-to-win at all. You can pay to get heroes or XP to get you to ranked games faster, but that's it.
Both games are really good games. I highly recommend them.

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted July 24, 2015
I 'll trust my good friend Bella on this one, then! Will try out the heroes! I saw some figures like Stitches, the Butcher and Leoric (etc) that i would KILL to play as them, in order to kill other players online...
But i will pass at the cards. Gwent in the Witcher 3 is my real passion. Plus, it is completely free...
But i will pass at the cards. Gwent in the Witcher 3 is my real passion. Plus, it is completely free...

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted July 24, 2015
You may want to check out Infinity Wars. I was quite impressed with it. It's quite easy to grasp the basics, but there are a few clever twists on the CCG routine in it, like simultaneous turns. Very good gameplay, and no traces of pay to win. You will quickly get a ton of cards, and getting points to buy boosters with goes quite fast. I only stopped playing when after coming back to it after a longer break I realised that a lot about the balance has changed, new decks and cards appeared, and I would have to basically build a new deck. But that's not a problem for somone just starting.

Veni, vidi, vici
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted July 24, 2015

And is gold that abundant in Heroes of the Storm, that the stimpacks aren't necessary to unlock the actual good heroes?
Both issues come from second hand information that I got from a friend that played for a while, but ultimately gave up.
Post edited July 24, 2015 by MadalinStroe

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted July 24, 2015
Post edited July 24, 2015 by Breja

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted July 24, 2015
I played Hearthstone for a bit and really enjoyed it. I had to stop though because my shitty internet connection caused frequent disconnects which led to me losing matches, which was especially devastating in tournaments.
Initially at least, I don't think it is pay to win, since you only play against other players of similar low rank, as is my understanding. What I don't know though is whether or not that rank is influenced by the quality of your cards. I kinda don't think so, so in other words you could come into early contact with a beginner player who bought hundreds of dollars worth of card packs and proceeded to make a very strong deck. That never happened to me though. I started to come into contact with stronger and stronger decks more or less at the same rate as my decks were getting stronger and stronger, and I bought only about 5 decks which didn't end up having a big effect.
There are two things you definitely need to be aware of though. First, Hearthstone has expansions, and these you pay for. The first one, Curse of Naxxramas costs 25$ total (or you can use the ingame currency) and it gives you access to a whole lot of new cards, and a verrry challenging single player campaign, in which you can also win several new cards. So that is one part of the game you sort of have to pay for.
The second thing you need to be aware of is the Tournament mode, in which pay-to-win is non-existent. In tournament mode you create a deck with cards randomly generated for you by the game which, importantly, are generated from a common database for all tournament players. That is, the cards aren't randomly generated from your own stash of cards, hence, all tournament players are on the same level. Now, in tournament mode you play against other tournament players, up and till you get beaten three times total. Then you get a reward based on how many wins you got. The worst reward will always at least give you a new pack of cards. Entry into the tournament is by means of paying 150 gold. You can of course spend real life money to obtain gold, but you don't have to. Each day you'll get a new daily quest which can net you 40-60 gold, and if you win enough matches in the normal game mode you can additionally win up to 100 gold in a day. So just by playing the game you can earn on average about 150 gold in a day (but you'll have to put in a good couple of hours). You could spend 100 gold to buy a new pack of cards, but it's better to rather spend 150 gold to enter the tournament, in which case you'll also get a pack of cards and potentially a lot more. If you do really well in the tournament you can get at least up to 3 packs of cards, and quite a bit of gold. That is, tournaments factored in, you can win even more than 150 gold in a day, a lot more if you're good.
Apart from gold there is also magic dust or something, for the ingame crafting system, but I can't remember much about how that worked.
I also don't know anything about the new game mode. Still, based on the tournament mode alone, I think Hearthstone is a pretty safe game to check out if you're afraid of a pay to win scenario.
edit: sorry, I said 'tournament', but I meant 'arena'
Initially at least, I don't think it is pay to win, since you only play against other players of similar low rank, as is my understanding. What I don't know though is whether or not that rank is influenced by the quality of your cards. I kinda don't think so, so in other words you could come into early contact with a beginner player who bought hundreds of dollars worth of card packs and proceeded to make a very strong deck. That never happened to me though. I started to come into contact with stronger and stronger decks more or less at the same rate as my decks were getting stronger and stronger, and I bought only about 5 decks which didn't end up having a big effect.
There are two things you definitely need to be aware of though. First, Hearthstone has expansions, and these you pay for. The first one, Curse of Naxxramas costs 25$ total (or you can use the ingame currency) and it gives you access to a whole lot of new cards, and a verrry challenging single player campaign, in which you can also win several new cards. So that is one part of the game you sort of have to pay for.
The second thing you need to be aware of is the Tournament mode, in which pay-to-win is non-existent. In tournament mode you create a deck with cards randomly generated for you by the game which, importantly, are generated from a common database for all tournament players. That is, the cards aren't randomly generated from your own stash of cards, hence, all tournament players are on the same level. Now, in tournament mode you play against other tournament players, up and till you get beaten three times total. Then you get a reward based on how many wins you got. The worst reward will always at least give you a new pack of cards. Entry into the tournament is by means of paying 150 gold. You can of course spend real life money to obtain gold, but you don't have to. Each day you'll get a new daily quest which can net you 40-60 gold, and if you win enough matches in the normal game mode you can additionally win up to 100 gold in a day. So just by playing the game you can earn on average about 150 gold in a day (but you'll have to put in a good couple of hours). You could spend 100 gold to buy a new pack of cards, but it's better to rather spend 150 gold to enter the tournament, in which case you'll also get a pack of cards and potentially a lot more. If you do really well in the tournament you can get at least up to 3 packs of cards, and quite a bit of gold. That is, tournaments factored in, you can win even more than 150 gold in a day, a lot more if you're good.
Apart from gold there is also magic dust or something, for the ingame crafting system, but I can't remember much about how that worked.
I also don't know anything about the new game mode. Still, based on the tournament mode alone, I think Hearthstone is a pretty safe game to check out if you're afraid of a pay to win scenario.
edit: sorry, I said 'tournament', but I meant 'arena'
Post edited July 25, 2015 by Matewis

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted July 24, 2015

Registered: Sep 2013
From Sri Lanka
Posted July 24, 2015

And is gold that abundant in Heroes of the Storm, that the stimpacks aren't necessary to unlock the actual good heroes?
Both issues come from second hand information that I got from a friend that played for a while, but ultimately gave up.
If you ask ppl which is the most powerful hero, they will say Illidian is it and Illidan is a cheap hero.

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted July 25, 2015

Initially at least, I don't think it is pay to win, since you only play against other players of similar low rank, as is my understanding. What I don't know though is whether or not that rank is influenced by the quality of your cards. I kinda don't think so, so in other words you could come into early contact with a beginner player who bought hundreds of dollars worth of card packs and proceeded to make a very strong deck. That never happened to me though. I started to come into contact with stronger and stronger decks more or less at the same rate as my decks were getting stronger and stronger, and I bought only about 5 decks which didn't end up having a big effect.
There are two things you definitely need to be aware of though. First, Hearthstone has expansions, and these you pay for. The first one, Curse of Naxxramas costs 25$ total (or you can use the ingame currency) and it gives you access to a whole lot of new cards, and a verrry challenging single player campaign, in which you can also win several new cards. So that is one part of the game you sort of have to pay for.
The second thing you need to be aware of is the Tournament mode, in which pay-to-win is non-existent. In tournament mode you create a deck with cards randomly generated for you by the game which, importantly, are generated from a common database for all tournament players. That is, the cards aren't randomly generated from your own stash of cards, hence, all tournament players are on the same level. Now, in tournament mode you play against other tournament players, up and till you get beaten three times total. Then you get a reward based on how many wins you got. The worst reward will always at least give you a new pack of cards. Entry into the tournament is by means of paying 150 gold. You can of course spend real life money to obtain gold, but you don't have to. Each day you'll get a new daily quest which can net you 40-60 gold, and if you win enough matches in the normal game mode you can additionally win up to 100 gold in a day. So just by playing the game you can earn on average about 150 gold in a day (but you'll have to put in a good couple of hours). You could spend 100 gold to buy a new pack of cards, but it's better to rather spend 150 gold to enter the tournament, in which case you'll also get a pack of cards and potentially a lot more. If you do really well in the tournament you can get at least up to 3 packs of cards, and quite a bit of gold. That is, tournaments factored in, you can win even more than 150 gold in a day, a lot more if you're good.
Apart from gold there is also magic dust or something, for the ingame crafting system, but I can't remember much about how that worked.
I also don't know anything about the new game mode. Still, based on the tournament mode alone, I think Hearthstone is a pretty safe game to check out if you're afraid of a pay to win scenario.
Post edited July 25, 2015 by Gnostic

You shouldlisten
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted July 25, 2015

Are they any fun to play, or wasted time at best?