Posted April 28, 2018
So i been enjoying the game so far. But i been seeing something odd and rather frustrating. The enemy always attack the Shadow Hawk, and it isn't just one guy attacking it, its all enemy units attacking it, even if they don't have line of sight. But they ignore my other mechs like the Vindicator or your personal mech you get.They keep doing this even if the Shawdow hawk is in the back, the front or even on the side flanking the enemy. I lost Glitch cause of that, and now it keeps doing that over and over again so i always lose someone cause they only attack it first then the others. It doesn't matter if if i keep it away from the fighting. Its like they know where its at and just chase it down like a blood hound. I even had one case where the enemy walks by my other mechs and ignores them just to attack the Shadow Hawk.
Anyone else having that issue?
Anyone else having that issue?