Posted January 10, 2021

O ultimo Metroid
Registered: Dec 2010
From Brazil

Born Idealist
Registered: Mar 2011
From Canada
Posted January 10, 2021

There wasn't much of that in the media when I was growing up, there hasn't been a lot of it in my entourage, the conservative idea of how a guy should be is a reasonably close fit to how I am and my sexual identity was very clear to me early on.
I always prided myself on my adaptability and I view this as a failing due to the circumstances of my upbringing, something that is shared by many I'm sure.
I certainly welcome seeing more of it in the media as it is an opportunity to grow.
Post edited January 10, 2021 by Magnitus

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted January 10, 2021
Why is this even a thing?
We have been through this shit countless times
Let's just remove *ALL* portrayed genders completely, Now both sides can shove a sock in it!
We have been through this shit countless times
Let's just remove *ALL* portrayed genders completely, Now both sides can shove a sock in it!
Post edited January 10, 2021 by fr33kSh0w2012

SuperStraight Win10 Groomer Smasher
Registered: Apr 2012
From Hungary
Posted January 10, 2021

And why are you so obsessed with trans people?
so again you lie about topics/posts to prove your point, so typical
that topic isn't even about Christian representation
Op is obsessed with trans people, looking for games specially made by them and representing them.

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia

SuperStraight Win10 Groomer Smasher
Registered: Apr 2012
From Hungary
Posted January 10, 2021
low rated

but how can you force normal things? do creators put posts on twitter that they intentionally made a champ hetero because of their ideology?
still non-hetero is fine, forced non-hetero is not , fe why the lqgt champ hast to be positive
"and the game must not present them in a strictly negative or offensive light." ? that clearly is forced

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia
Posted January 10, 2021
Very cringey thread

SuperStraight Win10 Groomer Smasher
Registered: Apr 2012
From Hungary

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From Belgium
Posted January 10, 2021

We have been through this shit countless times
Let's just remove *ALL* portrayed genders completely, Now both sides can shove a sock in it!
It should however be established through the work of fiction itself, rather than the author 'revealing' this or that after the fact.
Post edited January 10, 2021 by Robette

Registered: Aug 2013
From Italy
Posted January 10, 2021

As always,blah blah blah freedom of speech but only when it's my turn.
So, kindly look elsewhere if it is so disturning for you? I admit I'm tired of your comments way more than any other recurring theme by now, and besides, in the "stirring shit" competition you and your buddies would win a gold medal.
Unfortunately GOG moderation is the most unfunny joke in the world, otherwise you'd probably have been kicked out for your behavior a while ago.
Alas, they're too busy editing post with bad puns, like "paradicks interactive". Whoops, I did it again.

SuperStraight Win10 Groomer Smasher
Registered: Apr 2012
From Hungary

Registered: Aug 2013
From Italy
Posted January 10, 2021

As always,blah blah blah freedom of speech but only when it's my turn.
So, kindly look elsewhere if it is so disturning for you? I admit I'm tired of your comments way more than any other recurring theme by now, and besides, in the "stirring shit" competition you and your buddies would win a gold medal.
Unfortunately GOG moderation is the most unfunny joke in the world, otherwise you'd probably have been kicked out for your behavior a while ago.
Alas, they're too busy editing post with bad puns, like "paradicks interactive". Whoops, I did it again.

and asking mods to censor what you can't tolerate is really mature
so do what you usually do and press the -
Am I intolerant? Sure I am. I'm all for kicking trolls.
Now, go screaming "idiot communist! Homo! Evil trans" in some other threads too. We just can't have enough.
Seriously though, do it. maybe we'll luck out and you'll really get banned.
Post edited January 10, 2021 by Enebias

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted January 10, 2021
low rated
These forums were really Good back in 2009 it started to go lopsided in 2012/2013 when all the IDIOTS showed up and ruined gaming for the rest of us with their BULLSHIT!
Gee... What happened Fell out of your bed and smashed your head making you come to your senses or was it someone finally smacking some reality in that brain of yours Made you wake up and accidentally swallow the RED PILL?
Gee... What happened Fell out of your bed and smashed your head making you come to your senses or was it someone finally smacking some reality in that brain of yours Made you wake up and accidentally swallow the RED PILL?
Post edited January 10, 2021 by fr33kSh0w2012

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted January 10, 2021
I guess the problem is that games whose main point was pushing some political message (which I considering pushing LQWERTY agenda to be at this point), the gameplay part becomes secondary in such games. Hence, such political games tend to be simpler walking simulators or adventures made with Adventure Maker Toolkit or something similar, just to get the message out in a form of a "game".
It is a bit like all those "muslim massacre" and other such political agenda games, they tend to suck at the gameplay department. Quite often some simple Flash games etc.
Anyway, maybe the point here is that having LQWERTY characters in games should be so "normal" that they aren't even considered as political games. However, my personal preference is that sexuality wouldn't normally be even introduced in most games. For instance, when I am playing Thief: The Dark Project, I don't need to know whether Garrett The Protagonist is a cis-hetero male or a queer shemale who likes to dress as a clown when he is not on a mission. The player can fantasize Garrett's sexuality to be whatever he/she/they want, as it is left open. (There is a small hint that he is a bit interested in Viktoria at some point, but we all know how that ends up...)
I even got annoyed by the "Alyx has a crush on your, the protagonist" subplot in Half-life 2 and Episodes 1-2. I just felt it was totally unneeded, Alyx could have just as well been your sidekick without all that ooh and aah. I am not a pimple-faced teenager boy who needs to be reminded by a game that its attractive virtual female character has a crush on you.
(Yes I know I have stated that opinion before, but a good reminder.)
It is a bit like all those "muslim massacre" and other such political agenda games, they tend to suck at the gameplay department. Quite often some simple Flash games etc.
Anyway, maybe the point here is that having LQWERTY characters in games should be so "normal" that they aren't even considered as political games. However, my personal preference is that sexuality wouldn't normally be even introduced in most games. For instance, when I am playing Thief: The Dark Project, I don't need to know whether Garrett The Protagonist is a cis-hetero male or a queer shemale who likes to dress as a clown when he is not on a mission. The player can fantasize Garrett's sexuality to be whatever he/she/they want, as it is left open. (There is a small hint that he is a bit interested in Viktoria at some point, but we all know how that ends up...)
I even got annoyed by the "Alyx has a crush on your, the protagonist" subplot in Half-life 2 and Episodes 1-2. I just felt it was totally unneeded, Alyx could have just as well been your sidekick without all that ooh and aah. I am not a pimple-faced teenager boy who needs to be reminded by a game that its attractive virtual female character has a crush on you.
(Yes I know I have stated that opinion before, but a good reminder.)
Post edited January 10, 2021 by timppu