Posted August 20, 2021SmollestLight: Here's the official statement from the game's publisher:
Developed by the award-winning id Software, Quake® is the ground-breaking, original dark fantasy first-person shooter that inspires today’s retro-style FPS games. Now, experience the authentic, updated, and visually enhanced version of the original. The GOG version of the update is currently being finalised and will be available to new and existing customers soon.
Definitely doesn't fit in with my definition of soon.
And while it has been rejected by some as not really an official statement, GOG have never admitted that.
One would have to speculate, that if it isn't here yet, then it is unlikely to come here any time soon, if ever.
On Steam there have been three updates since it was released, adding improvements and bonuses etc.
And currently it is on sale again at Epic for 40% off. The price for me is $5.98 AUD, which is somewhat tempting after this length of disappointment. I'm not keen on any DRM it might have, but supposedly only certain aspects have DRM.
But who knows, maybe it is more popular than they thought it would be, and so they are just milking it for as long as possible, and it will eventually turn up here.
Perhaps it will turn up here as an anniversary gift. One can always dream.