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high rated
Timboli: So if you don't mind paying a bit for the wonders of the new enhanced version, and to support both the studios and Epic
I don't want to support Epic, thank you very much.
Neurus_Ex: It's not about the price, it's about the product. The idea by purchasing here something was to support both the shop that promoted DRM-Free gaming and the publishers/developers that were on board with them, and obviously, to have the complete product. "Double dipping" has become a weird and silly custom in gaming.
Well no-one is forcing you to do anything, I'm just notifying, so don't shoot the messenger. I'm only mentioning it, for those in fear of missing out, plus also a little push to GOG to try harder to get it sooner ... or some will go elsewhere.

I still haven't decided what I am doing yet myself, but I will certainly get the GOG version if it ever turns up, that's a given, especially as I already own Quake here. I also have it and the main two mission packs on disc as well, and the first extra mission pack as a free download.

Generally I don't double dip ... as in buy from Steam, then a little later buy from GOG. Though you could say I have done that with the many games I have on disc, that I bought again here at GOG ... many years between though.
Post edited December 20, 2021 by Timboli
FozzeY: I don't want to support Epic, thank you very much.
No-one, certainly not me, is saying you should, though it is about more than Epic. Epic are just one part of it.

Many of the same developers and publishers who provide games to Epic (and Steam etc), also provide to GOG. Should we punish them for dealing with stores other than GOG ... DRM stores in particular?

I'm not anti Epic or anti Steam, so much as I am anti DRM. And many games at both stores are a version of DRM-Free, and I have certainly taken advantage, like many of all the free games coming via Epic for more than two years now, so it doesn't take much to be a little grateful for them, despite how you might feel otherwise for past behaviors or even some current ones. I don't believe in being too Black & White ... but hey, that's a personal choice, based on a long perspective of life and the nuances of the fickle human. I also believe in rewarding good behavior ... no point or logic to being completely negative. Change rarely happens without encouragement.

So while I prefer to support GOG than other stores, I won't get my DRM-Free games exclusively from them, especially as competition is a good thing, and one should never have all their eggs in one basket.

Anyway, as always, you and others are free to do as you choose ... just don't shoot the messenger.
Post edited December 20, 2021 by Timboli
low rated
This could use a bump. :D

A gog version was allegedly being finalised in August. Where is it?
low rated
heh I actually forgot about this. Well, thus GOG died *plops over*
Timboli: Generally I don't double dip ... as in buy from Steam, then a little later buy from GOG. Though you could say I have done that with the many games I have on disc, that I bought again here at GOG ... many years between though.
I double dip like an idiot, but only when the GOG version is insanely cheap. Quake was like $2-3 here multiple times I believe. Not defending anything vis-a-vis this enhanced version, just speaking to the topic of re-buying games here (which I think a decent chunk of people do, hence games that have been $5 on Steam a thousand times coming here and being at the top of the bestseller chart for a week).
Timboli: Generally I don't double dip ... as in buy from Steam, then a little later buy from GOG. Though you could say I have done that with the many games I have on disc, that I bought again here at GOG ... many years between though.
StingingVelvet: I double dip like an idiot, but only when the GOG version is insanely cheap. Quake was like $2-3 here multiple times I believe. Not defending anything vis-a-vis this enhanced version, just speaking to the topic of re-buying games here (which I think a decent chunk of people do, hence games that have been $5 on Steam a thousand times coming here and being at the top of the bestseller chart for a week).
Well like I said, I have done it with many games I had on disc.
I've also bought at GOG when cheap enough, if I got the game earlier for free at Epic ... depends on the game though and how much I wanted it in the first place.
I've also re-bought several Tomb Raider games at GOG, after buying them very cheap at Steam ... and for a few it was a triple dip, because I also had them on disc.

There are still a good number of games I got free at Epic, that I would buy at GOG if cheap enough. One such is The Witness, which because it is also DRM-Free at Epic, needs to be a couple of dollars cheaper than it has been at GOG.

Any game I have gotten at ZOOM Platform or or even Humble or the freebies at IndieGala, I won't buy again at GOG, as they were all DRM-Free and available as installers.

I can now create my own installers for DRM-Free Steam and Epic games, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. Partly because I want to support GOG, and because it takes time etc to compress to an installer, but also you just never know about missing dependencies. Getting a GOG version is usually a no-brainer.

P.S. I suspect Quake Enhanced will eventually come here, just not until they have milked it enough elsewhere, where they get money from sales of it.
Post edited January 11, 2022 by Timboli
Still no sign of Quake Enhanced at GOG, but Epic have it on sale again ($5.98 AUD).

So I decided to get it another way just in case, and now I can wait them out ...with peace of mind.

I'd be happy to even pay a bit at GOG for it, just to get the benefits, but the longer they make me wait, the less I can be bothered to pay, certainly now I don't have to.
Timboli: Still no sign of Quake Enhanced at GOG, but Epic have it on sale again ($5.98 AUD).
It'll probably be given away on Epic before it's ever released on gog.
Timboli: Generally I don't double dip ... as in buy from Steam, then a little later buy from GOG. Though you could say I have done that with the many games I have on disc, that I bought again here at GOG ... many years between though.
StingingVelvet: I double dip like an idiot, but only when the GOG version is insanely cheap. Quake was like $2-3 here multiple times I believe. Not defending anything vis-a-vis this enhanced version, just speaking to the topic of re-buying games here (which I think a decent chunk of people do, hence games that have been $5 on Steam a thousand times coming here and being at the top of the bestseller chart for a week).
Quake 1 was also given away in early August 2020 (did some Googling for the timeframe) on the Bethesda.Net Store / Launcher. If owned, that got updated & upgrade for free to Quake 1 Enhanced, when they dropped.

I certainly did NOT buy it from Bethesda.Net and knew I grabbed it free there - just wasn't sure of when.

I'm also guessing Quake 1 Enhanced will come to GOG, when they're done w/ this version's run of the game w/ content - when Bethesda's done updating it, adding mods, will remove Bethesda.Net checks from it, and anything else. Then, they'll just port it to GOG at once in big swoop and do whatever GOG-stuff needs to be done to get it on the GOG Store - and then be basically DONE with the GOG version (for the most part).
Post edited February 01, 2022 by MysterD
For those who are not aware, there is an alternate free PC Port of Quake 64 available at ModDB.

That is alternate to the official free version of Quake 64 that is available for those who own the new Quake Enhanced.
What a shame, if true.
This BREAKING NEWS is simply too spicy to rot away in the awful Quake subforum, so check this out:

So some days ago I was in the chat of the German Bethesda Twitch channel and mentioned this problem. Someone from their community team was so kind to forward this to the Bethesda sales team. I told them the whole story and also gave them the link for this thread so they where able to see the official announcement. A bit later I got a reply and they told me that nobody had any info about the Enhanced version being finalised for a GOG release. SmollestLight lied to us.

So... any comments?
low rated
fronzelneekburm: This BREAKING NEWS is simply too spicy to rot away in the awful Quake subforum, so check this out:

So some days ago I was in the chat of the German Bethesda Twitch channel and mentioned this problem. Someone from their community team was so kind to forward this to the Bethesda sales team. I told them the whole story and also gave them the link for this thread so they where able to see the official announcement. A bit later I got a reply and they told me that nobody had any info about the Enhanced version being finalised for a GOG release. SmollestLight lied to us.
fronzelneekburm: Source

So... any comments?
i'm not surprised in any way that cdpr/gog is lying & f#cking up customers. i'd say they do it extensively since 2010, back when tet left. so no q1 ee for us then. maybe bethesda will release it in 2 years when gog isn't about drm-free any more and they'll charge all quake owners extra
fronzelneekburm: So... any comments?
This isn't anything new, we've had reports of Bethesda denials before for this.

So it boils down to three things.

(1) Did GOG outright lie?
(2) Did GOG misunderstand or got misled ... perhaps with a bit of wishful thinking in the mix too?
(3) Did Bethesda outright lie?

Regardless we know all the parties play games at the commercial level, so likely just business as usual.

He said, she said ... perhaps to build up greater interest ... likely a good advertising ploy.

Really, you have to look at who is the winner in all this ... and it ain't GOG. Many would have got tired waiting for the release here and bought it elsewhere, to the pleasure of Bethesda.

Many game providers have a habit of taking advantage of GOG for free advertising .. a form of abuse to my mind. In this case it is even worse, because they are providing no product at all, let alone a half baked or flawed one.