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MaLow17: Indeed Quakespasm-Spiked is one of the best ports out there but I also like vkQuake very much with Vulkan-API support:
It runs very smooth.
The probably best source port available at the moment is the new fork of Quakespasm by Andrei Drexler. Using that one for example with Arcane Dimensions I was able to boost the framerate on some maps (e.g. Tears of the False God) from ~60 to super stable 400 (!). It's really great. I've not tried it with Slayer's Testaments yet but everything I have tried was running absolutely smooth (even the super massive Ter Shibboleth: Drake Redux)

You can check it out here:
MysterD: See, that's the issue here - Quake: Offering on GOG is incomplete now, thanks to Beth-Soft and MachineGames updating this classic w/ Quake Enhanced/Remastered/whatever you wanna call it on Steam, Epic, and Bethesda.Net.
Depends on the perspective. Quake The Offering (played through a decent source port like QuakeSpasm or vkQuake) offers exactly what it always has for that original Quake experience. That an EE is now available that offers some additional levels isn't necessarily always desirable if it comes with other strings attached. Analogy : Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition offers more content than Diamond Edition consisting of newer modules. That doesn't mean Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition is "crippled" in any way though for continuing to offer what it always offered if that's all some people are happy with.

Another thing I haven't seen mentioned in the discussion is that sometimes people can have a preference for the "feel" of a particular engine. Eg, I love the "feel" of GZDoom engine and the Dark Engine enough that I wouldn't want a Doom Unity or Thief Unity based Remaster even if they did come with extra levels. So personally, I'll be sticking with vkQuake whether QEE comes to GOG or not.
Post edited December 05, 2021 by AB2012
MysterD: See, that's the issue here - Quake: Offering on GOG is incomplete now, thanks to Beth-Soft and MachineGames updating this classic w/ Quake Enhanced/Remastered/whatever you wanna call it on Steam, Epic, and Bethesda.Net.
AB2012: Depends on the perspective. Quake The Offering (played through a decent source port like QuakeSpasm or vkQuake) offers exactly what it always has for that original Quake experience. That an EE is now available that offers some additional levels isn't necessarily always desirable if it comes with other strings attached. Analogy : Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition offers more content than Diamond Edition consisting of newer modules. That doesn't mean Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition is "crippled" in any way though for continuing to offer what it always offered if that's all some people are happy with.

Another thing I haven't seen mentioned in the discussion is that sometimes people can have a preference for the "feel" of a particular engine. Eg, I love the "feel" of GZDoom engine and the Dark Engine enough that I wouldn't want a Doom Unity or Thief Unity based Remaster even if they did come with extra levels. So personally, I'll be sticking with vkQuake whether QEE comes to GOG or not.
Until modders or someone update those Quake Source Ports/Engines to actually support the actual new content, then Quake: The Offering still feels like it's still incomplete now - no matter how good, bad, or whatever the new content is or isn't.

Quake Remastered/Enhanced is now offering more content than its older version. Worst of all, Quake Remastered isn't here on GOG yet and I don't think any Source Ports added support for that new content yet.

Same can go for NWN:EE content not brought over to Old NWN: Diamond copies; and also all of the new DLC's that got released for Titan Quest: Anniversary (Ragnarok, Atlantis, and now Eternal Embers) which are NOT even in the Original TQ: Gold version - these older editions are lacking some of the newest content that are actually found in some of these newer Remasters.

For example, here's one great thing w/ a source port for Duke Nukem 3D Content - EDuke32 Source Port actually has support for running Episode 5: Alien World Order from DN3D: World Tour Edition.

Personally, I'd love to see VKQuake, Quakespasm, Darkplaces, or any of the Quake 1 Source Ports add support for the new content exclusively found in the Quake Remaster.
Post edited December 05, 2021 by MysterD
MysterD: Personally, I'd love to see VKQuake, Quakespasm, Darkplaces, or any of the Quake 1 Source Ports add support for the new content exclusively found in the Quake Remaster.
Initial support for the Quake 2021 re-release was at least added to vkQuake with the 1.11.0 version. Since then it has been improved with every update. I've not tested the enhanced version episodes with the latest version (1.12.1) of vkQuake yet so I can't say how well they run at the moment.
low rated
The only reason I signed up for GOG was because Quake Enhanced was purportedly going to be available on this platform.

At least I was only scammed out of $3.
el_frijole: The only reason I signed up for GOG was because Quake Enhanced was purportedly going to be available on this platform.

At least I was only scammed out of $3.
Well, you received 10 free games for your $3, so it could hardly be called a scam...
low rated
Neurus_Ex: Don't feed the troll. He's been being an annoyance around the Quake Enhanced thread supporting the never-coming release and insulting other users throwing cheap bait (Like what has been doing here).
Irony. Grow up a bit.

Neurus_Ex: Iif you engage him, it will only make you angry and you will risk a moderator closing the thread.
That's what this thread deserves.
high rated
Ruvika: Capture of the chat below.
Thank you for posting this! This pic should get a repost every time NightDive and/or Bethesda release a game here. It makes abundantly clear that gog buyers are basically considered lepers and they're treated like ping pong balls by the various parties: gog points to Beth/ND. ND points to gog and Beth. Beth points to ND and gog. None of them want to own up and take responsibility for a situation they created. Instead of playing a cringe-inducing "He said/She said" blame game, NightDive or Beth could have the decency to go "You know what? Let's do the right thing here and at least toss them a singleplayer-only version and maybe drop the base price by a few dollars to make up for the missing multiplayer!"

Instead both of them go "Huhuhuh, ask gog!" along with a shrug emoji. I wouldn't be surprised if gog indeed straight-up made up the "it's coming and it's being finalised!" post as damage control (it's not like the gog PR crew haven't made up stuff before - "many gamers", anyone?). But that doesn't make Beth/NightDive's behaviour any less disgraceful.
In the absence of information, this is the best information we have. No amount of arguing over "discord screenshots" is gonna change that.
fronzelneekburm: NightDive or Beth could have the decency to go "You know what? Let's do the right thing here and at least toss them a singleplayer-only version
At this point the only right thing I expect from them is to go "Nope, not happening" so we can all move on.
Post edited December 14, 2021 by FozzeY
FozzeY: At this point the only right thing I expect from them is to go "Nope, not happening" so we can all move on.
It would seem that even that is too much to ask...
low rated
I am sure, that GOG being their favorite store, that they will want to give us all a nice surprise for Xmas.

I say that staring straight ahead, not blinking and with a poker face.

Color me stupid ... but you just never know ... stranger things have happened.
low rated
By the way, Quake has just gone on sale at Epic, for $5.98 AUD.

So if you don't mind paying a bit for the wonders of the new enhanced version, and to support both the studios and Epic, you can buy it for quite cheap right now. I think someone here mentioned it was even essentially DRM-Free at Epic.

I might buy it as just a thank you for all the free games from Epic for a few years now.

Or we could wait a while and see what Xmas brings at GOG. The sale lasts until 7th January 2022.
I'm not going to take the community manager's words at face value (remember EA's community manager?), but I'll toss a casual reminder that Doom is also lacking the Unity version update. An update released more than a year ago on My gut tells me we'll likely not see Quake before Doom.
Post edited December 18, 2021 by Grargar
Timboli: So if you don't mind paying a bit for the wonders of the new enhanced version, and to support both the studios and Epic, you can buy it for quite cheap right now. I think someone here mentioned it was even essentially DRM-Free at Epic.
It's not about the price, it's about the product. The idea by purchasing here something was to support both the shop that promoted DRM-Free gaming and the publishers/developers that were on board with them, and obviously, to have the complete product. "Double dipping" has become a weird and silly custom in gaming.

Grargar: I'm not going to take the community manager's words at face value (remember EA's community manager?), but I'll toss a casual reminder that Doom is also lacking the Unity version update. An update released more than a year ago on My gut tells me we'll likely not see Quake before Doom.
Yeah, I wrote about this on the Quake's forum thread. It should come -because the original game is in GoG and we were told that we were getting it- but given Doom's update never came, its pretty clear we ain't getting anything.

Which leaves here first GoG at fault for announcing it and not being upfront with what's going on.
low rated
Grargar: I'm not going to take the community manager's words at face value (remember EA's community manager?)
If you mean gog's "community manager" - agreed.
If you mean NightDive's community manager - let's just say that with a major AAA dive with thousands of employees and offices like EA or Zenimax, I'm not surprised if some PR drone isn't up to date with all the internal goings on. Maybe I have a messed up perception of NightDive, but I assume it's still a fairly small and close-knit company, at least close-knit to the point where the right hand would know what the left hand is doing.