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low rated
Bigs: Is it wrong that I own 30 of those 31 games (Undertale being the only one missing)?
I own 22 and have only completed 5. That's DEFINITELY wrong!
>Diablo 3 ranked higher than Bloodlines.
>Mass Effect 2 having a good story


Still, I'm surprised that BG 2 and PS: T got top 5 spots. I was actually expecting much much less from them.
Tannath: I'm running out of excuses not to play this...
This excuse works for me:

I am afraid other (older) CRPGs I haven't played yet will feel boring after PS:T (if it is really as good as some people make it to be). Hence, I want to play these lesser CRPGs before diving into PS:T.

I have actually played it a bit, but just the beginning really...
DIablo 3? Dungueons of Dredmor? Torchlight 2?

This is supposed to be a joke, right?
Breja: DIablo 3? Dungueons of Dredmor? Torchlight 2?

This is supposed to be a joke, right?
WTF is a 'dungueon'? :P
Tannath: I'm running out of excuses not to play this...
Mine is "the Infinity Engine games are overrated, they did not age all that well, AD&D rules never worked out all that well in a computer game, and to add insult to injury Torment has just about the slowest, most boring god-I-don't-want-to-play-any-more beginning I can think of in any RPG."
Emachine9643: I thought System Shock was a shooter.....
But it wasn't on that list, or was it...?

If you meant System Shock 2, I'd argue it is an action-RPG, unlike its predecessor.
tinyE: WTF is a 'dungueon'? :P
Your mom.
tinyE: WTF is a 'dungueon'? :P
Breja: Your mom.
Sad thing is I Googled that, and you're right.
Horrible list, but somehow they got #1 right. There's just no denying it, I suppose.
Oh their two different types of game..... That changes things then=)
Matewis: Just don't go in expecting great combat mechanics. What makes the game special, I think, is the fascinating world, the cool story, the incredible writing + dialogues (which there is a lot of) and the phenomenal music.
The gameplay and combat is cool,too. I once played through the game 4 times in a row, 3 times solo to max out the different classes, it's fun without paying attention to the story as well.
Hard to take the list seriously when it has not one, but TWO Elder Scrolls games on there.

On the bright side, at least they had the common sense to include KotOR2 and not the first game.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by MarioFanaticXV
MarioFanaticXV: On the bright side, at least they had the common sense to include KotOR2 and not the first game.
Yeah, the broken, unfinished one. That clearly makes sense.

Don't get me wrong, I love both KotORs, but if I had to pick oneo ver the other, it would be the first one. The second one had all the makings of a superior game, but in the form it was released it isn't, not even close. An yeah, I know- plyer mods, restored content, yadda yadda. Mods are great, but they really should not count in such comparisons.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by Breja
tinyE: WTF is a 'dungueon'? :P
Breja: Your mom.
... making snow angels in the nude on a chilly, moonless night.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by Lemon_Curry