GameRager: Ever see the multi-stage decontamination scene from the original version of the film "The Andromeda Strain"? They talk about handling that as well(in a somewhat gross manner).
Gaud... another movie I haven't seen. Actually, haven't seen either of them :D
Come to think of it, I haven't seen the 28 days movie either. But, I have seen Del Toros Andomeda Strain series, which I absolutely love!
PS: Speaking of touching things, I'm going to answer you here;
Yes, coin exchange is somewhat a hazard, luckily, at least here we mostly use card. Downside is, everyone is touching everywhere on the card terminals, and naturally, these plastic cards / terminals don't react well to alcohol or disinfectants. (But security wise, using nfc to just swipe the card isn't much better either...)
Speaking of dirty coins, like most children I would put coins in my mouth to such on them... I prefer to think it made my immune-system more resilient because I'm "never" sick, at least usually no longer than a day tops with mild symptoms like headaches and tiredness (mostly due to dehydration).
Sometime ago I bought some disinfectant with "artificial alcohol" or something, don't recall the chemical name, but that one was really great on things like mobile phones, keyboards, mouse, steering wheel etc...
PS2: Sorry for your loss...