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personally i find the last of us comparison the review uses a bit dubious
the game is a spruced up ps3 game so off course it would look a bit wonky

but i find the whole ps4 pro deal a bit wonky
the review makes it clear that currently only a hand full of games make use of the pro's power
there is an unclear roadmap
and unless you have a 4k tv there isnt much of a difference
and worst of all there is no support for ultra hd discs in the machine
so it feels more like a hop to the side then a step forward

all in all more of a roadblock really

the pro is only worth looking in to if you dont have a ps4 yet
have 400 to burn
and got a 4k tv
and if you are interested in playstation VR

developers wont care much they will be busy courting the base playstation 4 owners
of which there are at least 44 million

( 47 million shipped as of september 2016 )
Huh, completely forgot this was releasing today. I think some game was releasing today as well, can't remember. But here it is, I guess.

Hmm, what I really want to know is why Sony and MS felt the need to release upgraded versions of their consoles mid-generation. And if VR might end up like the Wii's motion controls (maybe not likely, but possible).

I've heard of a few games that are apparently going to have pro features (Rise of The Tomb Raider and COD was it?) Publishers may try to support PS4 Pro features, since they may be anticipating widespread adoption of the new version, and would probably want to cash in the possibly lucrative opportunity. If it actually sees significant adoption, consumers may favour the games that can take full advantage of what the upgrade has to offer. This is all just speculation on my part of course.

I'm not really interested in consoles, beyond some Atlus games. And I'm not sure if VR can avoid the fate of Motion Controls (though they seem to mostly have.) Are you particularly interested in them snowkatt?
JK41R4: I'm not really interested in consoles, beyond some Atlus games. And I'm not sure if VR can avoid the fate of Motion Controls (though they seem to mostly have.) Are you particularly interested in them snowkatt?
in vr ?
no "normal" stereoscopic 3D already gives me a splitting headache and makes me motion sick with in 15 minutes
so imagine what vr will do to me

if i want to be sick and ride the stomach elevator there are easier and cheaper ways to do that

if you are asking me if i am interested in consoles
then yes i am a platform agnostic gamer and will play on any platform if i like the games
and i have a "plebian" base ps4 ( so i am probably biased in regards to the pro )

i actually thought the forum devoured this thread since it didnt show up
JK41R4: I'm not really interested in consoles, beyond some Atlus games. And I'm not sure if VR can avoid the fate of Motion Controls (though they seem to mostly have.) Are you particularly interested in them snowkatt?
snowkatt: in vr ?
no "normal" stereoscopic 3D already gives me a splitting headache and makes me motion sick with in 15 minutes
so imagine what vr will do to me

if i want to be sick and ride the stomach elevator there are easier and cheaper ways to do that

if you are asking me if i am interested in consoles
then yes i am a platform agnostic gamer and will play on any platform if i like the games
and i have a "plebian" base ps4 ( so i am probably biased in regards to the pro )

i actually thought the forum devoured this thread since it didnt show up
No, the thread showed up.

Hmm, never gamed using 3D or VR before, I certainly wonder how really fast paced games would feel on that. I'll just ignore the thought, already feeling nauseous.

I prefer gaming on PC, though I can play on anything really. I'd get a console, but I'm broke more often than not, and Importing things is a hassle, so I just stick to my laptop.
snowkatt: in vr ?
no "normal" stereoscopic 3D already gives me a splitting headache and makes me motion sick with in 15 minutes
so imagine what vr will do to me

if i want to be sick and ride the stomach elevator there are easier and cheaper ways to do that

if you are asking me if i am interested in consoles
then yes i am a platform agnostic gamer and will play on any platform if i like the games
and i have a "plebian" base ps4 ( so i am probably biased in regards to the pro )

i actually thought the forum devoured this thread since it didnt show up
JK41R4: No, the thread showed up.

Hmm, never gamed using 3D or VR before, I certainly wonder how really fast paced games would feel on that. I'll just ignore the thought, already feeling nauseous.

I prefer gaming on PC, though I can play on anything really. I'd get a console, but I'm broke more often than not, and Importing things is a hassle, so I just stick to my laptop.
i have no idea how i would react to Vr but im not going to hork up a few hunderd euro just for the dubious pleasure of having my own private vomitorium

and i could buy one of these
but i'd need a samsung droid phone for that
and i dont have one of those so thats going to cost me a few hundered as well !

so no thanks ill just ignore VR

i do a lot of gaming both on console and pc i happen to have more pc games because of steam and gog sales
( 426 steam games 218 gog games )
and i have around 200 console games
in short i got way too many damn games
snowkatt: i do a lot of gaming both on console and pc i happen to have more pc games because of steam and gog sales
( 426 steam games 218 gog games )
and i have around 200 console games
in short i got way too many damn games
Wow, no kidding. I guess the advantage of being broke is you can't splurge even if you wanted to. Though I'd buy GOGs entire catalogue given the opportunity. I'm sure you'll clear your backlog in a decade or two.

Hmm, no offense to us, but I usually picture the average GOGer to be the old gamer who's been gaming since pong, and is jaded by the current state of the industry. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
snowkatt: i do a lot of gaming both on console and pc i happen to have more pc games because of steam and gog sales
( 426 steam games 218 gog games )
and i have around 200 console games
in short i got way too many damn games
JK41R4: Wow, no kidding. I guess the advantage of being broke is you can't splurge even if you wanted to. Though I'd buy GOGs entire catalogue given the opportunity. I'm sure you'll clear your backlog in a decade or two.

Hmm, no offense to us, but I usually picture the average GOGer to be the old gamer who's been gaming since pong, and is jaded by the current state of the industry. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
thats assuming i dont buy and more games from this point on ( unlikely )

and my first console was a megadrive II in 1994
im just a lot younger and still jaded
snowkatt: and my first console was a megadrive II in 1994
im just a lot younger and still jaded
Heh, I'm even younger and still feel disillusioned at times too, but I think I just spend too much time on the net (other places, not here).
snowkatt: the pro is only worth looking in to if you dont have a ps4 yet
have 400 to burn
and got a 4k tv
and if you are interested in playstation VR
(and are willing to accept the DRM found on modern video game consoles, including (but not limited to) the PS4)
snowkatt: the pro is only worth looking in to if you dont have a ps4 yet
have 400 to burn
and got a 4k tv
and if you are interested in playstation VR
dtgreene: (and are willing to accept the DRM found on modern video game consoles, including (but not limited to) the PS4)
Hmm, on that, what kind of DRM do the PS4 and XB1 use (if any)? I've never really known what kind of copy protection they've needed.
JK41R4: Hmm, no offense to us, but I usually picture the average GOGer to be the old gamer who's been gaming since pong, and is jaded by the current state of the industry. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Pong? That's for filthy casuals, bro. The average GOGer sez that Avalon Hill's games are for noobs, so... ;)

Seriously though, I wonder if those "not that young anymore" gamers care about this 4k deal and stuff. I mean, seems something generic to the top. Doesn't look like a deal breaker to me.
JK41R4: Hmm, no offense to us, but I usually picture the average GOGer to be the old gamer who's been gaming since pong, and is jaded by the current state of the industry. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
vicklemos: Pong? That's for filthy casuals, bro. The average GOGer sez that Avalon Hill's games are for noobs, so... ;)

Seriously though, I wonder if those "not that young anymore" gamers care about this 4k deal and stuff. I mean, seems something generic to the top. Doesn't look like a deal breaker to me.
I guess it really just depends on how deep your pockets are. If I could play the same games with good performance, I wouldn't really care.

Hmm, now that I think about it, won't the 8th gen be likely to end in 3-5 more years?
JK41R4: I guess it really just depends on how deep your pockets are. If I could play the same games with good performance, I wouldn't really care.
Same here.
Pockets are exploded after this gog sale, though. ;P

JK41R4: Hmm, now that I think about it, won't the 8th gen be likely to end in 3-5 more years?
This gen thing.... chucks!
well dunno i'm kinda glad that the ps4 pro will kinda push VR - not in the sense that the PS4 Pro VR will be ultra amazing (i'm not interested in it at all personally) but rather in the sense that finally a "bigger" group will have the same VR solution and this may push games and improvements for second and third generation VR a bit more (atm i'm not interested in any VR - not even in the Vive and just watching the market and development right now - but well in 1 or 2 generations i may be - obviously on pc then though)
dtgreene: (and are willing to accept the DRM found on modern video game consoles, including (but not limited to) the PS4)
JK41R4: Hmm, on that, what kind of DRM do the PS4 and XB1 use (if any)? I've never really known what kind of copy protection they've needed.
the same all consoles use
this game only works on this console
nothing new there