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Entire The Witcher universe, up to 85% off.

The world doesn't need a hero, it needs a discount.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the entire The Witcher universe, a collection of masterworks in video-game storytelling, are now on promo! Are you fan of mature RPGs? Cold and indifferent universes in which there are no good guys? Growly badassery and makin' money? The critically acclaimed open world of No Man's Land hits a historically low price:

<span class="bold">The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt</span> is <span class="bold">30% off</span> for the very first time.

Here's what the press says about it so far:

"The Witcher 3 finds a nigh-perfect sense of balance between giving you things to do and allowing its spaces to breathe. [...] And make no mistake: this is one of the best role-playing games ever crafted, a titan among giants and the standard-setter for all such games going forward. [...] But while the grand clashes are captivating, it is the moments between conflicts, when you drink with the local clans and bask in a trobairitz's song, that are truly inspiring." -- 10/10 -- Gamespot

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt encompasses what I hope is the future of RPGs. It stands out for its wonderful writing, variety of quests and things to do in the world, and how your choices have impact in interesting ways. Usually something is sacrificed when creating a world this ambitious, but everything felt right on cue. I still think about some of my choices and how intriguing they turned out – for better or worse." -- 9.75/10 -- Game Informer

You can also get the whole story, and catch up on The Witcher's universe of indifference at up to 85% off with:
--The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings -85%
--The Witcher -85%
--The Witcher Adventure Game -60%

Deadly contracts and war-torn lands await in <span class="bold">The Witcher universe promo</span>, until Thursday, September 10, 3:59 AM GMT.
sigilork: This has nothing to do with complaining it just does not feel right anymore . The witcher series is excellent and that price dumping policy haunting the gameing Industry just doesnt reflect all the hard work and time developers invest to make those games. If i talk to young people abou that I get coments like "What - you pay for your games?" Or" Its just to expensive if it costs mor then 10 Euros" - ehm yes. I remember well when I paid 50 for one Game. And I did not regret it one second. Nowdays people think paying mor then 10 is "wasted". Besides having multiple discounts per week makes the discount itself feel worthless to me cause it feels like a discount is nomal and nothing special anymore.
That is just stupid and totally ignorant of economic principles. If games are so "worthless", how come there are way more available than when we paid 50 Euro? You are completely wrong, games will get even cheaper. Eventually they will reach smartphone price levels, because selling more is better than selling expensive.
Also as a buyer I couldn't care less about how much work went into a game, all I care about is how much I will play this game, and that makes a one man game like Eador:Genesis worth a 100 times more to me than a 100 man production like the Witcher.
gibbeynator: I thought I owned what I bought, but apparently not. GOG still refuses to recognize that I own The Witcher 3, almost 4 months out from release...
Please file a support ticket and the GOG Staff will do everything in their power to remedy this ASAP.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by jorlin
jamotide: That is just stupid and totally ignorant of economic principles. If games are so "worthless", how come there are way more available than when we paid 50 Euro? You are completely wrong, games will get even cheaper. Eventually they will reach smartphone price levels, because selling more is better than selling expensive.
Also as a buyer I couldn't care less about how much work went into a game, all I care about is how much I will play this game, and that makes a one man game like Eador:Genesis worth a 100 times more to me than a 100 man production like the Witcher.
While I don't agree with his "GOG needs to release more games" statement ( more games are welcome, of course, but they've been doing great lately ), he does have a point about the price dumping, not just on GOG but in general.

Publishers can sell to a wider audience, make more sales, and thus can afford to sell at lower prices? Sure, but that doesn't come without consequences for us gamers. In order to sell more units of a game, game productions ( especially major, expensive AAA projects ) are being developed with the goal to appeal to as many people as possible. This leads to games being dumbed down and stream-lined, removal of any content which could be considered controversial, and less games with unique ideas and gameplay concepts, since that is too risky. In addition to that, publishers are relying more and more on alternate ways to make money -- sell the base game for cheap, then milk the players with in-app transactions, crappy DLC add-ons, monthly fees etc.

The way I see it, good work deserves to be rewarded. If I know and trust a specific developer, and I'm certain that I'll enjoy their latest release a great deal, then I'm not going to wait for the super-dumping discount price level before I buy a copy.

( That said, the goal for this particular promo is likely to attract new people to GOG, and to the Witcher series specifically. Never played the Witcher games before? Here, you can have all the old ones really cheap! Now buy a copy of the shiny new Witcher 3! :D )
Post edited September 03, 2015 by CharlesGrey
I would guess that in the case of Witcher 1 & 2 all of the production costs have been recouped by now and every sale is almost pure profit, given that these are digital downloads. Thus they can afford the massive price dumps and maybe even pick up new fans who will purchase Witcher 3 at full or near to full price on the strength of the first two games.
Crosmando: Where's the [new] games?
Ciris: We've had a week full of releases last week, and we've already launched a couple of titles this week and more are on their way. Still not enough? ;)

(btw, if the answer to that is yes, feel free to help us release even more awesome stuff).
If you have time, it would be interesting to tell the HR guys to write a kind of "expatriate guide" with relevant and useful infos to make the job offers page way more attractive to potential candidates....

For example, let's say I apply for QA tester part-time (do they even hire at the kitchen of your cafeteria? ^o^):

- What are the good real estate websites (in English) for low-mid rentals flats/houses?
- What are the possibilities to quickly learn Polish outside of work (like evening schools and conversation tables for foreigners)?
- What are the requisites to open a business (sole propietorship, etc.) in Poland? In English please? (to make money aside of GOG)
- And so on....

That's the kind of questions people have before considering applying to GOG and your (well, not yours ^o^) job page don't answer them in concise manner and searching for relevant answers like that is a deal breaker as GOG is not the only IT company in the world. Warsaw is maybe beautiful if we come as a tourist but it's another story to go live there ;)

BTW, if you see Guillaume at the office, call him "GuiGui", he's gonna appreciate ;o)
Ciris: We've had a week full of releases last week, and we've already launched a couple of titles this week and more are on their way. Still not enough? ;)

(btw, if the answer to that is yes, feel free to help us release even more awesome stuff).
It's never enough. And unfortunately Poland doesn't appeals to me (I don't know the language + gf also would need a new job).
IMO , GOG as a platform would be more attractive if it had less games but of higher quality. It should be quality over quantity. Nothing more discouraging to me than seeing ever more mobile games being ported to PC and released here... I am well aware that there are people who might be interested in that. But to me, GOG should stick to big stuff - either of the past or present. I wouldn't like if it was cluttered with thousands of mediocre, petty games.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by inc09nito
low rated
The Witcher 3 is £35 even after a 30% discount. Pathetic, it's still way too expensive. Does GOG/CD Projekt think everyone in the UK is made of money?

It would seem that way since you offered Russia/Ukraine The Witcher 3 pre-order to the equivalent of £10-15. Yet you had the game for pre-order here in the UK at £40. Your regional pricing ideology is nothing but a bunch of boll*cks.

Play this card again to UK customers GOG/CD Projekt and you've lost a customer for life.

Post edited September 03, 2015 by JumpinJakF1ash
gibbeynator: I thought I owned what I bought, but apparently not. GOG still refuses to recognize that I own The Witcher 3, almost 4 months out from release...
jorlin: Please file a support ticket and the GOG Staff will do everything in their power to remedy this ASAP.
Not sure if you're joking or not, but I'm pretty sure he meant that GOG doesn't display Wild Hunt as owned for him in the store, despite the fact that it IS in his library.
Ciris: (btw, if the answer to that is yes, feel free to help us release even more awesome stuff).
I would love to join you guys. However, I am merely a handsome super genius, who is good at everything, and would therefore be of little use.
CharlesGrey: Publishers can sell to a wider audience, make more sales, and thus can afford to sell at lower prices? Sure, but that doesn't come without consequences for us gamers. In order to sell more units of a game, game productions ( especially major, expensive AAA projects ) are being developed with the goal to appeal to as many people as possible. This leads to games being dumbed down and stream-lined, removal of any content which could be considered controversial, and less games with unique ideas and gameplay concepts, since that is too risky. In addition to that, publishers are relying more and more on alternate ways to make money -- sell the base game for cheap, then milk the players with in-app transactions, crappy DLC add-ons, monthly fees etc.
Oh no no no, no way you can pin dumbing down on price dumping. How come the most dumbed down games are the most expensive ones? How come games have started to be dumbed down long before the price dumping began? No way man, this connection makes no sense.
Also DLC milking...the are tons of DLCs for expensive games and cheap games, it is just a good way to milk more money, it has no connection to cheaper prices.

CharlesGrey: The way I see it, good work deserves to be rewarded. If I know and trust a specific developer, and I'm certain that I'll enjoy their latest release a great deal, then I'm not going to wait for the super-dumping discount price level before I buy a copy.
So? If anything, that makes my point, that you reward good games, no matter what work went into it.
Please stop doing this. I am becoming so spoiled. :D
jamotide: Oh no no no, no way you can pin dumbing down on price dumping. How come the most dumbed down games are the most expensive ones? How come games have started to be dumbed down long before the price dumping began? No way man, this connection makes no sense.
Also DLC milking...the are tons of DLCs for expensive games and cheap games, it is just a good way to milk more money, it has no connection to cheaper prices.
Well, there may or may not be a direct connection there, but you're not going to deny that "dumbing down" and streamlining of games is all about mass market appeal, right?

And there's definitely a connection between the buying behavior of customers these days, and new payment models. If the majority of gamers refuses to buy games at base price, regardless of their quality, size or age, then the standard sales model loses importance, and publishers start looking at alternatives. Of course not all of them actually use them as a replacement -- some just dump the extra profit system on top of the traditional base price, if they feel they can get away with it.

jamotide: So? If anything, that makes my point, that you reward good games, no matter what work went into it.
Well, yes! I'm just saying that it's short-sighted to make huge discounts the highest priority. As gamers and customers, we all do our part in shaping the future of the industry, with each purchase we make. So if we really love certain genres, or the work of specific developers, then it's important to support them to the extent that we can afford to spare the money. Or we'll eventually end up with nothing but the generic annual AAA clones, sequels and remakes. ( You mentioned earlier that games are cheaper, because they are able to sell them in larger numbers, but for more obscure game concepts and niché genres that just doesn't work. They're dependent on a certain core audience who don't mind paying a higher price, since they just don't have the mass appeal required to sell huge numbers of copies. Without that support certain sub-genres will either die, or the developers will be forced to make their games more mainstream compatible -- in other words "dumbed down".)
Shambhala: Really? They've been releasing games non stop as of lately, and people complain about discounts?
tfishell: It's true. Be nice to see some more Bethesda games, though.
More? I'd rather it was every release of Bethesda games...Instead we're locked to steam...But seeing that they already have three games not available until now, it's a good start.
sigilork: This has nothing to do with complaining it just does not feel right anymore . The witcher series is excellent and that price dumping policy haunting the gameing Industry just doesnt reflect all the hard work and time developers invest to make those games. If i talk to young people abou that I get coments like "What - you pay for your games?" Or" Its just to expensive if it costs mor then 10 Euros" - ehm yes. I remember well when I paid 50 for one Game. And I did not regret it one second. Nowdays people think paying mor then 10 is "wasted". Besides having multiple discounts per week makes the discount itself feel worthless to me cause it feels like a discount is nomal and nothing special anymore.
jamotide: That is just stupid and totally ignorant of economic principles. If games are so "worthless", how come there are way more available than when we paid 50 Euro? You are completely wrong, games will get even cheaper. Eventually they will reach smartphone price levels, because selling more is better than selling expensive.
Also as a buyer I couldn't care less about how much work went into a game, all I care about is how much I will play this game, and that makes a one man game like Eador:Genesis worth a 100 times more to me than a 100 man production like the Witcher.
You are being ignoant and selfish here not me. Good work needs to be payed properly like it or not. That is exactly the mentality that I mean. Thanks for showing it off. Maybe someone should tell you that these people have a life too that needs to be financed. This ignorance of yours makes the rich richer and keeps the poor poor.