Yeah, that's rushing it a bit ;)
It is nothing more than a personnal project/exercise yet.
Each time I think it is ready to publish, I find a new way to improve it turning the previous version totally obsolete. I think I need to mature all this stuff a bit more...
If you want to have a good laugh, here is what my scripts looked like no more than four weeks ago : Of course, you're free to reuse anything you find useful in my scripts (including the wrestool | icotool stuff if you like it).
I'm going to have a look on your work too (haven't taken the time yet), and I totally agree with your idea of unifying all this!
Now we just need someone who knows how to make .rpm packages and we're ready ;)
Anyway, I'm going to post here the tricks I could discover while working of this, hoping it will help.
(Baldur's Gate II is a good example of game where GOG messed stuff and turned it mod-unfriendly, game that can be turned back in a good shape in a couple lines of bash)