dtgreene: For example, when it comes to immigration, is it really that much of a problem if uncontrolled immigration happens? Is having an influx of immigration really a big deal? Would it be that much of a problem if the US, by treaty, unconditionally legalized immigration with its neighbors? (For the sake of argument, let's assume things go both ways.) Would the US actually be getting more immigrants coming in than those who decide to leave the US?
So, in the case of illegal immigration, I think the best solution is to change the laws so that all immigration is legal; that means there's no more illegal immigration, and the problem is solved.
Wow, just wow. I don't want to be an ass, but I've seen you post now on a butch of issues from gender to illegal immigration and I have to be honest, it's views like this that make me fearful for the future of this country.
By some estimations, the planet will be
overpopulated by 2040 - 2050. So lets just open up our borders & share our already limited resources so that when the time comes we now have millions of more people that would not have existed in America if not for open borders or illegal immigration. Resource that could be the difference between living long enough to find a solution to said problem for millions of Americans.
So we have to pray to whoever that technology actually allows us to solve this problem before it gets out of control and all while making the situation worse on ourselves in the mean time. I mean we already have homeless vets and states with high poverty (hello CA), but sure more people... I bet that will solve the problem. Anyone want to place bets?
But yes, yes I know that you will think I'm cruel to suggest America worry about it's own citizens over all others (and by the way I suggest the same for other countries). But to this I say, I will always put the well being of myself and my family above all else like any rational human being would. it's a doggy dog world.
We elect a government to do what is in OUR (as in American citizens) best interest and to look out for OUR well being... I know some members of government fail to understand that though.
That doesn't even begin to go into the other huge impacts the unchecked immigration would cause, from the disenfranchised workforce (which will happen when the number of people coming here outpaces created jobs) turning American into the literal "shithole" that people are trying to escape creating chaos for people having every right to be here being natural-born citizens. Do you really think people would not flood in from South America, Africa, Middle East, etc and literally tank our economy with open borders?
To the loss of American culture, I mean sure who cares if my kids don't get to experience the America I know and grew up in right? In some places "Spanish" makes up a lot of the language spoken in certain states... in America. Now you may not think that a bad thing, but when you already have underpaid teachers with overcrowded classrooms trying to teach kids who can't even understand what they are being taught due to a language barrier you got issues, issues that have a lasting impact. You got demonstrators marching in the street waving Mexican flags... in America. Which like is their right and everything, more power to them... but if Mexico was so great, why did you come to the USA again?
The simple fact is unchecked immigration leads to zero integration, immigration without integration is an invasion. We see the impacts of that in states like California already were unchecked immigration has led to a huge cultural shift with huge portions of the immigrant communities have nearly no integration into American society and American values.
Sorry but I want my kids and grand kids to grow up in an America that still resembles America. If that makes me a "bad guy" then so be it. I mean, if I saw somebody that needs help, and I could provide help...I would help them regardless of their immigration status, but that doesn't mean I agree with their choices in the grand scheme of things.
"Open borders" would be America shooting itself in the foot... I'm not against controlled immigration, far from it... unless you are a Native American you are a decedent of an immigrant. Controlled immigration has a lot of value and can do a lot of good for a country in moderation, but one can recognize that without going to the deep end that is open borders.
Nobody thought Rome (a mighty empire of the time) would fall either, but let history be the proof of what happens with huge expansion with no integration and lost values. It wasn't the only cause of Rome's downfall, but it was a big factor. The same is true of immigration with no integration and too many people, too fast it is a huge cultural shift.
It one of the contributing factors as to why people in America today are so divided...
dtgreene: Just so you know, your post here just attributed to me something I did not say. (If you look at the posts I *did* make, you will notice that my view on the issue is not the same as what the quote implies.)
My mistake, was in error. Fixed.