Don't worry, I'm watching those self-righteous nationalist assholes with their serial killer empathy. Those wankers who actually think others don't deserve the same privileges and human rights just because they were accidentally squirted out on another slab of mud.
Of course, if you really think there is at present "unchecked" "mass" immigration into Germany, you're braindead.
To boot, they're
refugees from a war zone. The "hostile takeover" immigration theory is something for nazi forums. You may yourself want to look a little closer to home, because Germany wouldn't have any problems at all if countries that have spent 50 years gleefully inciting chaos and civil war in muslim countries were ready to do even one percent of their fair share.
Not sure what horror scenarios Fox News is cooking up in the flyover states, but rest assured, there is no one single culture that has even remotely the numbers, intent or the will to "replace" what shreds you may have left as a culture after Trump's shat out of office one way or another.
Of course, if you consider the American culture to be so abjectly weak that it can be "overwhelmed" by the teensiest minority - as their culture is so much stronger and lively - you may adopt a Darwinian stance on the matter and conclude that under these circumstances the American culture doesn't even deserve to survive.
The America of old has shown how cultures can peacefully learn from each other, amalgamate to form something new, strong, individual. You're now rapidly losing that ability at a time when it is, in fact, most crucial to the survival of your culture. Because a culture that does not change, doesn't take in new influences, stiffens, it dries out and then breaks. The static, change averse monoculture is a fantasy that always led to self-destruction.