Themken: Games are up to date. Once there were repeated problems with an update not working as it should but it seems to have been solved.
Egosoft is usually very good with supporting and fixing their games.
RoseLegion: eisberg77: Once X rebirth came to GoG in 2016, it got the same updates that Steam did on the same day. There have been a lot of updates in the last 2 years on that game. Egosoft is very good supporting thier games for years to come.
RoseLegion: Thanks for the replies, sounds like I'll have to give this some serious thought.
Maybe figure out what that "paint mod" is specifically and how I feel about not having it even if I get the CE (I have zero interest in creating a new account and or needing an online connection to access what I've purchased, avoiding that sort of thing is a piece of why I'm 100% DRM free in my games shopping).
I suppose that with the discount being minimal, and the pre-order bonus being something I won't see anyway, I should probably just wait until reviews come out. For that matter I own and haven't yet finished the rest of the X series so maybe the best bet for me is to just play those and wait for all the "season pass" content to be released and buy it then.
Anyway thanks for the input everyone :)
I can give you my thoughts on the paint mod.
It looks as though it will require a membership and registration to Egos own forums. Up to you.
Egosoft employed a similar market stunt before they announced future Steam Exclusivity- it was the option for retail purchasers to register their game with steam and receive a minimilist token gesture download "a Sunny place" - it was an experiment to see what the steam uptake would be.
The paint mod looks like the same sort of deal to me.
I believe this is just a marketing measure stick- wait long enough and it will form part of the base game.