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Become the Ultimate Vampire!

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is now available for pre-order, DRM-free.

Written by the creative mind behind the original Bloodlines, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 brings the ambitions of the first to life and sees the return of a few fan favorite characters.

Immerse yourself in the World of Darkness and live out your vampire fantasy in a city filled with intriguing characters that react to your choices. You and your unique disciplines are a weapon in our forward-driving, fast-moving, melee-focussed combat system. Your power will grow as you advance, but remember to uphold the Masquerade and guard your humanity... or face the consequences.

I could not believe sequel to Bloodlines is in making!
Most probably gonna preorder, because Brian Mitsoda + majority of the gang is on board :D

By tyhe way, what happened to the game set in World of Darkness about werewolves?
Is that still a thing or did it morphed into this one?
Post edited March 22, 2019 by Tarhiel
high rated
Pre-order for a YEAR in advance.
Pre-order exclusive in-game items.
No gameplay footage but rather just several pre-rendered scenes.

Yeah Paradox, go fist yourself.
Tarhiel: Most probably gonna preorder, because Brian Mitsoda + majority of the gang is on board :D
Woah, if that's the case, the decision wether to get it or not is going to be an easy one! :)

Still, it's made by Paradox, I just hope they redeem themselves with this game. I've been burned by you way too many times Paradox, way too many times! :P

Edit: The fair price program is still up until the 31st of March...what to do...
Post edited March 22, 2019 by NuffCatnip
I was waiting for something like that ever since Paradox bought White Wolf. Amazing and great to see day one DRM-free release plans! I wish they'd also make a Linux version, since Paradox are normally quite Linux friendly
Post edited March 22, 2019 by shmerl
high rated
I'm definitely interested, but the different editions are already a huge turn-off. Have to see how this thing develops.
Post edited March 22, 2019 by huppumies
Finally good reason to consider upgrading my hardware!
ciemnogrodzianin: Yeah!
Finally good reason to consider upgrading my hardware!
I can pretty much guarantee my laptop won't run this. But it's too new to replace... not even a year old... what to do...
high rated
Soon = 1 year, eh? =P Silly tags.
Great news, but I've always considered the VtM RPG to be somewhat overrated, and this game is criminally overpriced. Paradox, you have already battered my bank account with Planetfall, please give me a break... This will have to wait. Wishlisted in any case.
Mr.Mumbles: Soon = 1 year, eh? =P Silly tags.
What's a single year for an immortal son of Cain? Time is so relative.
Post edited March 22, 2019 by Lone_Scout
high rated
i'm sorry. i'm going to meme.

i'm a simple man.

i see paradox and i run away, screaming. lol.
Post edited March 22, 2019 by lostwolfe
I see some daft people have already started preordering as it's already on the front page bestseller list.
But if I preorder today I save 27c from the fair price guarantee!

Seriously though, sixty bucks is pretty steep, and a year long preorder too. Happy the game is getting made since I loved VtMB, hope it turns out well, will only consider a preorder if it looks good closer to release.
high rated
3 editions? 24 hour early access? Pre order bonuses? No gameplay footage? Yeah i'll wait for reviews and a complete edition xD.
I hope it's good though!
mac please