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Evil can be lawful, as much as it can be chaotic.

Tyranny is now available for pre-load through GOG Galaxy!
If you pre-ordered the game, you can start pre-loading right now through GOG Galaxy. Download the client, and begin installing Tyranny.
GOG Galaxy will activate your game automatically on release.

<span class="bold">Tyranny - Commander Edition</span>, Obsidian Entertainment's epic RPG that tasks you with enforcing the law over a land recovering from war, is coming soon, DRM-free on

Sometimes you can't control history. However, you can control how its inevitable turns affect the people. After years of bloody conflict, the world of Tyranny has fallen under the rule of Kyros, a powerful Overlord that is now looking for strong individuals willing to enforce his law and keep his subjects in line. Once you become a Fatebinder, you will hold the power to shape the lives of thousands with your decisions. Will you act as an unquestioning instrument of your lord's justice or will you find other ways of bringing order to this broken world? Depending on your choices, certain problems can be overcome with reason or coercion, but for those who defy you, the real-time-with-pause battles will decide the victor.

Pre-order <span class="bold">Tyranny - Commander Edition</span> and get ready for a dark RPG from the acclaimed makers of Pillars of Eternity, coming DRM-free on
Grab the official, 18-track OST, a high-resolution map and wallpapers, plus 4 exclusive Coats of Arms in the <span class="bold">Archon Edition</span>. To further expand your authority, go for the <span class="bold">Overlord Edition</span>, which also adds 3 exclusive short stories, a Guide Book, and a sweet Art book.
Pre-order bonus for any of the three editions: the Fatebinder's Seal and the Commander's Will.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by maladr0Id
IAmSinistar: Ah, thanks. It had seemed from the screenshots to be an isometric action RPG. Glad to hear there is more to it.
SeduceMePlz: You might have been mixing up Pillars of Eternity and Path of Exile. Both are often abbreviated "PoE".
I was surprised as well to see IAmSinistar to confuse Pillars with Diablo-like games - no, no, Sinistar, this is good old RPG like Obsidian does, this one seems to be no different; if you like games like Kotor II, NWN2, or Icewind Dale, this is the studio to go for these games.
Post edited October 14, 2016 by Tarhiel
benmar: Multiple editions = no interest.
I hate this practice and I will certainly not support any product that uses it.
It's not aimed against the game or the developer, but the multiple editions thing needs to die out.
Nirth: I was very confused, first I read multiple endings = no interest. I thought what is the problem with that? :P

Why is it so annoying with multiple editions? Multiple models of any products or service is very common and in a modern society I think it's generally accepted as a way that things are prosperous, filling the needs of many different individuals. If you just want to the game, buy the cheapest one otherwise wait for a sale if you think the others are too expensive in case you want something very specific from them.
Nothing really wrong with it, I just don't like it.
I'm a relic of a time that is long gone I guess.
Matruchus: Ah, another overpriced release version. Will wait for price drop. And with Paradox you can expect several dlc which aren't covered with the high game price.

Though I love that you are the evil guy in this game. It gets boring that in every game you have to play a hero since in reality evil always triumphs.
Yeah, I also find the idea fascinating. Which reminds me that I should pick up Age of Decadence on some next sale.
high rated
Nirth: Why is it so annoying with multiple editions? Multiple models of any products or service is very common and in a modern society I think it's generally accepted as a way that things are prosperous, filling the needs of many different individuals. If you just want to the game, buy the cheapest one otherwise wait for a sale if you think the others are too expensive in case you want something very specific from them.
I dont know about others but I can tell how I see it. Think about you are going to buy a car. You buy the basic model of a car. Then you decide that you want to have leather seats. They tell you that you need to buy a new car with leather seats. Oh and you are not even allowed to sell the basic car you previously bought.

Ofcourse variety is nice and everyone would enjoy having multiple choices. But being stuck with your decision and being unable to upgrade is what makes it annoying. Atleast for me.
Engerek01: I dont know about others but I can tell how I see it. Think about you are going to buy a car. You buy the basic model of a car. Then you decide that you want to have leather seats. They tell you that you need to buy a new car with leather seats. Oh and you are not even allowed to sell the basic car you previously bought.

Ofcourse variety is nice and everyone would enjoy having multiple choices. But being stuck with your decision and being unable to upgrade is what makes it annoying. Atleast for me.
That makes sense but the user I quoted specified editions, not lack of function to upgrade. I agree, upgrades should be available but it's not a major issue in case you really value the extra goodies you either can wait by exercising patience or pay premium price. If you're neither willing to pay premium price or willingness to exercise some patience for a sale then I would ask a rhetorical question;
do you really value these extra goodies or are they just trophies you think you want but perhaps don't.
Ganni1987: Dear GOG,

Is this game going to follow the same poor fate as Pillars of Eternity? By that I mean the lack of upgrade paths between the 3 editions. Might I remind you that as it (still) currently stands, upgrading from Hero or Champion edition of PoE means buying the game twice (and paying twice the amount one would on Steam)

I've been bitten once and I assure you I won't buy this game fearing this might happen a second time.
fronzelneekburm: Completely agree with every word you said. The main reason I haven't bought Pillars yet is due to the complete lack of upgrade options.
Frozen: 100% agree. Please, fix this already and add the options to upgrade.
ModaL: I second that. About the upgrade option that.
RadonGOG: And I third this.
Did you and the others who had this concern ever end up directly contacting the publisher, Paradox Interactive, to request a separate upgrade to show that there is a customer demand and therefore a market to justify making available a separate upgrade instead of just complaining on the forums of a retailer or the developer? I assume you're still cognizant that a retailer can't legally release a separate upgrade such as you're requesting without an signed agreement to do so...
I will never understand people paying 45 dollars for a game they cant play...
Zero interest in the various trinkets, but I've been looking forward to this game. I'll pick up the lowest tier on payday.
Please vote here:
Post edited October 14, 2016 by Punkoinyc
Paradox went all-in for steam, so it is nice seeing some of their titles come to GoG. Hopefully sales are decent enough that they bring more games over.

That being said, the prices are a bit much, will have to wait for sales.
The game is very interesting; yet the price, added "goodies" in higher tier editions and pre-order incentive (just two in-game items with stats – sorry, a stat – that don't tell us anything since we don't know what "+2 Resolve" or "Trigger on Party Kill: Remove a hostile effect etc." really bring us) are very uninteresting. A price more similar to Pillars of Eternity or pre-order discount of 10% would sway me to instabuy. As it is... I think I'll wait for reviews and will buy prior to a sale only if the reviews are stellar.
low rated
Gateway2006: I don't know where you got that from, but you don't play as some underling you play as a "Lieutenant" as it were.
Yawn, triggered fanboi. Google "lieutenant definition".
Sniskerbobberton: Dat sweet 10 pence store credit.

Good to see this coming day one!
Hey, you can buy two carrier bags with that!

/excited ;p

As for the game, nope. Paradix get no pennies from me.
R.I.P. Magicka/Wizard Wars :(
Post edited October 14, 2016 by fishbaits
high rated
For anyone that wants to read it, I left a detailed letter on the paradox forums regarding upgrade paths. To keep it short (TLDR): The letter describes the lack of upgrade paths for Pillars of Eternity on GOG (which are available on Steam) and puts in question if Tyranny will suffer the same fate or not.

You can find the link to the thread here: