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Time flies.

<span class="bold">Toren</span>, an experimental puzzle-adventure, is available to pre-order for Windows, DRM-free on with a 10% discount.

A child was born, Moonlight, destined to unlock the mysteries of a tower known as <span class="bold">Toren</span>. She sets off on a dark-fantasy adventure that focuses on growth, self-discovery, and overcoming unthinkable adversity: "If your life and all its phases lasted only one day, what would you do with it?" Toren is an experimental adventure that mixes dream-like, orange-tinted scapes with everchanging, puzzle-based gameplay to become an interactive poem: story-driven, smart and beautiful. As you ascend the tower of Toren the world will change, and you will grow with it. If you're a connoisseur of the sounds as much as the sights, <span class="bold">Toren: Deluxe Edition</span> which includes the original soundtrack, may just be the version for you.

Pre-order <span class="bold">Toren</span> now, DRM-free on! The 10% pre-order discount will last until May 12th, when the game is expected to launch.
Hum. In theory it seems interesting, but the trailer somehow threw me off. I can't explain why. I guess I'll wait before making up my mind.
Looks interesting and quite pretty.
And it's another game where the title is a simple word in Dutch.
I'll definitely check it out when it's out.
Riotact: A lot of countries give tax breaks to artistic endeavours.

This game looks pretty cool, really looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
True, it was only last year the tax relief for culturally British games went into effect via a points system. Presumably 1 point is awarded for putting fish & chips in a game, 5 points for the queen, and 10 for the Spice Girls.

Anyway, looking forward to this one, don’t see many Brazilian games and it’s always nice to get a different perspective.
VanishedOne: Morbid curiosity level: rising...
Vainamoinen: After investigating just a few moments into the matter, I can say with some certainty that this comment is, at the very least, strangely misleading and utterly conflating issues.

The Rouanet Law, which has been there since 1991 and indeed way before what that guy calls "Brazil's most corrupt government ever", is nothing but a bit of a tax cut for cultural projects - which covers video games in Brazil only since 2011. You have the very same way of encouraging art forms in basically every halfway civilized country of the world. Buying the game doesn't make you "support" any kind of political system, be it corrupt or not.

The politics this vicklemos guy injects into Toren – I have no idea where all this comes from. These days, the universal battle cry "beware, politics!" is already bullshit 99.9% of the time.

It is bullshit here as well.

Toren looks interesting, I might give it a try. ;)
I knew this time would come...

Hi Vainamoinen, how are ya?
I gotta disagree with you entirely, my friend. Few people outside our country (to little correspondents out there) know our situation as a whole. Unfortunately Brazil's undergoing crisis is the worst in the last 50 years and if you google the news in pt-br you'll see the shithole we're in: economic issues, MORAL ones, complete degradation, perpetuated by the most animalistic government ever. Huge demonstrations occured here in the past months and apparently there's a ton of folks out here who wants this so-called president out, like we did back in 92.
But the 92 deal was waaaaaaaay smaller than it is now: these people stole billions, yup, billions, broke the economy, some key people are in jail and they're trying to get away scot free, but they won't succeed this time.

Back to this rouanet law: even though it was conceived back in the 90s, since Jan 1st 2003 (when this old fashioned bandido - google caudilho - called Lula was elected, our worst historical mistake ever) it was properly used as electoral theft. As I've said before, Toren was was funded by a criminal project called PT - currently they rule the country - through this law (which got popular after so many shame scandals involving it); these people fund books that nobody reads, artists that nobody listens to, complete utter shit movies... ALL and paid with taxpayer money. Yes, that's a reality.
It is only fair that the devs (not the publisher, they rock) offer the game for us, brazilians, who even indirectly payed for it.
So it's up to you to check that this coin, amigo, has two sides. Would you buy/play a game funded by some law from a corrupt government who's in the verge of extinction now, dudes who destroyed one of our (OUR, not theirs) most precious companies directly? I wouldn't. I won't. They're not brazilians. For these folks, our flag is for ass wiping purposes only.
I feel the need for the first time to say no to a game here. These are the reasons. People got upset for WAY less, hence the FEZ case. We're talking billions here, economic recession, that lady on the verge of being impeached. It's damn serious.

See ya.
Post edited April 29, 2015 by vicklemos
Vainamoinen: After investigating just a few moments into the matter, I can say with some certainty that this comment is, at the very least, strangely misleading and utterly conflating issues.

The Rouanet Law, which has been there since 1991 and indeed way before what that guy calls "Brazil's most corrupt government ever", is nothing but a bit of a tax cut for cultural projects - which covers video games in Brazil only since 2011. You have the very same way of encouraging art forms in basically every halfway civilized country of the world. Buying the game doesn't make you "support" any kind of political system, be it corrupt or not.

The politics this vicklemos guy injects into Toren – I have no idea where all this comes from. These days, the universal battle cry "beware, politics!" is already bullshit 99.9% of the time.

It is bullshit here as well.

Toren looks interesting, I might give it a try. ;)
vicklemos: I knew this time would come...

Hi Vainamoinen, how are ya?
I gotta disagree with you entirely, my friend. Few people outside our country (to little correspondents out there) know our situation as a whole. Unfortunately Brazil's undergoing crisis is the worst in the last 50 years and if you google the news in pt-br you'll see the shithole we're in: economic issues, MORAL ones, complete degradation, perpetuated by the most animalistic government ever. Huge demonstrations occured here in the past months and apparently there's a ton of folks out here who wants this so-called president out, like we did back in 92.
But 92 was waaaaaaaay smaller than it is now: these people stole billions, yup, billions and they're trying to get away scot free, but they won't succeed this time.

Back to this rouanet law: even though it was conceived back in the 90s, since Jan 1st 2003 (when this old fashioned bandido - google caudilho - called Lula was elected, our worst historical mistake ever) it was properly used as electoral theft. As I've said before, Toren was was funded by a criminal project called PT - currently they rule the country - through this law (which got popular after so many shame scandals involving it); these people fund books that nobody reads, artists that nobody listens to, complete utter shit movies... ALL and paid with taxpayer money. Yes, that's a reality.
It is only fair that the devs (not the publisher, they rock) offer the game for us, brazilians, who even indirectly payed for it.
So it's up to you to check that this coin, amigo, has two sides. Would you buy/play a game funded by some law from a corrupt government who destroyed one of our (OUR, not theirs) most precious companies directly? I wouldn't. I won't.
I feel the need for the first time to say no to a game here. These are the reasons. People got upset for WAY less, hence the FEZ case. We're talking billions here, economic recession, that lady on the verge of being impeached. It's damn serious.

See ya.
Thanks for sharing that insight here vicklemos, it does offer a new dynamic to the discussion
I'm barely scratchin the surface here, but 2015 barely began and things already got worse; we'll have 0% GDP growth or negative for this year, major power blackouts will occur, widespread corruption is a reality for the past 12 years (it has been, how do I say, damn professional during these 2 governments), oily scandals involving Petrobras... basically the worst case scenario. And "our" (not mine) president got re-elected. Hooray!

These links below (I guess) will un-cloudy it a little bit more the whole situation for you guys.
Hope that helps.;ah=417bd5664dc76da5d98af4f7a640fd8a;ah=417bd5664dc76da5d98af4f7a640fd8a

And there are TONS of AWESOME "legitimate" brazilian games out there!!! T-O-N-S!

edit: a message to the devs, if they're reading: "foi mal aê, rapeize..." :P

edit2: for you folks to enjoy
Post edited April 29, 2015 by vicklemos
Beware dude, they have eyes everywhere, HAHAHHAHAHAHA =D
vicklemos: *snip*
A terribly messy situation indeed, you have my sympathies as our country also definitely isn't a stranger to highly corrupt governments stealing huge sums of money from the people yet still coming back around in power over and over again like clockwork.
The concept of the game sounds interesting but I'm not sure I could put up with those graphics for long. I'm not sure how to describe, but it looks like a mix of poor color balance (and use of color in general), really imbalanced brightness, grain and blur. Maybe the game looks better in-game (certainly possible) but I can definitely imagine it giving me a headache after twenty minutes or so.

Still graphics aside it does seem the type of game that I would enjoy so I'll probably pick it up one day.

While we're on the subject of experimental-ish games, come on GOG, bring The Path here!
A couple of links with no apparent connection to Toren, Swordtales or the Rouanet law later...

vicklemos: It is only fair that the devs (not the publisher, they rock) offer the game for us, brazilians, who even indirectly payed for it.
Oh, so it's about getting things for free? Why didn't you tell us earlier?

Dreamfall Chapters has received two government grants to date. All government money can naturally be interpreted as taxpayer money. Is, as a result, every Norwegian person entitled to receive this game?


Brazil is taking a more indirect approach than Norway. Companies get tax cuts if they use that money to fund cultural projects. The downside is that the project leaders are often searching for sponsors in vain although they were accepted as eligible to receive donations under Rouanet Law already.

Toren/Swordtales got lucky - I guess. That, in principle, doesn't involve corruption. I can't imagine that the game was funded entirely through company donations anyway. The devs have their empty hands and pockets in this as well.

I'm paying taxes over here. Some of that money supports cultural projects. Thank god. I wish a higher percentage of my taxes would do that, but alas. Every country ever uses tax money mostly for utter crap anyway, so if it eventually happens to sponsor a museum or even a video game for a change, fuck yeah.
Post edited April 29, 2015 by Vainamoinen
vicklemos: *snip*
stg83: A terribly messy situation indeed, you have my sympathies as our country also definitely isn't a stranger to highly corrupt governments stealing huge sums of money from the people yet still coming back around in power over and over again like clockwork.
Thanks, my dear pakistani friend. Your country is very unique (new volcanic islands emerge here and there :P) and I respect your urdu culture so much. You guys have very peculiar ways when it comes to dealing with problems. I've studied you people for some months of my life and you're truly amazing.

Rouanet Law: once this the fundraising gets authorized, this business becomes somehow a treaty between artists, producers and their possible funding sources. Most of the time the process is foggy and cloudy (our civil liberties here are fragile, while rulers have always been strong throughout our interesting and rich history); so then the government is limited to receive their "accountability". There isn't, in the civilized world, a model of funding that looks like this.

In 2003 (when it all began) like R$ 300 million were granted. Six years later we have almost R$ 1 billion. About 80% of the Ministry of Culture's budget for this year is derived from taxes the government will collect. What remains is, well, absolutely nothing, zero, nada.
Vainamoinen: A couple of links with no apparent connection to Toren, Swordtales or the Rouanet law later...

vicklemos: It is only fair that the devs (not the publisher, they rock) offer the game for us, brazilians, who even indirectly payed for it.
Vainamoinen: Oh, so it's about getting things for free? Why didn't you tell us earlier?

Dreamfall Chapters has received two government grants to date. All government money can naturally be interpreted as taxpayer money. Is, as a result, every Norwegian person entitled to receive this game?


Brazil is taking a more indirect approach than Norway. Companies get tax cuts if they use that money to fund cultural projects. The downside is that the project leaders are often searching for sponsors in vain although they were accepted as eligible to receive donations under Rouanet Law already.

Toren/Swordtales got lucky - I guess. That, in principle, doesn't involve corruption. I can't imagine that the game was funded entirely through company donations anyway. The devs have their empty hands and pockets in this as well.

I'm paying taxes over here. Some of that money supports cultural projects. Thank god. I wish a higher percentage of my taxes would do that, but alas. Every country ever uses tax money mostly for utter crap anyway, so if it eventually happens to sponsor a museum or even a video game for a change, fuck yeah.
There are things, my friend, that are just like jabuticaba: it happens in Brazil only. You just can't compare us to Norway or any first world country at all. At all. Compare us to friendly neighbors (our rulers love 'em) like Venezuela, the bloody dictatorship in Cuba, and so on. Not Norway, please. Not Norway.
I guess norwegians would be pissed if their country was in moral and economic decline, their health system was total crap, educational one as well... and the list goes on and on and on. As I've said before, everything's quite peculiar down the Equator. You gotta live here to witness the struggle.

NoNewTaleToTell: bring The Path here!
Now that's a game I wanna see in here. The same goes to Bientot l'ete! (did I say it right?) :)
Post edited April 29, 2015 by vicklemos
BispoSnake: Beware dude, they have eyes everywhere, HAHAHHAHAHAHA =D
they can watch me clean my bunghole if they want to! :)
BTW I really wish we could see more Versus Evil (Toren's publisher) games in here. I'll definitely buy Armikrog once it gets in here! The same goes to Kyn and Guild of Dungeoneering! :)
I'll even do a giveaway of 3x copies of each of these, I swear :)
vicklemos: I guess norwegians would be pissed if their country was in moral and economic decline, their health system was total crap, educational one as well... and the list goes on and on and on. As I've said before, everything's quite peculiar down the Equator. You gotta live here to witness the struggle.
You may have demonstrated the corruption in your political system (arguably an easy task in just about any other, less "peculiar" system as well, yet of course seldom to this extent), but have as of yet failed to demonstrate Swordtales' corruption in any relevant or otherwise credible way.

Also, asking for the game for free reeeeeally didn't make your protest look too great.

What company, do you think, sponsors Swordtales under Ruanet law?
Can you provide links?

What links said company to corruption?
Can you provide information?

To what extent was Swordtales sponsored under Ruanet law?
Can you provide data, budgets, a percentage maybe?

What kind of ideological influence was the government or the corrupt sponsor exercising on this project, specifically?
Is there any relevant data at all?
Post edited April 29, 2015 by Vainamoinen
Vainamoinen: I'm paying taxes over here.
So am I, so we are in here. And we get nothing back. Nothing. Just more and more weekly corruption scandals weekly, something you, as a german, won't see even in your wildest dreams, I guarantee.

Vainamoinen: Every country ever uses tax money mostly for utter crap anyway
You guys at least have Uwe Boll. We have someone who's waaay more, how should I say, "escrota" - translate that - than Uwe Boll, but she's ruling the country. So far...
Vainamoinen: Also, asking for the game for free reeeeeally didn't make your protest look too great.
I was being sarcastic :)

As for the other stuff, probably in pt-br. I'll go home now but later I'll provide everything, but I really dunno if you, as a non portuguese speaker who lives outside of Brazil, will really get the idea. I mean it.
Post edited April 29, 2015 by vicklemos
vicklemos: *snip*
stg83: A terribly messy situation indeed, you have my sympathies as our country also definitely isn't a stranger to highly corrupt governments stealing huge sums of money from the people yet still coming back around in power over and over again like clockwork.
that looks quite nasty that drought....
other countries have the same, except these have way too many water and are flooding away....

the world is shitty and has its extremes of weather and ruling.
I been around for years and there was always something going on, but 2014 and this year 2015 will go in history as the worst , with all the trouble and fighting going on.

Compared to today, i liked the 80s much better, it was better to live in and be around then the 2000s, its awfull and things are only getting worse.

but about the toren game.... i saw it , looks good but its a 3d TPP so its a no for me, these games arent my cup of tea
Like i said in earlier post, that click and point game just might be the one game i might buy
Deluxe Edition of Technobabylon 14,19 is a bit high but its reasonable.
Post edited April 29, 2015 by gamesfreak64