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Get ready for a thrilling real-time strategy game set in the Starship Troopers movies universe.
Genre: Strategy
Planned release date: 16th June 2022, 3 PM UTC
This is one of the most bizarre movie to videogame adaptations since The Matrix as an MMO.

The whole point of Starship Troopers was multiple generations soldiers being torn up in a neverending meatgrinder war by the command incompetence of fascist bravado.

So now I'm supposed to play the incompetent commanders?
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MischiefMaker: So now I'm supposed to play the incompetent commanders?
Generally when I play RTS games I'm playing as a fairly incompetent commander, who would absolutely lose the war horribly and tragically without the godlike powers of Restart or Save. So not seeing the problem.
I'm not complaining about Slitherine making a slightly more realistic game... :-P
MischiefMaker: This is one of the most bizarre movie to videogame adaptations since The Matrix as an MMO.

The whole point of Starship Troopers was multiple generations soldiers being torn up in a neverending meatgrinder war by the command incompetence of fascist bravado.

So now I'm supposed to play the incompetent commanders?
Thats the movies BUT the books is different.

There is irony in propaganda. For one, it always backfires in lieu of outside scrutiny. On the other hand, Propaganda is a form of entertainment.

Threat war games as propaganda and you see the content in a different light. Play all the Metal Gear games or Spec Ops - The Line, which explains media in detail.
I remember 12 year year old me seeing the red head girl's boobies in the movie was like the best thing ever. I think my parents thought it would be a family friendly action flick.
Post edited May 09, 2022 by Crosmando
MischiefMaker: This is one of the most bizarre movie to videogame adaptations since The Matrix as an MMO.

The whole point of Starship Troopers was multiple generations soldiers being torn up in a neverending meatgrinder war by the command incompetence of fascist bravado.

So now I'm supposed to play the incompetent commanders?
There's Pop Funko Vinyls based on the film. Don't worry about sending people to their bug-based-death
What timing! I watched Starship Troopers for the first time last week and was wondering if there were any video games about the franchise.
Looks more like a RTT than a RTS, but we're not getting enough of either these days, so good news :P.
Post edited May 09, 2022 by WinterSnowfall
I'd like to see the original rts Terran Ascendency on here but I guess chances are slimmer now with this impending release.
Dray2k: Thats the movies BUT the books is different.

There is irony in propaganda. For one, it always backfires in lieu of outside scrutiny. On the other hand, Propaganda is a form of entertainment.

Threat war games as propaganda and you see the content in a different light. Play all the Metal Gear games or Spec Ops - The Line, which explains media in detail.
Hah, yeah. No kidding. The movies are nothing at all like Robert Heinlein's original book. The guy that directed the movie was quoted as saying that he didn't even try to adapt the book because he thought it was boring. Plus the directed, Paul Verhoeven, was already kind of know for inserting his own personal politics into this works, which are pretty left wing, as these things go. So he basically the movie into a satire of the things he hates.

Hell, the original Heinlien was probably never going to adapt well anyway. The original novel was written just as a 1950s moral play on social responsibly with a backdrop of a sci-fi war against intelligent bugs. Bugs that actually had energy weapons and not just mass swarms of cannon fodder. Maybe a fourth of it was actual action, if that. Hell, that weird-o fascism crap from the movie wasn't even in the book. I read it years ago and even read it again during the pandemic. It's not really fascistic, not unless you're the kind of weird-o that thinks everything that isn't overtly left wing is 'fascists'.
If this game was based on Heinlein's original, the soldiers would be wearing the cool power armor that was the book's main selling point. This is Verhoven's Starship Troopers.

Also a world where military service is mandatory to have any voice in politics is not exactly "centrist."
MischiefMaker: If this game was based on Heinlein's original, the soldiers would be wearing the cool power armor that was the book's main selling point. This is Verhoven's Starship Troopers.

Also a world where military service is mandatory to have any voice in politics is not exactly "centrist."
It was ridiculous how in the movie they send the infantry in just with rifles to the meatgrinder. You never see a tank, an armored vehicle, or artillery. You see one air strike in the entire film. I guess it was a budget issue. You see the portable shoulder-launched nukes from the book in the film, but they only use them a few times, indicating they have limited supply? Why even bother with infantry, just nuke every planet with bugs.
