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Discover the vast Chornobyl Exclusion Zone full of dangerous enemies and unveil your own epic story.
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Discount: All pre-orders receive Extended Campfire Content as well as Early Bird skins.
Planned release date: December 2023
If any game could get me to pre-order, or pay full release-day price, this would be a prime example.

The Stalker series is one of my favorite games of all time. Particularly CoP, which I've played thru, vanilla and many of the various "full-story" mods out there (of which the SGM's are my favorites).


It has a big strike against it (for me): DLC's and "season passes". Much as I try to get over my aversion to that type of marketing, to make an exception for this case, I just can't, so far.

Typically in such cases, I'll patiently await the "Gold"-edition (a final release containing all the DLC's).

That will be difficult in this case, because I know it will be several years before that happens - and I want to play this.

So.. for now, I am able to hold-off on my eagerness and anticipation for this title. Maybe that will change. I don't know.

Time will tell...

But, very glad to know it will be here on GOG! :)
ValentB: They didn't bring "politics". They brought a fact that their country and their city was attacked by a terrorist state.
Crosmando: This. Imagine being so mindbroken by FSB propaganda that you think self-defense is political.
Real shit. The people "bringing politics" into it are the Russian cheerleaders who've been making a mess of this site since Russia's invasion.
low rated
ssling: They didn't get rid of anything, only hide rep counter from public display (you can still see yours in profile settings). And upvoting/downvoting (which is real problem) works exactly same as always.
IK that. But the main issue with the useless "rep" system has always been the fact that the same people kept abusing it either to gain "fame" or to "punish" other users. There have been genuinely cool users massively downvoted all the time in here only because of some ridiculous jihad against them.
Now by keeping it private they've basically fixed the main problem imho.

All the morons abusing the system to rp as knights in shining armor "punishing" others for the crime of having a different opinion can now go suck a carrot (I'm trying to put it mildly) because all their once "powerful" downvotes are completely useless now. And you can clearly see who's who by just reading who complains about it. The ppl that used to shoot downvotes to hurt others because...reasons...are the ones going bananas because they know they can't influence anything anymore. And the same goes for the ones farming "good" rep. That's a win in my book even if they haven't actually solved the underlying problem. After countless years of enduring those sick dynamics it's very refreshing to finally see it coming to an end.

Who cares if you have 2 tiny orange or green words in a post once in a while? That means absolutely nothing now because it can't benefit your friends or "hurt" your enemies anymore. No one can actually see the useless rep and your posts are not hiding or getting buried. It's just 2 tiny colored words and that's it. Whatever, who cares?

Edit: TL;DR: IK but hiding it works as a de facto fix imho.
Post edited July 09, 2022 by Orpheus-GOG
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Come to Me Official Trailer
"In memory of fallen heroes.

The new trailer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is here. Featuring a huge, borderless open-world and a non-linear story, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 releases on PC in 2023."
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 OST — 'Come to Me' Trailer Theme
"Familiar calling sounds louder than everything around. Is its power so high that able to overwhelm any sound in the Zone, or is it coming from the inside of our heads?

Only responding would lead to the truth. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 OST — 'Come to Me' Trailer Theme here for you to hear the calling without any words!"
Strider Trailer

"You cannot kill God, just as you cannot get rid of the sky above… But their god was turned off. Hundreds were released from sinister bliss. But how many of them were asking for it?

We’ve brought a few pieces to fit into your puzzle, stalkers!"
Not a Paradise

"Behold Her! The Zone blossoms, in her own resplendent yet enigmatic and twisted way: luring, gifting, and taking away. Speaking in many voices, both familiar and new.

How far to the edge will you go in pursuit of what you seek?"
I really dont care about Stalker franchise but can we have now finally some good RTS game? I would love to see Heroes of annihilated empires remaster and Heroes os Annihilated Empires 2 !!!!Please GSC we need more medieval/ancient fantasy RTS games!!! ( it dont need to have multiplayer just good 2-3 long campaigns for main factions )
The Time of Opportunities

"You went beyond the Perimeter a long time ago. But those days are in the past. The Zone changes and so do you. You can’t allow doubts, you should push forward in pursuit of your goals. Such is the time. The time of opportunities."
*crosses fingers, arms, legs, toes, and eyes* Please be good. Please be good.
P-E-S: *crosses fingers, arms, legs, toes, and eyes* Please be good. Please be good.
I gave up all hope some time ago when i heard all the american accents. :/
A unique character? Sure. Whole cast? Fugg no!
P-E-S: *crosses fingers, arms, legs, toes, and eyes* Please be good. Please be good.
Sachys: I gave up all hope some time ago when i heard all the american accents. :/
A unique character? Sure. Whole cast? Fugg no!
You might want to try watching that new trailer. None of them speak English like this one from last year. I'm certainly not planning on playing it with the English dub. I also play most Japanese games with original audio because dubs be awful.

I get why the original marketing push was/is in English because the average gamer Joe is of the "I didn't come here to read a movie/game" type like the lazy uncultured swine they are.
Post edited June 10, 2024 by P-E-S
Sachys: I gave up all hope some time ago when i heard all the american accents. :/
A unique character? Sure. Whole cast? Fugg no!
P-E-S: None of them speak English.
But I'd bet the English dub is all american. Thats my issue.
P-E-S: None of them speak English.
Sachys: But I'd bet the English dub is all american. Thats my issue.
Sounds like the most trivial reason for one to skip a game that will very likely provide original audio as well, but suit yourself.
Sachys: But I'd bet the English dub is all american. Thats my issue.
P-E-S: Sounds like the most trivial reason for one to skip a game that will very likely provide original audio as well, but suit yourself.
Immersion breaking. Eastern european setting with zero regional accents?
Be like having a game set in the bronx but the english dub is everybody speaking in a Welsh accent.
Makes no sense at all.

Edit: I do recognise Wales conquering new york as a helluva setting though! XD
Post edited June 10, 2024 by Sachys