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How to train your empire.

Railway Empire is now available for pre-order at 20% off.
All aboard! It's 1830 and the grand railroad revolution is underway with you on its locomotive! Establish the most powerful and widespread railway empire on N. America by building new routes, managing your staff, and researching technologies which will improve the quality of your transport or freight services.

Pre-order now to get these bonuses:
- free OST
- exclusive locomotive skin
Wurzelkraft: Gaming Minds Studios' games ... Their last game (Grand Ages: Medieval) was especially awful
I thoroughly enjoyed Grand Ages: Medieval.
A professionally designed game with great attention to detail.
I look forward to playing Railway Empire.
falloutttt: Patrician IV -biggest pile of shit ever and ruined the great series.
While obviously it's not the best game ever I wouldn't call it "biggest pile of shit" neither. It's decent, especially with Rise of a Dynasty. Naval battles is the only aspect I may call a pile of shit.
The game looks and feels really good. Recommend to see let's play from Quill18. Bought and no regrets here!
Starmaker: I'm going to want to play it on release anyway (cuz trains), and I can get a substantial discount and possibly an "exclusive" soundtrack if I pay a couple weeks earlier.
Even if you're a huge fan of games about trains, it seems to me there are enough of them that you could get your fix while waiting to see if this one is any good. As far as I'm concerned, I've seen far too many games that were complete messes at release to not wait for reviews before buying.

But it's your money, so ultimately none of my business what you do with it.
We have a train simulation in the U.K. Which is quite similar to this. That also is fictional, most likely won't work, will cost an extraordinary amount of money per use, and will most likely smell of piss and the smug satisfaction of an owner who knows there is nothing you can do about. Now that's a real railway empire!
nightcraw1er.488: We have a train simulation in the U.K. Which is quite similar to this. That also is fictional, most likely won't work, will cost an extraordinary amount of money per use, and will most likely smell of piss and the smug satisfaction of an owner who knows there is nothing you can do about. Now that's a real railway empire!
Star Citizen? :D

This looks great. I'll buy it someday. I'm sorry I'm not buying it on release. Don't hold it against us. My backlog is huge (2017 was a great year for games and 2018's looking good so far). I'm not buying anything on GOG*^ until after Bloodstained comes out and I complete it.

It's not you. It's me.

*: Exceptions are Firaxis games newer than Civ 4, or Cities Skylines. Not your things, but they're my only current "instabuys".

^ And I really only ever buy on GOG. A few console exclusives, but rarely.
Post edited January 12, 2018 by mqstout
falloutttt: Patrician IV -biggest pile of shit ever and ruined the great series.
Ghorpm: While obviously it's not the best game ever I wouldn't call it "biggest pile of shit" neither. It's decent, especially with Rise of a Dynasty. Naval battles is the only aspect I may call a pile of shit.
have you played the old Patrician games ? in comparison, it really is what I said it was. at least to me that is so.
could this be the new aged Railroad Tycoon I've been waiting for???
i_hope_you_rot: Read this before you click on the pre-order button .
guess not

how can developers be so fucking stupid?!?!
Post edited January 13, 2018 by drealmer7
Ghorpm: While obviously it's not the best game ever I wouldn't call it "biggest pile of shit" neither. It's decent, especially with Rise of a Dynasty. Naval battles is the only aspect I may call a pile of shit.
falloutttt: have you played the old Patrician games ? in comparison, it really is what I said it was. at least to me that is so.
Sure I did! Patrician 3 is one of my favorite games ever. And obviously I do agree that Patrician 4 is not even nearly as goog as previous titles but still I wouldn't call it the biggest pile of shit ever. The late part of the game contains some features that are really improved like dealing with a prince, being a major of a city or the whole guild. The game shows its potential there but sadly it is not easy to get there dealing with horrible naval battles and somewhat broken trade mechanics and poor automatic trade routes. But if you struggle to increase your reputation high enough these new/refined features are really entertaining.
Bought because of the on-release Linux support (and the 3+ years tag ;-)).
i_ni: Bought because of the on-release Linux support (and the 3+ years tag ;-)).
I will never understand people with your logic. So you will buy any game, no matter how bad it is, just because it launched with Linux support?

All you are doing is encouraging developers to make any old piece of crap, knowing that Linux fanboys will buy it for $50 on day 1.

People like you are the reason that Bubsy The Bobcat exists.
i_hope_you_rot: Read this before you click on the pre-order button .
Thank you for this.
i_ni: Bought because of the on-release Linux support (and the 3+ years tag ;-)).
Midnight_Wolf: I will never understand people with your logic. So you will buy any game, no matter how bad it is, just because it launched with Linux support?

All you are doing is encouraging developers to make any old piece of crap, knowing that Linux fanboys will buy it for $50 on day 1.

People like you are the reason that Bubsy The Bobcat exists.
"Any game" is wrong assumption; I did my (20 min) research. The support of my platform was a decisive factor and I took the risk.

Besides, what is your proposal to encourage a day one <put your niche* platform here> support?
* niche platform: most games don't support it or make a promise for an "eventual" support and usually fail to deliver.

Edit: please, accept my apologies about Bubsy the Bobcat -- I didn't know it's my fault -- I must be more careful in the future!
Post edited January 13, 2018 by i_ni
Somehow, this looks worse than Railroad Tycoon 3. That's actually impressive how you can make a game look so bland and piss tinted.

Just looking at the discussion page raises a few red flags.

As in, "blatantly false/subjective advertising" bad flags.
Post edited January 13, 2018 by Darvond