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An uplifting adventure.

UPDATE: With the conclusion of PAX, the 20% pre-order discount for the game has been changed to 10%. D-Pad Studio also announced that Owlboy is scheduled to take off on November 1st!

<span class="bold">Owlboy</span>, a wonderful flight through old-school aesthetics and unique platforming mechanics, is now available for pre-order, DRM-free on, with a 10% pre-order discount.

Otus doesn't say much but his spirit and determination speak volumes. Just as the beloved owlboy is coming of age, a surprise attack by sky pirates forces him to ride the winds of change and begin his turbulent journey across the aching land. To counter-balance his non-violent nature, Otus will enlist several of his less cordial friends, who are able to gun down the monsters that infest his beloved home. Apart from their unique abilities, the owlboy will share with them stories and companionship, as they flap together towards an open-world full of cavernous dungeons, dangerous ruins, and challenging bosses. Remember: carrying is caring!

Pre-order <span class="bold">Owlboy</span> and take to the pixel-perfect skies, DRM-free on
Pre-order bonus: the dreamy OST is free for the early owls, available to download right away both on mp3 and FLAC formats!
The 10% discount will last until the game's release on November 1st.

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Post edited September 06, 2016 by maladr0Id
paladin181: Wait, isn't advertising that a discount will be available until launch, then changing it illegal as a form of false advertisement? Or is that why the 10% discount was implemented since some discount HAS to be given now that one was offered?
What Starmaker said. It's a common misconception (here anyway, it might be different in other countries) that if a store wrongly prices something that they have to sell it to you for that price. As in "Look, that cooker is £20 instead of £200 you have to sell it to me for that!".

A mistake is a mistake, as long as they're not intentionally misleading the customer for their own gain there's no issue.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by adaliabooks
low rated
Vythonaut: How does the discount change affect you anyway? It's not that you were going to pre-order it, right? Other than that, I'm not into pre-ordering stuff too, mainly because I don't like to pay for things that don't yet exist, especially before the always necessary review reading. (Hard Reset was the only exception due to the massive discount and prior knowledge that the game was good)
I might have, it's always possible.
Unlikely, but possible.
But I dislike any company that does business this way so I'm definitely not pre-ordering it now.
adaliabooks: As in "Look, that cooker is £20 instead of £200 you have to sell it to me for that!".
There IS such a thing as deceptively advertising a discount where the purpose is to get customers into a store and when they get there, the discount is suddenly cancelled or the item is already out of stock because it was never stocked in reasonable quantities. The problematic element is tricking the customer. When the discount changes and the announcement is edited accordingly, no one is tricked into anything. (There could be a tenuous case if GOG had a history of advertising deep discounts to bait independent websites into reporting the news, then not delivering, but they don't.)
low rated
adaliabooks: As in "Look, that cooker is £20 instead of £200 you have to sell it to me for that!".
Starmaker: There IS such a thing as deceptively advertising a discount where the purpose is to get customers into a store and when they get there, the discount is suddenly cancelled or the item is already out of stock because it was never stocked in reasonable quantities. The problematic element is tricking the customer. When the discount changes and the announcement is edited accordingly, no one is tricked into anything. (There could be a tenuous case if GOG had a history of advertising deep discounts to bait independent websites into reporting the news, then not delivering, but they don't.)
Definitely, but the store needs to be shown to be doing it on purpose (or never intending to honour advertised prices or offers) for it to be a fault.
But many people in this country will vehemently argue that if they have an old pricelist showing prices that have since been raised that it should some how be honoured (I've actually encountered this myself in my own business).
Zoidberg: It looks like it's about 22-25 minutes and by the looks of it (haven't listened to the entirety), it has a pretty uniform feel.
25 minutes? Sad face! I must say, this pre-order thing is looking less and less attractive. :|

The games still looks great of course, and we're heading into a AAA Steamification slump during the end of the year anyway, so... I may have to bag the game anyway. :)
low rated
Starmaker: There IS such a thing as deceptively advertising a discount where the purpose is to get customers into a store and when they get there, the discount is suddenly cancelled or the item is already out of stock because it was never stocked in reasonable quantities. The problematic element is tricking the customer. When the discount changes and the announcement is edited accordingly, no one is tricked into anything. (There could be a tenuous case if GOG had a history of advertising deep discounts to bait independent websites into reporting the news, then not delivering, but they don't.)
adaliabooks: Definitely, but the store needs to be shown to be doing it on purpose (or never intending to honour advertised prices or offers) for it to be a fault.
But many people in this country will vehemently argue that if they have an old pricelist showing prices that have since been raised that it should some how be honoured (I've actually encountered this myself in my own business).
Setting a price, then go back on it and change to 10% ? only preorder gives OST ?
tbh if one set's a price , please stick to it, juggling with prices doesn't look really professional.
Anyway, seems like action/driving game, not my style ( to many motions and scrolling)
As for out of stock thats nonsense, imho there is no out of stock, its a digital , so no phsycial copies need to be produced so out of stock cant be happening even if it uses serials, they want dihital to get rid of the limitations, out of copies (cd/dvd) damaged physial media, water damages, fire damage , numerous things that resulted them to go digital only.

So there are no extra costs (adds, promotions, commercial, and more expensive media needed) , its always a win -win situation regardles of the price (fact is ofcourse that they want bigger houses/cars)
Same goes for buying digital only movies, i wont buy these ever, if possible i stick to physical dvd if treated right these can last 20 years or more, i have old dvds that still work a charm.

8 days to go, then Avadon 3 will be released :D, this game will fit nicely next to Avadon 1 and Avadon 2 and all the other games Jef Vogel made.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by gamesfreak64
I feel like we should at least have a last chance to pre-order at 20% off. The difference isn't much, but it's stupid that we were told the discount would last until release, and then the next day the discount changes when we're given a release date. Even though it's a small price difference, it's just very off-putting.
Fairfox: [gibberish]
This is the English forum. Please make an effort to post in English.
Thanks for the responses PaterAlf and Omega64. I see it is only the upcoming games still in development. No "old" games on their way are displayed there.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by musteriuz
musteriuz: Thanks for the responses PaterAlf and Omega64. I see it is only the upcoming games still in development. No "old" games on their way are displayed there.
GOG very rarely shows old games in the Upcoming tab. Most of the times, nobody knows what oldie is coming.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by Grargar
Marioface5: I feel like we should at least have a last chance to pre-order at 20% off. The difference isn't much, but it's stupid that we were told the discount would last until release, and then the next day the discount changes when we're given a release date. Even though it's a small price difference, it's just very off-putting.
Welcome to "what will GOG screw up today!".
BTW the game is still 20% of on humble store even if it doesn't provide a drm-free copy. GOG got the shot end of the stick again. The official site doesn't even report GOG as a digital store for the game.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by MIK0
Vythonaut: "Gorgeous" is an understatement to how this game looks!
It's no surprise it looks at least good, they put a lot of effort in this game (development started in 2007).
But it really looks gorgeous, pixel art enthusiasts will be enchanted with this game.

I haven't decided yet if I will pre-order this or not.
It looks good, after watching some gameplay, it left a good impression.
But I don't like pre-ordering stuff.
It can lead to feelings of satisfaction, or disappointment (feeling that the money was wasted). The latter is more common, so I like to be cautious.

"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."
Post edited September 25, 2016 by almabrds
MIK0: Welcome to "what will GOG screw up today!".
BTW the game is still 20% of on humble store even if it doesn't provide a drm-free copy. GOG got the shot end of the stick again. The official site doesn't even report GOG as a digital store for the game.
Hoolllld you horses there. Yes, there's still 20% off on Humble, but through no fault of GOG's.

(1) The ongoing 20% are most likely just because Humble hasn't updated their store yet today. Which is normal not just because they're in a completely different time zone, but also because they have even less staff than Steam. So, in order to compensate people buying at Humble for their usual excruciatingly slow updates, I'll say let them have the 20%.

(2) Things don't quite play out that way if you compare base prices. Not sure whether there's a difference between Germany and Italy, but as I see it right now and from where I access both services, GOG has the better base price (22.39€ as compared to Humble's 22.99€). Hence the 20% off you get on Humble would in reality just be 18% off on GOG. :p

(3) I don't see the soundtrack advertised on Steam or Humble, though you may still get it anyway, I don't know.