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An uplifting adventure.

UPDATE: With the conclusion of PAX, the 20% pre-order discount for the game has been changed to 10%. D-Pad Studio also announced that Owlboy is scheduled to take off on November 1st!

<span class="bold">Owlboy</span>, a wonderful flight through old-school aesthetics and unique platforming mechanics, is now available for pre-order, DRM-free on, with a 10% pre-order discount.

Otus doesn't say much but his spirit and determination speak volumes. Just as the beloved owlboy is coming of age, a surprise attack by sky pirates forces him to ride the winds of change and begin his turbulent journey across the aching land. To counter-balance his non-violent nature, Otus will enlist several of his less cordial friends, who are able to gun down the monsters that infest his beloved home. Apart from their unique abilities, the owlboy will share with them stories and companionship, as they flap together towards an open-world full of cavernous dungeons, dangerous ruins, and challenging bosses. Remember: carrying is caring!

Pre-order <span class="bold">Owlboy</span> and take to the pixel-perfect skies, DRM-free on
Pre-order bonus: the dreamy OST is free for the early owls, available to download right away both on mp3 and FLAC formats!
The 10% discount will last until the game's release on November 1st.

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Post edited September 06, 2016 by maladr0Id
*Discount was 20%, but changed to 10%*

Um...interesting. =l

Wasn't planning on pre-ordering it, but the game looks interesting. Wishlisted for now.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by RayRay13000
almabrds: But I don't like pre-ordering stuff.
It can lead to feelings of satisfaction, or disappointment (feeling that the money was wasted). The latter is more common, so I like to be cautious.
Totally agree with you -- it's not that GOG will run out of copies anyway and I can't even find any benefit by doing so. Whatever discount applied (usually 10%) is not enough to take the risk and if someone really wants to save those $1-$4, I believe it is a lot wiser to wait until the first discount (which usually falls between the 10%-30% mark).
MIK0: Welcome to "what will GOG screw up today!".
BTW the game is still 20% of on humble store even if it doesn't provide a drm-free copy. GOG got the shot end of the stick again. The official site doesn't even report GOG as a digital store for the game.
Vainamoinen: Hoolllld you horses there. Yes, there's still 20% off on Humble, but through no fault of GOG's.

(1) The ongoing 20% are most likely just because Humble hasn't updated their store yet today. Which is normal not just because they're in a completely different time zone, but also because they have even less staff than Steam. So, in order to compensate people buying at Humble for their usual excruciatingly slow updates, I'll say let them have the 20%.

(2) Things don't quite play out that way if you compare base prices. Not sure whether there's a difference between Germany and Italy, but as I see it right now and from where I access both services, GOG has the better base price (22.39€ as compared to Humble's 22.99€). Hence the 20% off you get on Humble would in reality just be 18% off on GOG. :p

(3) I don't see the soundtrack advertised on Steam or Humble, though you may still get it anyway, I don't know.
1) Sure, as I expected the discount is now 10% on HB.
2) Price on the search box and on the game page slightly differ for unknown reasons.
3) Don't know either, I suppose gog could be the only one to have secured that deal.

I was being purposely overdramatic to point out that GOG too often let other event dictate what happen on their store and end up with those kind of communication issue. At some point is difficult not to consider GOG part of the issue so I wanted to sound in a way that maybe make them realize that their reputation is hurt everytime something like this happen, expecially after recent mistakes.
As I said quoting the developer some posts ago, it is now less safe to purchase new games on GOG, and even something insignificant as a communication mistake like that could make the difference.
I really want the game as I've waited a lot for it to be released, but I'm not sure I want to risk it on preorder (for an almost good deal) and on gog. Unfortunately it seems that gog is the only drm-free outlet for this game, as humble store has only a steam key.
The design of the main character is kinda off, but overall visual appearance is great. Pretty nice track in the trailer, though I'll not pre-order.
It almost had me with the preorder. I gave myself a day to think it over.... It's a shame I missed the clearly advertised 20% off until launch. I'll just leave it on the wishlist for now.
mistermumbles: Now I'm curious: is the game's music like the piece in the trailer... EDIT*
In any case, I'm very interested. I also remember reading about this years back. Good for them for sticking with it.

You must have been waiting for an opportunity to say that. =P

EDIT: Never mind. I answered my own question. Looks like it is indeed just like the trailer's music.
Vainamoinen: Great link, thanks. However, the demo given out to reviewers seems to use more of a NES/Famicom 8/16bit type of music. Now I wonder whether that was preliminary...?

Can someone who bought the game and listened to the entire soundtrack confirm the orchestral appeal...?

And tell us what the total run time is approximately?
It's mostly orchestral although there are a few songs that do a chiptune/orchestral combination.

Runtime is like 25 Minutes according to windows.
adaliabooks: What Starmaker said. It's a common misconception (here anyway, it might be different in other countries) that if a store wrongly prices something that they have to sell it to you for that price. As in "Look, that cooker is £20 instead of £200 you have to sell it to me for that!".

A mistake is a mistake, as long as they're not intentionally misleading the customer for their own gain there's no issue.
But this was a case of the discount existed and was stated to last longer than it actually did. A little different than placing the decimal in the wrong place. I'm not trying to be trying, but is is a question. If you say "discount is good for 2 weeks" then rescind is a week later, is that not a violation?
adaliabooks: What Starmaker said. It's a common misconception (here anyway, it might be different in other countries) that if a store wrongly prices something that they have to sell it to you for that price. As in "Look, that cooker is £20 instead of £200 you have to sell it to me for that!".

A mistake is a mistake, as long as they're not intentionally misleading the customer for their own gain there's no issue.
paladin181: But this was a case of the discount existed and was stated to last longer than it actually did. A little different than placing the decimal in the wrong place. I'm not trying to be trying, but is is a question. If you say "discount is good for 2 weeks" then rescind is a week later, is that not a violation?
Not as far as I'm aware. How is getting the date wrong any different than getting the price wrong? It's still just a mistake.
They've rectified it quickly, and explained the issue. Besides, it's a pre-order, so anyone who feels tricked into buying the game (and why would they considering they presumably got the better deal) can just cancel the order.
adaliabooks: Not as far as I'm aware. How is getting the date wrong any different than getting the price wrong? It's still just a mistake.
They've rectified it quickly, and explained the issue. Besides, it's a pre-order, so anyone who feels tricked into buying the game (and why would they considering they presumably got the better deal) can just cancel the order.
Cool beans. Just don't want people doing something stupid. People can say they've been tricked, because like me many were going to wait for more information like WHEN THE ACTUAL RELEASE DATE IS before buying, but hey, I'm not mad or anything. I probably wouldn't have bought it anyhow. I know some who would have and now won't.
musteriuz: Thanks for the responses PaterAlf and Omega64. I see it is only the upcoming games still in development. No "old" games on their way are displayed there.
We don't display older games in the Upcoming section due to the fact that we don't always have a clear picture as to when they will be released. This is due to either technical or legal issues.
All the changing-price controversy is irrelevant to me because I avoid pre-orders anyway.

So on to the game...

I'm chuffed to see this show up on GOG.

I recently saw Jim Sterling do a Youtube playthrough of the demo for this, and was incredibly impressed. Very retro in a "wow! pixel art can be beautiful" way rather than a "we couldn't afford real art assets" way. If the full game looks as polished and playable, it'll be a definite buy for me.
zlep: Very retro in a "wow! pixel art can be beautiful" way rather than a "we couldn't afford real art assets" way.
Or rather "our three person team accidentally didn't have an actual artist". For these kinds of small endeavours, you usually find a programmer comparatively quickly... but when they lack an artist, all goes to shit because "pixels" really becomes the proof that the visual avenue is closed off to those developers.

If the artist is the project lead however...
Post edited September 07, 2016 by Vainamoinen
Apologies for the double post, but I've done some digging concerning the soundtrack because I just couldn't believe that 25 minutes is basically it.

Turns out that doesn't seem to be the case!

See here:

This soundtrack sampler is the one available as mp3s for GOG customers:

Question to GOG: Will the GOG soundtrack be updated in full when the game hits?

Because that would be the real bargain, with the full OST selling at 8$ on bandcamp... :)
Post edited September 07, 2016 by Vainamoinen
Vainamoinen: Apologies for the double post, but I've done some digging concerning the soundtrack because I just couldn't believe that 25 minutes is basically it.

Turns out that doesn't seem to be the case!

See here:

This soundtrack sampler is the one available as mp3s for GOG customers:

Question to GOG: Will the GOG soundtrack be updated in full when the game hits?

Because that would be the real bargain, with the full OST selling at 8$ on bandcamp... :)
A little further up the devs wrote this:

Today we decided to put the game on a special 20% discount for our last day at PAX, allthough it's stated on the GOG page as 'until release'. It's our fault for not communication this to GOG. To remedy this, tomorrow - we're putting the game up for a 10% discount until launch, <b>and it'll still include 16 songs from the soundtrack!</b>
So I guess there won't be an update later.
Dear GOG, please uodate your sales pitch as that is misleading right now!
It reads as if the full soundtrack'd be included.

Still, preordered and looking forward to the game.