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Abe's Oddysee reconstructed.

<span class="bold">Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty</span>, a critically acclaimed restoration of Abe's Oddysee, is available for pre-order now on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, with a 10% pre-order discount!

<span class="bold">Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty</span> earns the right to call itself a true remake. It's so much more than just a graphical upgrade, it's a modern retelling of the unforgettable experience that Abe's Oddysee was all these years ago. The unsettlingly beautiful visuals, the disturbingly odd universe, and the unforgivingly difficult gameplay were enough to leave a lasting impression on anyone who encountered Abe's Oddysee. Seventeen years later, <span class="bold">Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty</span> retains the setting, the sounds, and the flavor; all brought up to modern platforming par, and beyond, with updated controls, refined mechanics and a reconstructed experience.

If you pre-order, you'll also receive two pieces of New 'n' Tasty DLC for free:
-Bonus level: Alf's Escape
-Alternative costume: Scrub Abe

<span class="bold">Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty</span> makes a tremendous impression, rose-tinted glasses not required. You can pre-order it now, DRM-free on!
YES!!!Thanks for bringing the game here!Right next to the original oddysee and exodus and as others have said,it would be great to get munch hd somewhere down the road
IAmSinistar: As will I. Even with regional pricing and pre-orders. I want it that much. :)
OddworldAdmin: Er...
*lol* better get used to that kind of logic ;o)
IAmSinistar: As will I. Even with regional pricing and pre-orders. I want it that much. :)
OddworldAdmin: Er...
realkman666: *epic facepalm*
Ah, sorry, I guess the emoticon wasn't enough. It was intended as a hyperbolic joke. In reality I will be just as reserved in that situation as well, but that doesn't preclude me from wanting it here nonetheless.
IAmSinistar: As will I. Even with regional pricing and pre-orders. I want it that much. :)
OddworldAdmin: Er...
Yeah I think Sinistar was making a joke, while I was not. I would pre-order that for sure.
opticq: Yeah I think Sinistar was making a joke, while I was not. I would pre-order that for sure.
I was, but I will add that the temptation would be greater in the case of Munch, because there is no form of the game available here yet. However, I am assuming that the HD version is still the same game underneath, rather than a reimagining like New 'n' Tasty is. If it's the latter, then I would be more inclined to wait for reviews of that too.
I remember when I was younger I could never get into Abe's Odyssey, is it worth it to try now?
Regional priced...

Why you no want my moneys?!
realkman666: *epic facepalm*
IAmSinistar: Ah, sorry, I guess the emoticon wasn't enough. It was intended as a hyperbolic joke. In reality I will be just as reserved in that situation as well, but that doesn't preclude me from wanting it here nonetheless.
Oops, I didn't get it. Perhaps I would have understood with a different emoticon, not sure. It's sad that they feel the need to pull this kind of stuff.
realkman666: Oops, I didn't get it. Perhaps I would have understood with a different emoticon, not sure. It's sad that they feel the need to pull this kind of stuff.
Yah, a wink might've been clearer. And it is a shame that the return of this awesome gaming property has to be blemished by modern market "realities", which are really just a different set of arbitrariness.
I had been following this game since the announcement for it on PS4 at E3 2013 and was very glad when it was revealed to be coming out on PC as well. Then recently very happy to learn that it was releasing DRM Free on GOG so it was one of the games I was considering buying on release to support the devs and the original creator of the Oddworld series. But as some other folks have expressed the regional pricing and separately sold DLC has made me put off purchasing it for now.

That being said I really appreciate someone from the Oddworld Team taking the time out to listen to our feedback on this thread and respond to it, so thanks a lot for that. Thus I certainly understand the decision of selling the DLC as standalone since it is not part of the core game. It is just my personal preference to usually get everything related to the game in one package instead of having to buy a few packs of related content individually. So I would suggest that instead of having the DLC free with preorder maybe sell the game as a complete version but with a higher discount for preorder that covers the DLC price initially, just some food for thought for folks incharge of these decisions.

In short the devs and publishers have every right to sell the game however they wish but I think they should understand why some folks prefer not to support certain practices despite them being industry standard these days. I am certainly going to buy the game eventually but due to the above mentioned factors I will wait for a sale now that is equal to or below the margin of the special regional discounted price currently which is the choice that I have as a consumer. In the meantime I will just play the original game first which has been available on GOG for quite sometime now and they deserve credit for keeping Oddworld games alive for all these years so we definitely need Munch's Oddysee here as well. :)
Post edited February 18, 2015 by stg83
realkman666: Oops, I didn't get it. Perhaps I would have understood with a different emoticon, not sure. It's sad that they feel the need to pull this kind of stuff.
IAmSinistar: Yah, a wink might've been clearer. And it is a shame that the return of this awesome gaming property has to be blemished by modern market "realities", which are really just a different set of arbitrariness.
I looked and they're not even matched with a big publisher for this, they're just aping the market. :/
realkman666: I looked and they're not even matched with a big publisher for this, they're just aping the market. :/
Yes, that seems to be the trend. People going along "just because". We've had indie devs show up here and not even realise that regional pricing was an issue. They had already internalised it as "normal" without questioning why.
I'm still not convinced this is for me, especially after watching that comparison video. Fiddly controls is what would kill it for me over anything else.

Anyway, I still think the CPU reqs are quite high with minimum of a 3.3ghz i3. First I thought I shouldn't bother because I was of the impression my CPU was too slow to even meet that but it turns out my i7 2.4 laptop cpu is about the same in performance. Go figure. I swear looking at differing cpu speeds these days just gives me a headache.

Anyway, I'm still wary as Unity games in general can be unpredictable in the way they perform. Case in point: I tried the recent free weekend of Interstellar Marines and it boggled my mind how poorly that game performed. I've played better looking games with better textures, effects, and level sizes at higher settings (i.e. Tomb Raider '13, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Bioshock Infinite) with smooth gameplay while the former ultimately just ran like pants. Some other Unity games I've played have also been kind of hit and miss. Simpler games like Shadowrun and 2d games like Kingdom Rush and Braveland work quite well - though loading times can be a tad long - but on the other hand I ran into the messes like Dreamfall Chapters; I'm still hoping they'll work on even more optimization for the second episode.

I used to like the potential in Unity when it was primarily designed for small studios and small games, but as it has become more complex and unoptimized, not being helped by developers who are bad at optimizing performance to begin with, it just makes me want to avoid games using that engine more and more.
Post edited February 18, 2015 by mistermumbles
OddworldAdmin: They're both available to buy later if you want to.
O.K., that´s better than nothing; as I do clearly dislike preordering stuff that comes with exclusive content!
Anyways, I would have preferred not having such "seperative stuff" at all, in my eyes a simple discount AND NOTHING ON TOP OF IT is the only way to do a really good preorder!

But hey, it´s good enough for me to preorder (game got great reviews and so on and I even contacted you once to ask whether it´ll land here or not...) so this is just a suggestion to further enhance your companies politics!

realkman666: Why is that level optional? Now I have the feeling you cut out content so that people will have an incentive to buy the game before there are reviews about it possibly highlighting terrible problems.
OddworldAdmin: Because it was completed after the game (on PS4) was completed.

It's entirely optional, and is brand new.

As has been said before, by all means wait for reviews and buy afterwards if you're still happy, and once you've beaten the game if you want a tougher challenge, grab the DLC. If not, don't. :)
Aaah, this one makes it even more reasonable to cut it off (as it´s been not included in the PS4-Version as well...)
Anyways, I don´t believe you presented that stuff in best way OOTB!
Post edited February 18, 2015 by RadonGOG
OddworldAdmin: thank you for responding on the questions here. :)

Since my game backlog is long atm I'll pick it up in a sale. :)

Edit: nvm.... pre-ordered... just to support the awesome people behind this title! ;) Now let's hope they will bring more titles! ;)
Post edited February 18, 2015 by Experiment513